Comments 437

Re: Xbox Renegotiated Indiana Jones Deal to Exclude PS5, Then Ported It Anyway


@GeeEssEff Just look at the first years of the PS3 generation, the console itself and everything surrounding it was insanely expensive for the time, they focused the console on everything besides the games and because of that it was so hard to develop for that there was some time the PS3 didn’t have banger exclusives when both Xbox 360 and Wii did.

Nowadays it’s not so good either, so far this generation they raised the price of the console in every market except the US (which MS did follow), they pushed the standard price of games to $70 (and everyone followed), they began to charge devs to allow cross play but backed off soon after, raised the price of PS+ by nearly 30% and imo they’ve been rather complacent in first-party games’ output.

Besides, it’s just a rule in any industry, more competition is ALWAYS better for all users.

Re: Xbox Renegotiated Indiana Jones Deal to Exclude PS5, Then Ported It Anyway


Xbox is imploding in such a bad way, it’s great that PS5 users will eventually get all Xbox games but in a few years Sony’s console will be the only way to play many games besides PC and we all know how abusive Sony can get when they have no competition.

The future of the whole gaming industry is looking pretty bleak to be honest…

Re: PS5's Lack of Tentpole Exclusives Isn't Hurting Engagement, Says Sony


In my case my PS5 has been mostly turned off since I finished FFVII Rebirth back in March and decided to do a NG+ of Spider-Man 2 on April, since then I’ve only occasionally turned it on to updates and try the Concord beta (lol).

Looking forward to Astro Bot and Epic Mickey next month, afterwards it looks dry again but we’re sooo due for a showcase in September/October…

Re: Fortnite's Next Season Will Make Unthinkable Sums of Money on PS5, PS4


@BlaizeV I play it and I’ve only ever bought one season pass and I regain it each season to buy the next one, tho I’ve skipped a few seasons I wasn’t feeling like playing or was busy with other games.

And tbh I couldn’t care less about skins, never bought one directly and Fortnite isn’t as predatory as Overwatch or CoD with MTX, in its core it’s still a fun game.

Re: Reaction: PS5 Needs a Price Cut


I don’t necessarily agree as the sales are still very close to the PS4 sales’ pace, what the PS5 NEEDS is for games to leave behind last gen once and for all, it’s ridiculous we’re roughly halfway into this generation and we don’t have even 5 exclusive games for this gen.

It’ll be until a game that sparks up the masses that the console will take off again, and we all know that’s going to be GTA 6, plus new games from Naughty Dog, Santa Monica and other PS Studios should be exclusive to PS5 now.

Re: Surprise! Valorant Is Officially Out Now for Everyone on PS5


@SmileMan64 It’s even seems malicious lmao, the game had already zero chances at success, but yet another hero shooter dropping mere weeks before and being free-to-play opposed to a $40 release with PS+ requirement is even comical at this point.

And tbf, having played both Concord actually plays better in my short experience, but I wouldn’t play neither constantly.

Re: Bungie Accused of Overselling Itself to Sony, Promising Success It Couldn't Deliver


Many people including myself have been saying this since the acquisition was announced, however I’m quite baffled at how Sony didn’t realize they were getting played, were they that desperate to acquire a live-service studio back then to just overlook the obvious?

Years will go by and either Bungie will be scaled back to be a PS Studio (forfeiting their status as a separate publisher) or just sold to another company or maybe allow them buy out their own independence from Sony which would be 100x ironic since the same thing happened with Microsoft.

Re: Preview: There's Nothing Super About Marvel Rivals on PS5


Lmfao I will never read any of Aaron’s reviews or preview ever again, seriously, how tf you hated and despised Marvel Rivals but just a week ago you were praising Concord!?

I understand this is a PS Blog but at least tone down the fanatic obsession with the brand.

Re: PS5 Pro Is Seemingly Starting to Appear in Source Code


Lmao some excited people in the comments but the improvements to the game described in the leak (if true) are negligible, it’s going from a 1300p resolution to a 1730p, and the entire focus of the machine is to increase visual quality and not what most actually want which is higher and more consistent frame rates.

