@Decoy_Snake you are wrong. The original is goated and has some wonky controls. A remaster would be massively welcome from a gameplay and graphics angle
I understand you can make some time savings on development by using some of the previous game as a base but seeing as the previous game is not particularly good and they're hurtling through development this is either getting massively delayed or will be awful
Even without the tabloidesque gender bend reveal here you could still use this headline.
Leaker culture has become such a cesspool. As with this one, it's people with one piece of information that leverage this into a massive discord server and online following where, after they tap out of the info they one-offed, they just start guessing at obvious garbage.
I am the great leaker-ooni. there will be another God of War game, a State of Play before the end of the year and Fortnite will add more characters next month. Whoooaaaoooooaaa
I specifically remember them buying the exclusivity to the Tomb Raider sequel and also adding silence clauses to crystal dynamics PR so they were not allowed to admit that the deal was temporary and would eventually the game would come to other platforms.
It honestly put me off the entire franchise. I really enjoyed 1 and 2 when they released and replayed them in the HD collection but 3 just didnt work for me at all
Didn't realise their designer had passed away, tragic. The style of Coffee Talk really is beautiful, it's a very stylish game from the menus, to the backgrounds and the characters
The combo of shorter showcases and splitting the first party studios between single player and live service essentially means you don't have a lot of time anymore if what you want to see is tentpole single player games
Miller can say what ever he wants about Mad Max as far as I'm concerned.
Maybe they could've made a better game. Maybe the development of the game was difficult.
The end result is the Mad Max movies are unique interesting movies, and the game they made is a generic open world collectathon game with a bad reskin of the Arkham combat released in a sea of other similar titles.
The game was (and presumably still is) legitimately good. It got a lot of hate first time around and I don't really know why, people were practically day by day reporting the player drop off like a spectator event.
As I've heard repeated numerous times in the last year, they have run out of Western studios to blame their follies and losses on. I'm interested to see if this will lead to actual scrutiny for the 3 creative units
Game that consisting of 100 hours of climbing towers, killing 5 people in a settlement and opening 10000 chests promises further 30 hours of thrilling tower climbing, settlement liberating, chest opening action in post launch window.
@Bionic-Spencer in this market it would be absolutely insane for them to release a niche game like Hellblade as an exclusive, you're asking for big M$ to shutter the studio after a lacklustre launch.
hell, its insane that Starfield is currently locked on Xbox, I predict that they will make millions porting it.
@Art_Vandelay there was a certain global event a few years ago that he was a skeptic of, something I found surprising of a guy who portrays himself as a voice of reason
So you're telling me the entire weeks long controversy was all bad faith nonsense used by bad actors in an intentional attempt to poison the conversation!??
If this release made you wonder "I wonder what Jon Blow is up to now" I beg you. Just go about your life. Do not check his twitter page. Live happy. Hug your family
I wonder if this is tied to how, without a solid sales figure for the title because of Gamepass, it's easy to just write the studio off.
There was a great article Kotaku ran the other day, "What's Even The Point Of Xbox Game Pass Now?" talking to this topic. If it doesnt insulate the studio from shutdowns, whats the point of it?
I do think some of those exclusivity deals done with Playstation, there is a potential that Square calculated that the money lost from not launching on Xbox was low enough that Sonys exclusivity cheque either covered it or straight up was worth more to them than the added players.
But I think all of these games should be multi-plat, even if the Xbox version is just serving one person
Whats the point of remaking old Assassins Creed games, the games are all exactly the same anyway, playing Valhalla feels like playing Origins, Playing 2 feels like playing Brotherhood etc.
Please do not buy these titles. Ubisoft need to stop churning out Far Cry 3 reskinned and AC reskinned every few years and they won't learn if you buy them
I thought the last trilogy was decent, but sort of diminishing returns for each game.
The story wasn't super engaging either so would like to see improvements here. I really liked Lara and the Maori guy in the trilogy, but thought they should have built more on their friendship. The voice actors bounced off each other really well I wanted more of them
Aside from the fact the controversy is entirely ginned up by bad actors and waste of absolutely everyone's time, I don't think saying “stay tuned for updates” and thanking players for their “passion and feedback” is a tacit approval or even acknowledgement of the cringe inducing petition currently being run by some of the worst people in the space.
