Comments 839

Re: Marvel Rivals' First-Month Revenue Shows Sony Should Continue to Pursue Live Service on PS5, PC


The reality is, this is Marvel based. Has a huggggee following already, comparing this with something Sony might release is rather pointless. They'll make a live service game around something that most people wouldn't have a clue about/ it could be a new IP. Marvel has a following of people who aren't gamers, so those fans might shift to the game to just play as all their favourites.

So no, this doesn't mean Sony should continue, maybe they should look at how many have actually been successful.

Re: UK Retailers Are All Discounting the PS5 Pro Already


@rjejr John Lewis are actually very well known for their 7 year electronic guarantees, huge electrical section. EE not so much, but have become very well known due to their add on stance. Buy a phone and add a PS5 for £20pm extra.

So while it's a point, I'd probably not use it with these two. Maybe Very or Argos..

Re: 25 Years Ago, Square Released the Best Final Fantasy Game


always a controversial topic.. I think most people will decide based on the game they played first and what generated the most memories for them. I loved the batch of games they released in the 90's, FF7 being my first and will also be my favourite due to those memories, but FF8 is defiantly up there for me, it's completely underrated and probably ahead of it's time back then - most got lost with the story, but if that was released now, it might prove to be more popular. the biggest selling point of FF8 is the music though, such a great score.

Re: Sony Flop Concord Axed Two Weeks After PS5, PC Release


Honestly, the only people suffering here are the developers, they all probably knew if would be a difficult sell to the public (considering previous games) it's a very hit or miss style of game in which very few actually become huge hits. Those Devs will most likely be out of a job now due to the big wigs probably forcing them to make it. Just another Rocksteady situation.

When will these VP's learn that no one wants more of these games.

A remake of something would have had more success, and that says alot

Re: Things Are Getting Worse for Floundering PS5, PC FPS Concord


Too many hero shooters going on. They would have 100% had a better chance if they decided to use this game, but add a small campaign along with it - i.e Titanfall 2, the first was just MP, but they expanded it and it had more substance. Surely by now, these companies have realised that the majority do not want Gaas...

Re: These Are All the Games from the Xbox Showcase Confirmed for PS5


I couldn't care less for console superiority and all that rubbish, I still doubt Xbox would be in a better place than playstation just because of these exclusives.. but.. this showcase was miles better than what we have for the playstation, and at least they have some idea of whats coming up over the next few years. Unfortunately (apart from a few games) I have no idea where we are heading currently.. Sony should have done a little better for it's fans for sure, but I suppose with dominance they don't feel the need to.

Re: Rumour: LEGO Horizon Adventures Is a PS5, PC Game from Day One, Reveal at Summer Game Fest Tomorrow


I do get why it would work with Lego, the whole "remove objects part" but usually this works well with franchises that the game is based on (movie e.c.t) we already have a better more realistic Horizon, so I'm not sure who their target audience is for this one.. if it was made available across the board, switch, xbox e.c.t with cross play, it could work really well and gather a new audience, but closing it to just PS5 and PC just doesnt make sense to me.

Re: Most PS5 Players Say 60fps Is a Must


I'm going to be hugely in the minority, but I always play on 30fps, I've dabbled with various FPS settings over the years and I can never tell the difference (my eyes are awful though) but. I can when it comes to sharpness, so like with my Sky, I've always gone with the 4K option where possible. But I do agree that there should be multiple options for everyone, most people want the 60.

Re: Best Final Fantasy Games


@Darude84 personally I prefer rebirth, but I love the 2nd main act of the original. That's where most of my memory lies within 7. It's like anything I suppose, nothing can capture the original essance of a game. It would be the same if X got remade. They try toi hard to make something better, when in reality it was already incredible. And that there's a reason we fell in love with that particular game at that time. Weirdly 7 isn't my favourite but I have the fondest memories of it.

Re: Best Final Fantasy Games


Rebirth is great, I really enjoyed it for sure. But.. I think if FF7 didn't exist and this was a totally new game, it wouldn't hit quite like it does. Most of us interested in this game grew up playing the original.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?


A good 8 for me! While I think the overall story is great, I agree there is a little too much padding. So much stuff that is completely irrelevant. I cannot bring myself to go around collecting every little thing. But the story I love, which is why I was there. I just wish.. 1. They wouldnt lock summons behind chadley. Hide them in unique places (making us work to find them) just like the original. And 2.while I love Vincent and Cid, maybe it would have been better to delay their involvement. Seemed a bit strange them hovering in the background. Could have introduced them but not have them accompanying the story.