Comments 59

Re: PSVR2 App for PC Now Live on Steam


Okay, so my 4070 equipped laptop has USB Type-C ports with Thunderbolt 4 which supports up to DisplayPort 2.0. Will this adapter work with it? It says USB Direct Connection Only, but it also says must have DisplayPort or Mini DisplayPort output port.

Are most laptop users out of luck?

Re: Sony Is Allegedly Pulling PSVR2 Funding, Report Claims


@riceNpea PC doesn't support all the things like headset haptics and foveated rendering with eye-tracking because all the other headsets don't support them, but it still means you don't have to buy an additional headset just for PC. Also, it's the most comfortable headset, much better balanced and comfortable than the quest headsets for example.

Re: Reaction: The Problem with PlayStation Right Now


@get2sammyb I think not being able to drop the price of the console will also result in a less successful intro for the Pro if it comes this year. I'd imagine it would have to be a $200 price difference to differentiate it from the regular PS5, and I think a price that high is going to result in pretty small sales. I could afford it, but I don't really see a reason for it. All the games look pretty fantastic already.

Re: Sony Testing PSVR2 Compatibility on PC, Aiming for This Year


As long at it's a direct to PC driver and not some streaming solution through the PS5, this will be awesome. Especially if the drivers make it easy for developers to add support for the eye-tracking/dynamic foveated rendering. If you already have a PSVR2 this is great news. If you have a PS5 and were on the fence, this is great news.

I wonder if the headset is compatible with DisplayPort over USB-C. The USB-C port on the PS5 is only 10Gb/s rated, is the PSVR2 itself capable of more?

Re: Sony Testing PSVR2 Compatibility on PC, Aiming for This Year


@Voltan All the people who own a PS5 but don't have a VR headset yet isn't really niche. You also won't need as much of a beast of a PC for games to look good since PSVR2 has eye-tracking and dynamic foveated rendering. Not to mention the OLED screens of the PSVR2 look so much better than the grey Quest 3 screens that emphasize the narrow FOV.

Re: Mini Review: Beat Saber (PSVR2) - A Serviceable Port of One of VR's Best Games


@misak192 I hadn't played it since PSVR2 came out, since I gave away my PSVR1. I started on a normal song. Hit every note, moved up to hard, and missed two or three notes and they were ones I thought I hit. For me, it's the angle the saber comes out of the controller as. On PSVR1 it was perfect. The Move controllers are shaped just like a lightsaber handle, and the blade came straight up out of it. On the sense controllers, it seems to come out at a forward angle. Makes me miss hits where you pivot your wrist. Looking forward to the upgrade. It looks fantastic.

Re: PSVR2 Review: Is It Worth It?


@FuriousMachine Oh, watching 4k movies on a 4k TV will definitely look better. I was more talking about that it will still look good for some games that take advantage of HDR and 120Hz.

Re: PSVR2 Review: Is It Worth It?


I'll be getting it next week. Really looking forward to GT7 and Village. I did get Horizon, so I'll play that as well, probably first to get it out of the way before I jump into the deeper games. Racing in VR is incredible, so I'm really excited about GT7. I'll be hitting Pistol Whip and NMS as well, since they have free upgrades.

Re: PSVR2 Review: Is It Worth It?


@FuriousMachine The displays themselves are about 4k per eye, in a circle. If you fit the biggest rectangle in that circle you can, it will be about 1080p resolution. A square screen simply can't use the full resolution. It's not something that can be patched, same with any headset. Still 1080p per eye, with HDR and 120Hz is still going to look pretty good. I hope they add support for 3d blu-rays.

Re: Site News: Our Plan for PSVR2 Reviews Through Launch and Beyond


@TeapotBuddha The key to getting your VR legs though is to not power through. If you start feeling nauseous at all, take a break. Come back to it later or the next day, and then go again till it bothers you. It's a whole new experience for your brain to realistically be seeing motion, visually really thinking you're moving, but not feeling motion. You just have to give your brain time to realize that's alright. If you power through and get all nauseous, then your brain starts to associate VR with being nauseous. If you do that, then you'll probably be good within a week, and some games where you're not using the analog sticks to move about, or driving or flying, you likely won't get any motion sickness at all. Things like Synth Riders, Beat Saber and the like. Do those as a break from something like Village or GT7.