Comments 576
Re: 'Unannounced Remake' In Development at 2K Has Fans Clamouring for the Classics
@Northern_munkey Good story, dated gameplay, I think that could be a good pick.
Bioshock, good gameplay, good story, already playable in 4K60FPS, not necessary imo.
The above didnt stop Sony working on remaking Horizon 1 (one of the most insane choices in recent years) though, so who knows.
Re: MultiVersus Update Prepares for Agent Smith, Adds Modes, Rebalances Characters
I swear it's impossible to get Agent Smith free.
I've jumped in for 15-30 mins a day since relaunch and I'm only half way to earning him
Re: Metal: Hellsinger VR Brings Its Heavy Rhythm Action to PSVR2 This Fall
As a lover of metal, vr and rhythm games I just didn't think the base game was that good.
I'll give this a try but I don't have high hopes.
Re: Huge Dragon's Dogma 2 PS5 Update Adds Frame Rate Settings, 120FPS Is an Option
@voltum3l indeed....strangely vague patch notes here.
Going to have to wait for the digital foundry on this...but I'm guessing no
Re: Legendary Zombie Game Dead Rising Gets a Second Remaster, Out in 2024
@Decoy_Snake you are wrong. The original is goated and has some wonky controls. A remaster would be massively welcome from a gameplay and graphics angle
Re: Rumour: Sony's Still Working on PS3 Emulation for PS5
Another top quality guess from Jeff "source: my ass" Grubb
Next he'll be telling us Sony are working on a PS6
Re: Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Brings Miles Edgeworth Spin-Offs to PS4
I thought there was no chance this would ever happen, there is a god.
Praise be
Re: Lords of the Fallen 2 Is In Development, Targeting a 2026 Release on PS5
The 2023 game is straight up bad.
I understand you can make some time savings on development by using some of the previous game as a base but seeing as the previous game is not particularly good and they're hurtling through development this is either getting massively delayed or will be awful
Re: Still Wakes the Deep (PS5) - Scottish Oil Rig Conjures Up the Horror Magic
I can't wait to try this, it looks great
Re: Video Game Leaking Culture Has Hit an Embarrassing New Low
Even without the tabloidesque gender bend reveal here you could still use this headline.
Leaker culture has become such a cesspool. As with this one, it's people with one piece of information that leverage this into a massive discord server and online following where, after they tap out of the info they one-offed, they just start guessing at obvious garbage.
I am the great leaker-ooni. there will be another God of War game, a State of Play before the end of the year and Fortnite will add more characters next month. Whoooaaaoooooaaa
Re: Across Its Vaunted IP, Capcom Fans Crave Dino Crisis Above All Else
Bookmark this:
If capcom listens, and they make a new Dino Crisis, it will underpeform. It'll be Mirrors Edge 2 all over again
Re: 14 PS Plus Extra, Premium Games Announced for June 2024
I have been trying to convince myself crusader kings was coming eventually
The devil on my shoulder told me it's too niche for plus and would never happen
Finally, a win, usually I cave before it happens!
Re: Xbox Really Wasn't Happy with PlayStation's Call of Duty Marketing Deal
I specifically remember them buying the exclusivity to the Tomb Raider sequel and also adding silence clauses to crystal dynamics PR so they were not allowed to admit that the deal was temporary and would eventually the game would come to other platforms.
Re: Xbox Explains Why It Shuttered Beloved Hi-Fi Rush Developer
@DonkeyFantasy you can play every single Tango Game on a PlayStation console
Re: Rumour: Kingdom Hearts 4 May Be Trapped in the Darkness Until 2026
@KidRyan no, I didn't realise that existed
Honestly I remember it just being all over the place and I remember the frozen section being really dull
Re: Rumour: Kingdom Hearts 4 May Be Trapped in the Darkness Until 2026
Did people like KH3?
It honestly put me off the entire franchise. I really enjoyed 1 and 2 when they released and replayed them in the HD collection but 3 just didnt work for me at all
Re: Afterlove EP, from the Late Creator of Coffee Talk, Targeting October Release on PS5, PS4
Didn't realise their designer had passed away, tragic. The style of Coffee Talk really is beautiful, it's a very stylish game from the menus, to the backgrounds and the characters
Re: Poll: Was Summer Game Fest 2024 Great or a Letdown?