Re: Concord's Free Open Beta Is Performing Abysmally on PC


@Toot1st I honestly never pay attention to things like these, but they really went a mile further making sure there wasn’t any appealing or dare I say attractive character at all, they all have that generic af look, and the unnecessary cutscenes at the beginning are a ripoff from Guardians of the Galaxy.

Re: Concord's Free Open Beta Is Performing Abysmally on PC


So far I’ve played 3 hours but every session I can’t play more than 3-4 matches, the game is just TOO SLOW, half the time you aren’t playing you’re just trying to catch up to your team because maps feel very slow to traverse even though they’re not that big, if you have a tank character you’ll never get anywhere and if you have a fast character (that still feels slow) you’ll get killed in 3 shots, because also health recovery is a mess, why if both me and a teammate need health we need to fight over a pick up point or wait 20 seconds for each?

The more I play the more I notice these little things that add to frustration and frankly boredom, I even download Overwatch after years of not playing and I swear I had more fun in the very first match I was thrown in than all my time in Concord.

Re: PS5 Pro Still Likely to Launch This Year, Tokyo Game Show Reveal Possible


@ShogunRok But also from third-parties this year is notably absent of big blockbusters, the only one that comes to mind is Assassin’s Creed Shadows, but then again, I think back in 2016 there also wasn’t big blockbusters to show off the PS4 Pro, as I remember they showcased it with Mass Effect Andromeda of all things.

Re: There's Already Concern Over Concord's Player Count as Open Beta Begins


Having played it I honestly can say it isn’t bad at all, but it has no chance of thriving in the current market, maybe not even if they made the game free.

And also they really should’ve done these betas MONTHS in advance, as there’s plenty of feedback from players from the last beta but there isn’t any time to change gameplay mechanics and balancing nor to change the game’s business model which will lead to a chaotic first months of release.

If you are really interested in the game just wait a few months, they will either put it on some tier of PS+ or make it totally free to play.

Re: Concord's Early Beta Extended an Extra Day on PS5, PC


@Jacko11 I don’t agree with that take, now we all should support an initiative we don’t really agree with and pay for a game we don’t really care about only to “fund” the games most people actually want to play? It’s ridiculous.

Re: Concord's Early Beta Extended an Extra Day on PS5, PC


It says a lot when a closed beta is opened to almost anyone and even extended it one day after ending, pre-orders must be dire for this one and I understand why.

Been thinking about it but I think what really could’ve set this game apart from all the other hero shooters would’ve been a campaign or a single-player mode, it’s baffling that no one has ‘copied’ Splatoon’s release model, with a good fun campaign included with the addictive multiplayer experience, I honestly think this could’ve worked really well for Concord or any other multiplayer game that Sony is currently pushing.

Re: Preview: Ignore The Haters, Concord Is a Good PS5 Shooter We Can't Wait to Play More Of


LMAO now not enjoying a game makes you a hater?

For the record, I actually enjoyed some of the matches I played and I could go at length on which aspects I liked about the game and what I didn’t, but what the hell is this advertisement covered as an opinion article!?

I share the praises to the technical side of the game, it looks and runs impressively well, but that’s it, how can you praise that UI and soundtrack when one is atrocious and the other one barely exists? In fact I’d say the lack of a good soundtrack plus the slow gameplay is what causes the game to feel boring after some matches.

Even some questionable gameplay decisions like the health recovery (which is mayhem as your entire team scrambles for the pick-up points) are being mentioned as positives here, I understand this is a PlayStation centric blog but you ARE allowed to not like things and make some criticisms you know….

Re: Concord Beta: How to Access, Start Times, and What You Can Play


Been playing for an hour (after a 15 minute cinematic) and oof, this might be the most unappealing PS Studios game in a long, long time if not ever.

As someone who has played Overwatch, Halo, CoD and Fortnite more time than I’d like to admit the first thought that comes to mind is that the gameplay feels slow for this type of game and well, something free like Overwatch already has a much better feeling gameplay with similar experience, it also feels bland so my guess is that it will quickly become repetitive, there’s some characters that are useless (as it’s often with these games), the UI is atrocious, but graphics and overall performance feels solid.