Comments 612

Re: PS5 Exclusive Ghost of Yotei Still on Track for 2025 Release


@Dalamar Oh come on, are you really saying that GTA IV or San Andreas have “mediocre” or even just bad writing? That’s a classic take on hating on something just because everybody else likes it.

Even GTA V while not having as strong narrative as the previous ones is still pretty good by today’s standards, are you next going to say that RDR2’s writing sucks too?

Re: Fans Unsure Whether Sony Will Block PS5 Games on Xbox's Rumoured PC Hardware


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  • IOI

They 100% would block games from that Xbox PC device, if Steam doesn’t allow it I can see Sony coming out with their own launcher that won’t be compatible with the PC Xbox and only launch new games there.

I wouldn’t even be surprised if Sony started to delist their games off Steam and be exclusive for their launcher, it would gaslight the PC audience but Sony has been that radical.

Re: God of War Ragnarok Celebrates 20th Anniversary of the Series with Classic God of War 2 Skin, Armor


@LiamCroft Sony went all out with hardware for the 30th anniversary, Nintendo does it sometimes every 5-10 years for their franchises, hell even Xbox celebrated their 20th anniversary in 2021 with a good looking console and a new Halo which also had its 20th anniversary.

I know it’s not mandatory to celebrate it that way but it’s a nice thing to do and Sony pretty much never does it for their games, it wasn’t an impossible expectation to get some remasters for such a big anniversary, more so with so many of them we’ve got recently.

And btw, what’s stopping them to just make the first 2 games available via PS2 emulation / PS+ Premium? I’d buy them in a heartbeat 480p and all.

Re: This Trailer for HBO's The Last of Us Season 2 May Be An All-Time Great


@HMazzy111 There’s scenes for the full 3 days of Ellie’s journey, we’re definitely getting -that- moment this season, I’d say in the first couple episodes and they’d justify it in the same way it happened in the game as for some story elements you already need to be hurt by -that- so scenes carry emotional baggage, like Ellie playing the guitar wouldn’t hit the same if you didn’t experience -that- earlier.

Re: This Trailer for HBO's The Last of Us Season 2 May Be An All-Time Great


Based on what they shown they’re following the pacing structure of the game, telling Ellie’s pov in Season 2 until the theater scene (guaranteed season finale) with some flashbacks thrown in there and following Abby’s pov in Season 3, exactly like the game.

They’ve talked about season 4 but I’m not sure the 3-hour epilogue for Part 2 is enough for an entire season, it could be wrapped up in a couple episodes at most imo.

Re: 'Don't Bet' on The Last of Us 3, Warns Neil Druckmann


This would honestly kinda ruin the story for Part 2, it’d confirm that story was aimless in some bits as many storylines were left inconclusive and direction for some of them were baffling at best, and I’m not asking for a happy ending but there’s a chance to tie up all storylines in another game, if they really can’t then they shouldn’t have made Part 2 the way they did.

Re: Reaction: Xbox Publishing More Games on PS5 Than Sony Is Not a Gotcha, It's Just a Sign of the Times


“One which paints PlayStation as a complacent competitor, coasting while it soaks up the rewards of its rival’s imploding console business”

Is the statement wrong tho?
I understand that moving forward there’ll be no way to compete with Microsoft’s 30+ studios but isn’t Sony being complacent right now launching $700 consoles and having more remasters and remakes than new games?

And sorry but this is the second article in a few days that reads as “stop criticizing Sony please!”

Re: Reaction: The PS5 Discourse Around State of Plays Is Becoming Draining


I honestly find it more draining that some people, including who wrote this piece, just can’t take ANY criticism to the brand, they just feel the constant need to say you’re wrong and you should be grateful for what you saw instead of just accepting different opinions, like what’s the point of this article? It’s only creating more and more discourse between fans, because we always seem to be wrong, never ever Sony.

Re: PS5, PS4 Attracted the Most Players in PlayStation History in December


@ChrisDeku Fair answer to a dumb statement but there’s really no comparison, Ninja Gaiden 2 is from 2008 and not even a first-party, Days Gone is from 2019 and it’s just the latest in a dozen of unnecessary remasters.

They have the whole catalogue of PS3 games to remaster as most games never got released elsewhere but yet they’re remastering games already playable on PS5 and even already enhanced with some patch, after such many of them is laughable now.

Re: PS5, PS4 Attracted the Most Players in PlayStation History in December


I honestly think they surpassed expectations because they gained some if not many Xbox customers, not necessarily caused of their multiplatform push (maybe it had to do a bit), but mostly because there’s just no Xbox consoles available in many markets outside the US plus I didn’t see one single deal or sale for the consoles.
PX and other media reported a big scarcity in the UK during the holiday months, plus you can find comments from pretty much everywhere saying the same thing, I’ve seen it personally here, I could even get a PS5 Slim with disc for much, much cheaper than a digital Series X.

Casual customers, or parents looking for a gift who have no loyalty to any brand will see that one option is unavailable or more pricey and they’ll just buy the other one, plus it’s now clear that PS5 is the most attractive console for both casuals and more dedicated fans, the platform is rock solid right now even with all the turmoil around live-service failures.

Re: Poll: What Did You Think of Sony's State of Play for February 2025?


@Loamy Don’t you remember where Ghost of Yotei was announced? At State of Play.
Where did Sony debut gameplay for God of War Ragnarok, Helldivers 2 and even Concord? At State of Play.

In 2020-2021 the distinction existed but it’s been a long time since first-party games do show up more often than not in State of Play, plus we haven’t got a good showcase since freaking 2021! Stop excusing this embarrassment.

Re: Rumour: God of War Is Taking a 'Younger' Kratos Back to Greece


I don’t think there’s still much left to do in the Greek mythology, it already showed in Ascension they were running out of things to do and story to tell, I’d honestly prefer having remasters for the Greek saga (with PSP games please) and set the new entry for a new direction entirely.