Comments 888

Re: Poll: Which PS Plus Tier Are You Subscribed To?


Premium until the end of 24 but only because I picked up a 3 month Now card off ebay after reading here about the 'hack'. It's OK imo, really just now and plus combined which a couple of ps5 games included so hardly earthshattering

Re: Poll: Do You Care About PlayStation TV Shows?


I'm hopeful and yet nervous about the last of us. Will it be based solely on the events of the masterpiece first game or will they squeeze in aspects from the pitifully poor story from the 2nd??? The casting doesn't ease those fears....

Re: Poll: Do PS Plus Premium's Classic Games Need Trophies for You to Play Them?


@DefiledViper I don't think I am. The question was would you still want to play the classic games without trophies and I assume that by your response you are someone that said no. My point of view is that trophies are meaningless and I don't need validation to play a game I enjoy. Getting a platinum trophy doesn't mean that you've seen all a game has to offer, for example I recently got the platinum trophy for hfw and still had a hell of a lot of game to play. If they mean something to you then great but the question remains what did you do before they existed? Did you not bother with games as there was no way to show your mates a 'trophy collection' or did you play games like a normal person for entertainment?

Re: Video: Is It Time to Leave Last-Gen Behind?


@Flaming_Kaiser which is fair enough. I can only speak for the UK but they are regularly in stock here, just this morning argos emailed me and there was some available not far from me. Excuse my ignorance but can you not just buy from amazon in the Netherlands?