Re: Days Gone Director Blames Woke Reviewers, Programmers for Critical Reception


@OrtadragoonX They left it open-ended, you still have two main characters and you'd have the new story hook of the guy in the chopper being an evolving zombie. They easily left it open enough they could do a sequel, I'm just not sure how they'd add something to the game play to not just have it be more of the same. All these open-world games start to get boring as you basically keep doing the same missions with different skins. Ghost of Tsushima got universal praise, and it was good at first, but it bogs down too. At some point I realized it's basically Day's Gone with a horse instead of a motorcycle, and Mongols instead of zombies. It doesn't even have horde mode. You do get to pet the foxes though, so there's that.
Anyway, I think there's a bit of open-world fatigue going on. At least for me. So maybe a sequel isn't the best idea. Unless they do it in VR. That would be killer on PSVR2. Beautiful scenery, riding the motorcycle and zombies running at you. Hell yeah.

Re: Days Gone Director Blames Woke Reviewers, Programmers for Critical Reception


It's disappointing to read this. I loved the game, one of my favorites. I did only play the PS5 version as part of PS+ collection, so it was 4k/60 for me with most of the bugs fixed. I think once or twice my motorcycle was invisible for a bit.

As soon as someone is dumb enough to use the term "woke" in their criticism though it just points them out as ignorant. I'm pretty liberal, and I wasn't bothered at all by the touching, realistic parts of a relationship. Maybe some reviewer was, but I thought the relationship parts of the story were some of the sweetest parts.
I did love just driving around and looking at the scenery, then taking a break to beat the ***** out of some zombies. Hordes were awesome. Totally wrecked me the first time. I really underestimated how powerful they'd be This is one of the very few games I platinum'd.
Anyway, love the game 9/10 for me. Can't say the same about Garvin.

Problem is, if you release a buggy game, that's what the reviewers review. They don't go back and rereview the game the next month after you patch it and fix the bugs. That's why companies need to stop releasing broken games.

Re: Questions Over Free PSVR2 Upgrades Raised by Moss, Moss: Book II


@huyi They didn't lock out BC, they just didn't do the impossible task of creating full BC. It's a complete switch in tracking AND controls. Each game needs individual tweaks and adjustments and play testing to get it right. It's not like Sony can just go into all these games and fix them, even if they had all the source code, which I doubt they do. Have you ever tried to work on other people's code?

Re: Questions Over Free PSVR2 Upgrades Raised by Moss, Moss: Book II


I thought it was fun, but I never finished it. It was hard to get the controller to track when having to reach for things on the floor. I do expect it was a lot of work to port it over. Especially for a small studio. Sad that everyone wants everything for free and think developers don't deserve to get paid for their work. Not really my style of game, so not sure if I'll rebuy, depends on if the kid wants it. At least the controls should be less frustrating this go round.

Re: PSVR2 Is Playable at GDC and Is Already Blowing Minds


@ThaBEN For most games, I'm not actually concerned about BC. So many of these gen 1 games were just testing the waters, trying to figure out what works. There's only a few gems that I'd bother replaying with the better graphics. I'm more so looking forward to what comes next with better graphics, better controls (looking at you analog sticks) and more developer experience with VR.

Of course I expect to see a PSVR2 version of the most popular games, like Beat Saber, SuperHot, etc. I wonder if they'll do an upgrade or if you'll have to rebuy? Considering Beat Saber, for example, has never been on sale, I think they should do a free, or minimally priced upgrade, because it's not like people are just buying the cheap old version and expecting a free upgrade. Everyone has paid full price for it, but now that they're owned by Meta, who knows. I would like to see a Squadrons PSVR2 upgrade. It's a great game, and could benefit from the better resolution and tracking. I will be so happy to leave headset drift behind.

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