Comments 674

Re: 'People Ask for Story-Based Games, But Don't Necessarily Buy Them'


I do feel like there's something wrong when I can buy RPGs like The Witcher for £50 and they give me hundreds of hours of enjoyment and games that are far shorter and not necessarily as entertaining cost the same.
Titanfall 2 for instance had a great campaign but I never bothered with the multiplayer so the amount of time I played the game for was pretty short. In that case I feel like I should have paid less or only for the campaign somehow.
Something like The Witcher or Persona I'd have been okay paying extra for because I got so much out of them.

Re: After 5 Years, Team Ninja Is Moving on from Dead or Alive 5


I'm fine with this, Soul Calibur next year and hopefully DOA6 the year after. The full 3D movement in those two franchises has always made them my favourites out of all the fighting games I've played.
The DLC could have done with being a bit cheaper imo (for individual costumes, the season passes were a joke) but I liked that they kept supporting it and adding new characters/outfits.

Re: Need for Speed: Payback Alters Progression Amid Criticism


I have heard from a number of people that Fifa is broken but I think they still continue to play it.
I'm glad to hear they're altering the progression system for NFS, I'll wait for that to continue playing. Really it's the only thing holding back a fun game, hopefully it's not such a grind afterwards.

Re: Guide: The Best PS4 Fighting Games


I always did like the 3D fighting games more. Hoping for a new Soul Calibur entry next. Plus DOA5 is finally stopping all the DLC so we might get a new one of those in the not so distant future. The Dragon Ball game does look amazing too.

Re: Poll: Do You Want Another Portable PlayStation?


I love the portability and playing local multiplayer with my Switch and it's two built-in controllers but at the same time I'd probably trade it in for a PS4 Pro/Scorpio level Nintendo home console so Zelda etc could have looked mind-blowingly good.

Re: October PlayStation Plus Games Announced


I really want there to be a cheaper, without-the-free-games PS+ option.
Like it's either cheap games I don't care about or great games that I already bought. There really is no way to win, I'd rather feel like I was't paying extra for them when all I want is to play online.

Re: Kingly Collector's Editions Announced for Ni no Kuni II


Oh awesome. I was waiting to see what the limited editions for Ni no Kuni II were... I loved the Wizard's edition of the first game with the book.
Bit weird how we got a plushie last time but not this year in the EU : /
Vinyl isn't of much interest to me, I'll buy the CD version of the soundtrack separately I guess.
Which leaves do I want to spend an extra £110 vs the standard edition (at for a very nice diorama and an art book. Oh and the season pass. Why does this game have a season pass? : / I'll have to do some research...

Oh and GAME have the Prince's edition exclusively in the UK >__<

Re: Soapbox: PlayStation Plus Price Hike - Is It Justified?


I really think they should have two options, one cheaper just to play online and one more expensive with all the extra stuff that might be hiking the price up (Since we've finally started getting decent free games).
The only thing I'd pay for is to play online, everything else is just an extra that I could do without. Can't remember the last PS+ game I even bothered to play, I have enough games to try and keep up with as it is.

Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Most Anticipated Games for the Second Half of the Year?


Destiny 2 and Ni no Kuni 2.

There are loads of others I want and am really looking forward to but those two are my priority and I'll be spending a ton of time with them this year.

So many other notable games for me:
First Assassin's Creed game I like the look of since Black Flag! Need for Speed looks really fun.
CoD is going back to what people like.
Battlefront has a campaign and free DLC.
More Uncharted is always good
Ys VIII I love the combat, hopefully the story and characters are good.
First new 3D sandbox Mario game since Sunshine! and can't remember how long it's been since the last 2D Metroid game I played.

Re: Poll: What Kind of PlayStation Press Conferences Do You Want?