"Just to let you know, this is gonna suck"
doesn't mean you're allowed to not think it sucks
Re: Reaction: PS5 Livestreams Are No Longer Speaking to the Fans Who Built the Brand
The combo of shorter showcases and splitting the first party studios between single player and live service essentially means you don't have a lot of time anymore if what you want to see is tentpole single player games
Re: PS5, PS4's Brand New PS2 Emulator Features Up-Rendering, Rewind, Quick Saves, More
Praise be. I know it's difficult but id love to see an eventual ps3 emulator.
Re: Mad Max Dev Fires Back Following Furioso Director George Miller's Kojima Comments
Miller can say what ever he wants about Mad Max as far as I'm concerned.
Maybe they could've made a better game. Maybe the development of the game was difficult.
The end result is the Mad Max movies are unique interesting movies, and the game they made is a generic open world collectathon game with a bad reskin of the Arkham combat released in a sea of other similar titles.
Re: Microsoft Commits to Next Call of Duty Game on Xbox Game Pass, New Report Says
I think it is still an incredible deal to game pass users even if the games aren't exclusive.
Win win I see it. Xbox players get free games, PlayStation players get to play them.
Re: Free PS5, PS4 Mascot Brawler MultiVersus Adds Fantastic Single Player, Co-Op Campaign
The game was (and presumably still is) legitimately good. It got a lot of hate first time around and I don't really know why, people were practically day by day reporting the player drop off like a spectator event.
I never had trouble finding a match
Re: Square Enix Bestows New Name on Creative Business Unit 3
A very strange publisher.
As I've heard repeated numerous times in the last year, they have run out of Western studios to blame their follies and losses on. I'm interested to see if this will lead to actual scrutiny for the 3 creative units
Re: At Least Two Expansions Planned for Assassin's Creed Shadows
Game that consisting of 100 hours of climbing towers, killing 5 people in a settlement and opening 10000 chests promises further 30 hours of thrilling tower climbing, settlement liberating, chest opening action in post launch window.
Re: Iconic PS1 Sci-Fi Flight Sim G-Police Coming to PS5, PS4 with PS Plus Premium
I really like being able to play these old, tough as nails games with the rewind feature.
seeing the ending of games I never managed to beat as a kid is a joy
Re: Microsoft Leadership Reportedly Want No 'Red Line' Stopping Xbox Games Coming to PS5
@Bionic-Spencer in this market it would be absolutely insane for them to release a niche game like Hellblade as an exclusive, you're asking for big M$ to shutter the studio after a lacklustre launch.
hell, its insane that Starfield is currently locked on Xbox, I predict that they will make millions porting it.
Re: Publisher Nexon Investigating Cause of The Finals' 'Lower-Than-Expected' Performance
@trev666 they're currently paying some consultant firm thousands of dollars to tell them that, and you're out here giving the info out for free!
Re: Braid, Anniversary Edition (PS5) - A Gorgeous Revisit of an Indie Classic
@Art_Vandelay there was a certain global event a few years ago that he was a skeptic of, something I found surprising of a guy who portrays himself as a voice of reason
I still love The Witness and Braid by the way.
Re: Shift Up Director Puts Stellar Blade, Sony Costume Conspiracy to Bed
Whoa no way.
So you're telling me the entire weeks long controversy was all bad faith nonsense used by bad actors in an intentional attempt to poison the conversation!??
Re: Strategy Legend Jake Solomon Explains Where Marvel's Midnight Suns Went Wrong
It's a great game. I'll never understand its failure.
For the gamer:
Slay the Spire good
Firaxis good
For the Marvel fan:
characters good
story good
And Marvel Snap and Spiderman games are massively popular, tying the two target audiences and game genre.
And the game just didnt sell. Its blasphemy honestly.
Re: Braid, Anniversary Edition (PS5) - A Gorgeous Revisit of an Indie Classic
@Ico1977 they're both super interesting characters.
weirdly as time goes on I've swung around to like Phil and dislike Blow, complete opposites of how I felt a decade ago
Re: Braid, Anniversary Edition (PS5) - A Gorgeous Revisit of an Indie Classic
If this release made you wonder "I wonder what Jon Blow is up to now" I beg you. Just go about your life. Do not check his twitter page. Live happy. Hug your family
Re: PS Plus Adds Two Hour Trial for PS5's The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered
Is 2 hours enough time to see...that scene 👀 it is, isnt it?
