Comments 674

Re: Ni no Kuni II's Season Pass DLC Is Nowhere to Be Seen Four Months After Release


I suppose they should at least give some sort of rough estimate but at least we can't complain about it being cut content. More likely they started working on it after they were done with the base game and want to announce something when it's more concrete.
The season pass was included with my collector's edition but I'm in no rush for the DLC, I'm sure it'll come out eventually and the game was complete (unlike FFXV).
I wouldn't have bought the season pass separately until there were details though, that's kinda silly/unnecessary.

Re: Talim Is the Latest Character Announced for SoulCalibur VI


Part of the furniture? She wasn't in the last game...
She was teased on Twitter what feels like ages ago so glad she's finally been revealed.
Can't wait for this game to come out, kind of a shame it's during such a busy period, I'll probably skip Battlefield for this and a week later we have Red Dead 2.

Re: Soapbox: Sony's E3 2018 Press Conference Will Not Bring More Than the Big Four


There's no chance we'll only see those 4 games and nothing else.
Destiny 2's Forsaken expansion's story mode is getting a reveal, Black Ops 4 will show something off, maybe Battle Royale.
There's some PS timed exclusive deal with Red Dead 2 so wouldn't surprise me if they show off that investment.
Plus there's always at least one surprise announcement at the end. Even if it's just Paragon : p Spyro hasn't been properly revealed yet either has it?

I'm actually debating if I'll tune out for TLoU 2, I really don't want to see any more of it before I have a copy in my hands. The other three games I'm looking forward to learning more about and deciding if they're a day 1 purchase or not.

Re: Talking Point: Do We Really Need E3?


It's bad enough with leaks but now even the Developers themselves are ruining the surprise... And it's just annoying being teased about something like Fallout 76 then dealing with possible rumours. Assassin's Creed as well, I'd much rather have been surprised whilst watching the E3 conference.

Re: Sony Commits Support to PS4 Through 2021


I feel like the PS5 will be compatible with all PS4 games like the PS4Pro was, they're not going to change architecture significantly are they? Even if there's a new medium of Blu Ray disc it should be compatible with the normal type. We might finally get native 4K and 60fps as the standard so I'm looking forward to it.

Re: New Licensed Pro PS4 Controller Announced - Why Doesn't Sony Just Make One?


"The asymmetrical design of the analog sticks is based on ergonomics and the typical use case. The left stick is at the neutral position for your left thumb, while the buttons on the right are at the neutral position for your right thumb. The vast majority of the time, you will be using the left stick and right buttons, so it makes sense that they are positioned for the most comfortable thumb position.

If you were to make the sticks symmetrical, you would have one of your thumbs out of a neutral position for the majority of the time, which is likely to increase fatigue and possibly cause cramping."

I'm used to the Dualshock placement but there is logic behind having the left thumbstick where the d-pad is.
I wish Sony would make their own, more robust pro controller, I'm sick of my standard dualshocks wearing out.

Re: Days Gone Won't Have An Easy Mode or Any Other Difficulty Options


Surprising choice.
With only one difficulty setting it could be too easy for people that want a challenge or too hard for people that
just aren't that amazing at playing games but still want to enjoy them.
They'll either have to choose a middle-ground that won't suit everyone or be like Bloodborne and well, I suppose that did well but people were expecting a tough game. Days Gone's reputation will need to be clear so that people don't find it's too hard and just return it/complain.

I can see their point of it suiting the setting and being a better experience, it's just surprising as it's a 1st party studio reducing their audience.

Re: Talking Point: Can Sony Actually Surprise at E3 2018?


Hmm, the next Japan Studio game would be cool to see. I liked when they were doing smaller games like Puppeteer and Rain near the end of the PS3's life.
Dragon Quest XI finally getting a release date would be nice : p (It's an exclusive if you don't count the 3DS version too).

Re: Poll: What Are Your Thoughts on EA These Days?


I like Battlefield and Need for speed (though the last couple were pretty meh). Dice is a decent studio but I feel like they aren't able to do what they want/take the time they need/oppose putting microtransactions etc in/not releasing games with less content as they were rushed.

Re: Ubisoft Focusing on Adding More DLC to Assassin's Creed Origins


I spent about 30 hours doing every side-quest and exploring each area etc. Then since there were other games I wanted to play I realized 'd never go back and finish AC so just blitzed through the main story missions.
The game was so big I didn't even go into a lot of the map. I don't know why it even needs DLC. Same could be said of The Witcher though and look how they turned out...