I don't like the Nintendo Direct method at all. Lacks the audience reactions and emotion.
Too much talking obviously isn't ideal but Sony's this year felt lacking without some. I quite like how Ubisoft do theirs.
I also had no idea Sony had shown stuff off before the conference, that bugged me. I tuned in for the time they said... Make the Conference longer if you've got too many games to show off.
Similarly, Nintendo should have announced the 3DS metroid during their main show, not the treehouse thing. Go into detail after the show but at least give us all the announcements together so those of us watching get all the news...
And there's got to be more than just a logo to show off, even if it's a logo plus someone talking about what they're planning for the game. Sorry to keep bringing up Nintendo but their E3 bugged me the most. We don't even know who's making Metroid Prime 4. Team Ninja again after Other M?

Re: Why Didn't Sony Show Any Indie Games at E3 2017?


I have only heard people complain about indies. Especially in relation to PS+ and how they're all we get.
Now they complain about Sony not showing off more?
I can absolutely see the majority of viewers switching off when the indie trailer reel comes along.

Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite PS4 Game at E3 2017?


Anthem - Best new IP/unexpected surprise, the flying and the world look amazing and I can always use more fun co-op games.

Ni no Kuni 2 - Looking forward to this so much, the first game is a big reason why I went Sony instead of Microsoft this gen.

Shadow of the Colossus - This looks so amazing, the game is fantastic and deserves another remake, for a second I was wondering if it was a sequel but it'll be incredible seeing all the colossi in high fidelity

Re: Sony: We Didn't Date Our PS4 Games on Purpose


It makes sense, just give us an expected window for release until closer to the time and update that if it gets pushed back. It seems a odd not having a specific date for Detroit yet if it's mean my to be 2017 though, I'd like to know if it's been delayed :/
Days gone as well, I'm sure I saw that's Aiming for this year?

Re: Soapbox: Publishers Can't Bloody Win When It Comes to E3


I was happy with Sony's conference. No complaints here.

The Pokemon and Metroid 'reveal' was the weirdest E3 moment I've had yet though. I should have been so happy at the news, and I am, but it was given in such an... offhand way.
Sony's FFVII, Shenmue, Last Guardian Conference was fantastic, Beyond Good and Evil 2, really well done. Give us some gameplay and keep us guessing at what we're being shown...
These two games being revealed should have been among those sort of moments with the whole audience applauding but instead we were just told they were in development and given a logo... No cheering or explaination/detail, just onto the next video. And the next. : /

Re: Reaction: What Sony's E3 2017 Press Conference Got Wrong


I felt like the beginning was really strong and Spider-man ended it with something amazing. I'm glad they're putting a bit more effort into VR though I wasn't too wowed by those games.
And well, I wasn't that keen on Days Gone when they first showed it (didn't think it could possibly live up to TLoU) but the 2017 E3 gameplay sold me on it. God of War as well, this trailer was better than the last one and I know I want it now.
Detroit I already knew I wanted day one, same for Uncharted.
Spiderman is making Xbox users jealous, it's that good.
Shadow of the Colossus was such a surprise and looks phenomenal, one of the best PlayStation games ever.
I know someone that is so hyped for Monster Hunter, that was a great surprise after the series had been stuck on Nintendo for ages.
I was looking forward to seeing the CoD Multiplayer trailer and more Destiny 2.

There are so many games I want to buy now it's unreal.

Some things were missing that people expected, like From Software and Sucker Punch (and for me personally I'm waiting for a new Soul Calibur, or DOA to be announced and a Dragon Quest XI release date) but I think it was a pretty solid showing.

Nintendo on the other hand just now, they dropped two bombshells in Pokemon and Metroid for the Switch and didn't even have any images or trailers or anything! No audience reactions or clapping since it wasn't a real press conference. Felt like it should have had way more impact. : /

Re: Reaction: Xbox Is Still Two Steps Behind PlayStation


I try to remain objective. The console should be good, much like the Ps4pro I like having games look/run better. £450 is going to be pretty steep for most people when it like the pro is just a mid-gen option that runs the same games.
I'm really glad Xbox didn't reveal any exclusives I personally am jealous of, unlike Titanfall and Sunset Overdrive back when the Xb1 launched. Anthem looks fantastic.
Did they say anything about timed exclusive content for anything? I was telling my friend if they stole Destiny away from sony we'd be so mad : p