Comments 888

Re: PS Plus Premium Will Add PS1's Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Next


@thefourfoldroot1 I'm a big fan of single player story based games too but my experience of trophies in these games is more of an annoyance that are there for padding more than anything. Games like the Last of Us or the Uncharteds just seem to make you scour every corner looking for a collectible which would kind of pull me out of the story a little. Plus a lot of these games include some random online or multiplayer element to achieve some trophies which would put me completely off but I guess I understand the idea of wanting to complete everything the devs have created as a challenge..

Re: PS Plus Premium Will Add PS1's Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Next


@thefourfoldroot1 fair enough, not a criticism just genuinely intrigued by the mindset. I play on several systems and enjoy emulation so maybe that's why I don't get the whole trophy thing (especially people that are so obsessed they'll play any crap just to get another platinum). Each to their own 👍

Re: PS Plus Premium Will Add PS1's Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Next


@thefourfoldroot1 I'm not trying to pretend anything, I was genuinely interested that someone wouldn't play a game that they like the look of simply because it doesn't have trophies and especially as you put it that you consider them 'half games'. Seems like a strange requirement to enjoy games, maybe ocd?

Re: Talking Point: As PS5 Turns 3, How Are You Feeling About It?


It's good console and my favourite of the 3 but not a great generation so far imo. It's always going to be incremental steps in generations but for me the pro upgrades actually kinda ruined the jump from 4-5 and likely will again from 5-6 (but I still buy them). Gaming feels a lot more sterile these days and the push to live service will only make this worse but still, yeah, it's been OK so far

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 502


All this gta 6 talk made me remenince a little so I started a new story mode of gta5. I played it though on ps3 and again on ps4 so this I'd my 3rd but not for about 5 years and I'm loving it all over again. Vice city will always be my favourite but 5 is a great game. Never once touched the online game which I'm sure is great but not for me. Many have said it already but the humour is hugely important for gta and the worry is that'll it'll be watered down for modern audiences but until I know otherwise I can't wait for the trailer next month 👍

Re: Maligned Modern Warfare 3 Developed in Just 18 Months, Staff Required to Work Nights and Weekends


@Ravix that's not true though, many professions are not strictly 9-5 no matter what your contracted hours are. In my job I travel most days and it makes no difference if I'm home for 5pm or 9pm, you work until the jobs finished I may then spend another hour or so catching up on admin. In gaming if the publisher has set a release date there will be marketing / productions costs associated with this date and over running on the deadline could have huge cost implications so off course there may be a need to work additional hours. I get that I'm probably older than many on this site (47) and that work ethic seems to be dying out, especially since covid with so many younger people demanding at least hybrid home working, but really as CallmeduraSouka mentioned when it comes to gaming the outrage is ridiculous