Comments 918

Re: Microsoft 'Meeting Players Where They Are' as Xbox Games Among PS Store's Bestsellers


@Toot1st not quite the same, the games that were the reason to buy studios like Returnal for Housemarque, Spiderman for Insomniac and the remakes for Blue Point were games Sony paid for and in the case of the remakes and Spiderman games that wouldn't exist without sony. There is a big difference between that and buying Bethesda because they have the most famous western rpg or Activision for Call of Duty.

Bungie is the only company they have bought that already got important ips before the acquisition and if Destiny 2 final dlc results to be a big hit NO ONE is going to credit Sony for that lol.

Re: Video: Does Fallout 4 Look Better on PS5?


@OldGamer999 Mario Odyssey is fun but it was and still is one of the most mid 3d Mario games out there. And the fact that Nintendo took Mario with sombrero out of the cover because of offended white people when no one in Mexico was offended by it and actually most fans liked the idea made it even worst LOL.

Re: Transmog System 'Doesn't Make Sense' in Helldivers 2, Says CEO


A game for everyone is a game for no one, right?

They had a vision and they are going to defend and follow that vision. They aren't going to give in just because some people want what they got in other games (people who btw also think being toxic against the devs is ok because they were always toxic in their previous communities. Something you didn't see in the Helldivers 1 small community).

The funniest part about the weird analogy is that it's actually quite good if you see it from another angle. Just think about all the vegan recipes that try to make food look and taste like meat. If you are vegan there shouldn't be any purpose for that.

Re: Feature: Push Square Readers' Top 10 PS5 Games of 2024 So Far


I didn't know Helldivers 2 was going to be the success it is today but I knew it was going to be as fun as it is. All my trust was with ArrowHead and they delivered big time.

Cool for number 1. If I could change anything I would put Unicorn Overlord on 3rd and send Persona 3 home. I'm sure SEGA deal to treat every Atlus game as an xbox exclusive is so good they are asking you $100 to get the full experience lol.

Re: PS Store Sales Charts: Helldivers 2 Dominates Once Again, Dragon's Dogma 2 in Third


@jedinite nope.

"©2024 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. Developed by Arrowhead Game Studios AB. Helldivers is a registered trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC and related companies in the U.S. and other countries."

Helldivers has been a Sony ip since before 2015. That's why ArrowHead CEO dream is for Helldivers to be part of PlayStation all time franchises.

Re: PS Store Sales Charts: Helldivers 2 Dominates Once Again, Dragon's Dogma 2 in Third


@nomither6 and thanks to Bungie and Destiny 2 they also have experience with services full of terrible decisions, people seem exited about the last major DLC but who knows how well it'll do, they already lost a lot of money. As a result they freed ND, Insomniac and others cancelling half the planned services and half of the survivor were delayed. So one could say there is balance now lol.

Re: Sea of Thieves Reportedly a 'Key Test' for More Xbox Games on PS5


Is this game THAT good? I don't know maybe is because the only pirates I care about are space pirates but this game looks more like a streamer game than something that I could be crazy about. I know the pre orders were high and hopefully people enjoy what they are paying for (paying for your games is what cool kids do lol) but if I were MS I wouldn't decide if my games can sell on PS with something so niche.

Re: 'Smaller' PS5 Exclusives Still Reportedly Coming Later This Year


I had a déjà vu or these news were already out a couple days after saying there were no big games until march of the next year? Maybe the guy said it back then and now said it again in a different podcast.

I mean if they were to the extent of saying "No MAJOR tittles" one could think that they have something small in hands for this year. Even Concord is still in plans for this year, they just didn't count it as major (actually the right decision, we don't want another days gone situation, not everything is gold lol).

Re: Development of Santa Monica Studios' Next PS5 Game Appears to Be Going Swimmingly


@billyboyblue666 he started talking about his new game in late 2019, just before the Mandalorian season 1. He made a tweet about GOW new director and how he trusted in him, changed his twitter header to an image with stars and when Mandalorian was in transmission he started talking about games in space, that's why the stronger rumors to this day are still about a new space game. Then covid happened and like all the other games it sure has a delay for the lockdown.

