Comments 947

Re: Talking Point: Should Sony Be More Transparent About PS5, PS4's Most Played Games?


The only reason why I would like to see numbers is because I like numbers lol I don't really care who is playing what, I would never play something just because a lot of people are.

Helldivers is the perfect example. I was ready to play before the game was out, I'm glad Arrowhead is getting the recognition they deserve but now that A LOT of people are only buying the game to make bait on youtube and tiktok about the problems the game has I can't wait for the numbers to go down because I know I'm going to keep playing the game for the years to come just like the first one, 500k players per day or not.

I'm more interested in sales than in players numbers and sales are info even more delicate to show so it is what it is.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Devs Call Out State of the Industry From DICE Awards Stage


@djlard thinking that devs don't care about quality just because they are owned by big companies is an insult against people who are actually outstanding in what they do, not "anyone" can work on those places.

You are talking about the entertainment industry, don't forget that. The reason why videogames exist is because they make money but at the end of the day all of them, included the games people use to express problems or life experiences are still that, entertainment. They don't need to be "art" to be great.

Re: Helldivers 2 Beats Destiny 2's All-Time Steam Peak, Gaining on Palworld


I don't think it will reach the Palworld ground (I would be happy if they do tho) BUT if we think about other legendary franchises with online it already surpassed Halo Infinite peak. Halo may not be what it was but every time there is a new one (even more now that Infinite multi was free) thousands of people go back to the franchise looking for the same feeling it had in the 360 era.
The fact that more people are giving this so called "generic coop game" a chance it's outstanding.

Re: Xbox Is Bringing Four Exclusives to PS5, But It Won't Say Which


Spencer is still trying to play with the xbox users lol. The worst part is I'm sure people still believe in him.

I wasn't expecting anything because if I wanted to play xbox games I would play them on pc but this sure isn't much lol, I'm only interested in Grounded and I hope this erases the argument of sony nor trying anymore because they won.

Re: Rise of the Ronin's Korean Release Cancelled Following Commentary Controversy


@Th3solution The game itself didn't touch any subject as far as we know that's why the korean government didn't do something to stop the release. It was the developer who made de comparison.

Now, this was actually good PR for Sony. Other reports have claimed korean users have praised the move from Sony to put the game out completely from Korea.
Sony investing so much money in Korea right now was probably the reason they acted so quick. So it looks like it won't have any consequences for Sony.

The problem is actually for KT LOL, Sony is one of the biggest income sources they have and this could actually ruin that relationship so hopefully they apologize or something.

Re: Helldivers 2 (PS5) - The Best Co-Op Shooter on PS5


@DiddyWahDiddy for good games it doesn't matter if they are services or not*

Many people who complain about services don't want to acknowledge there is a reason why the most popular ones are successful, and the reason is because they are FUN (to their user objective).

Re: Rumour: Even More Xbox Exclusives Coming to PS5 Than Already Reported


What some people need to understand is companies only care about not losing money. MS will make even more money = more gp games = gp is everywhere= people less interested in not nintendo consoles.
Internet tec is catching. Sony needs reasons for people to keep buying and they have their own problems, the service dream is over, bungie doesn' know how to do business anymore, etc.
Sony president has said cloud is the next focus, well MS has the lead so this is far from "Sony not trying because they won".

Re: Japan's Shibuya Station Decked Out with Awesome Persona 3 Reload Ads


@Deoxyr1bose maybe once it is on the next switch it will but persona 5 took 2 versions, 5 consoles and pc to sell 5 millions. A very divisive FF16 took 5 days to sell 3 million + sony paying a huge part of development costs + sony paying the marketing (the last 2 apply for 7r too). Between SE and Sega, SE has a bigger chance of making more revenue in one month (I don't say February because FF releases the 29th of a month that usually has only 28 days LOL)

Re: Foamstars Releases 6th February as a PS Plus Essential Game


@ATaco because they cost (dev time, servers, power, etc) way more than what mt can make, take fighting games as example. People said f2p was the way to go, multiversus came out with big numbers ... and then died the same year. FG NEED the sales from people who will only play 2 months to exist. And just like that other games.