Re: Fans Positively Review Bomb Hi-Fi Rush in Wake of Xbox’s Closure of Tango Gameworks
I wonder if this is tied to how, without a solid sales figure for the title because of Gamepass, it's easy to just write the studio off.
There was a great article Kotaku ran the other day, "What's Even The Point Of Xbox Game Pass Now?" talking to this topic. If it doesnt insulate the studio from shutdowns, whats the point of it?
Re: Square Enix to 'Aggressively' Pursue Multiplatform Strategy from Now On
This is absolutely fine of course.
I do think some of those exclusivity deals done with Playstation, there is a potential that Square calculated that the money lost from not launching on Xbox was low enough that Sonys exclusivity cheque either covered it or straight up was worth more to them than the added players.
But I think all of these games should be multi-plat, even if the Xbox version is just serving one person
Re: Xbox Pondering PS5 Port of Ninja Theory's Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2
This studio is 10000% getting shut down.
They're lucky they're in the stage of development they are, otherwise they'd have been added to this months bin with the other studios.
Re: Mark Hamill Reprises Role as The Joker for MultiVersus on PS5, PS4
Really does look like that awesome The Animated Series Joker.
Re: Mini Review: Crow Country (PS5) - Brilliant Retro Horror Wears Its Influences on Its Sleeve
The devs of this are the guys who used to make "The Decline of Video Gaming" flash animations (which was 15 years ago now jesus christ)
Re: Rumour: Ubisoft Is Going All-In on Assassin's Creed with Black Flag Remake, Another Remake, Co-op Multiplayer Games, and More
@NinjaNicky yeah and I don't play any of those either. Zelda the last 2 were a departure right? Climbing system, open world etc.
Re: Rumour: Ubisoft Is Going All-In on Assassin's Creed with Black Flag Remake, Another Remake, Co-op Multiplayer Games, and More
Whats the point of remaking old Assassins Creed games, the games are all exactly the same anyway, playing Valhalla feels like playing Origins, Playing 2 feels like playing Brotherhood etc.
Please do not buy these titles. Ubisoft need to stop churning out Far Cry 3 reskinned and AC reskinned every few years and they won't learn if you buy them
Re: UK Sales Charts: Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition Rains on Stellar Blade's Parade
Is it on deep discount somewhere?
Re: Helldivers 2 CEO Praises 'Willpower' of Community in Sony Showdown
First we had the "2cm of boob covered from a single costume" controversy.
And now we have the "login to an account" controversy.
I'm terrified as to what will we get next? I barely survived these two, I hope Sony start providing therapy to customers
Re: Rumour: Next Tomb Raider Said to Be Open World, Set in India
Sounds cool.
I thought the last trilogy was decent, but sort of diminishing returns for each game.
The story wasn't super engaging either so would like to see improvements here. I really liked Lara and the Maori guy in the trilogy, but thought they should have built more on their friendship. The voice actors bounced off each other really well I wanted more of them
Re: Family Friendly Level-5 Boss Would Love to Make Violent, Erotic Games
@L_Bosch I have darker desires
Re: Korea Announces Bold Plan to Buff Nation's Nascent Console Market
I forgot Lies of P are a Korean studio too.
Two good games from Korea, hopefully we'll get more
Re: Sony Sings PS Portal's Praises with Accolades Trailer
Ordered thanks for the headsup
Re: Family Friendly Level-5 Boss Would Love to Make Violent, Erotic Games
I want to see Professor Layton laying pipe
Re: OlliOlli, Kerbal Space Program Teams Shut Down by GTA Publisher
Surely you should be trying to make those 5% reductions across the board rather than pinpointing two entire studios and shutting them down.
Although I believe Intercept are a studio that was spun up to support Kerbal and help with Kerbal 2 and are directly responsible for Kerbal.
Re: Stellar Blade PS5 Dev Thanks Fans for 'Passion' Following Censorship Controversy
Aside from the fact the controversy is entirely ginned up by bad actors and waste of absolutely everyone's time, I don't think saying “stay tuned for updates” and thanking players for their “passion and feedback” is a tacit approval or even acknowledgement of the cringe inducing petition currently being run by some of the worst people in the space.