Re: Pokémon Meets Waifus! Azur Promilia Will Be a Big Deal on PS5


"Are we still wondering why western devs are downsizing and closing at record pace?"


The west is using too much money on games and they aren't selling enough to keep the phase. The chinese games you talk about cost peanuts (in comparison). The topic of the games has nothing to do with the current situation of the industry. People love to use Elden Ring as an example of the best to make less a lot of games so using Fromsoftware as an example by your logic they shouldn't exist anymore but they do because they don't waste millions in graphics, they do just enough. Smaller japanese studios have said it before, the industry (the consumers) are expecting games that are just too expensive to make. The funny thing is that a lot of people who talk about the industry and what is bad with it will see Ronin in a couple of days and one of the main things they will criticize is how the game looks "dated" LOL. They want a better industry but also want small studios to use all the money possible so the game looks "great" even when that move can kill the studio.

Re: Bungie Shuffles Marathon Leadership as Fears of Further Layoffs Loom


Current Bungie doesn't have salvation at this point. The people in charge need to go. This "fear" and "stress" at the Bungie workplace that so many reports have talked about since last year is completely their fault.

"Sony wasted money buying Bungie" yeah that happened two years ago so it's old news, now it's time for solutions. What Sony should do is:
1.- Take complete control over Bungie. Sounds like Destiny 2 last dlc has to be a huge hit to save the current Bungie independence so there is a big chance it won't happen. PS is a lot of things but they still make pretty good games and Bungie needs that, direction.
2.- Kick the CEO and other administrative high ranks. I know internet is very sensitive to the concept of firing people but we are talking about the people who made a mess of Destiny 2, the people who decided to fire their own devs in 2023 (probably to get back their % of Bungie shares assigned by the Sony acquisition)and the people who played martyr so the community would blame Sony even when they didn't make the decision.
3.- Retain all the devs you can. Will be difficult because a lot of devs may not want to know anything about Bungie anymore once the current regime is over but Bungie isn't London Studios, you can't just close it.

Personally I don't think Bungie was that much of a waste. The only way Sony was going to stop the service dream was with a failure of their own. When you are minority owner of the biggest service in existence (Fortnite) and your biggest chinese partner makes service hit over service hit (Hoyo) the failures of SEGA, Warner, etc means nothing, you need to shoot your shot BUT when your own failure makes you lose money that's when perspectives change. Knowing how much money Sony is putting in games and how they canceled at least 6 services + the costs post release like future content, servers, etc and the possibility of a second wave of services already in development by that point the Bungie implosion probably saved Sony just in time.

Now about Marathon shifting to hero stuff is a big downgrade for me so I'm pretty much out unless it shows that can be special, maybe the ex Valorant dev can do it, I hope so.

Re: Over Eight Million Helldivers 2 Players Recruited Since Last Month


@zhoont Too soon to think about their next game. HD 1 was very small and got 4 years of content. HD 2 took 8 years of development and it is the CEO's dreams game so one would think ArrowHead will put all their focus on this game for the next half a decade. They are already recruiting devs with real life guns experience to make new weapons for HD.

Re: Cancelled Live Service Spider-Man PS5 Game Allegedly Surfaces


This is one I'm glad is cancelled. It's a live service so the chances of Gwen or Miguen having actual personalities was very low. Also as much as I love Insomniac Spiderman and even knowing I play the game once a year (this year including Spiderman 2) I don't see how this would be profitable, how people would play this game for more than 3 months, would be just a waste of talent.

If Gwen, Miguel or other Spiders make their debut in Insomniac games I want it to be as big as possible.

Re: Sony Partner Deviation Games Shuttered Before Shipping Its First PS5 Project


@nessisonett correction this is a studio which has shut down because they lost a key member just within months after signing a big partnership* or you didn't know in the game industry the devs are part of contracts and losing those devs are the equivalent of a contract breach? They lost funding and didn't find a new partnership, that's how business works.
1 + pink = Christopher Nolan LOL