Comments 576

Re: Video Game Leaking Culture Has Hit an Embarrassing New Low


Even without the tabloidesque gender bend reveal here you could still use this headline.

Leaker culture has become such a cesspool. As with this one, it's people with one piece of information that leverage this into a massive discord server and online following where, after they tap out of the info they one-offed, they just start guessing at obvious garbage.

I am the great leaker-ooni. there will be another God of War game, a State of Play before the end of the year and Fortnite will add more characters next month. Whoooaaaoooooaaa

Re: Mad Max Dev Fires Back Following Furioso Director George Miller's Kojima Comments


Miller can say what ever he wants about Mad Max as far as I'm concerned.

Maybe they could've made a better game. Maybe the development of the game was difficult.

The end result is the Mad Max movies are unique interesting movies, and the game they made is a generic open world collectathon game with a bad reskin of the Arkham combat released in a sea of other similar titles.

Re: Square Enix to 'Aggressively' Pursue Multiplatform Strategy from Now On


This is absolutely fine of course.

I do think some of those exclusivity deals done with Playstation, there is a potential that Square calculated that the money lost from not launching on Xbox was low enough that Sonys exclusivity cheque either covered it or straight up was worth more to them than the added players.

But I think all of these games should be multi-plat, even if the Xbox version is just serving one person

Re: Rumour: Ubisoft Is Going All-In on Assassin's Creed with Black Flag Remake, Another Remake, Co-op Multiplayer Games, and More


Whats the point of remaking old Assassins Creed games, the games are all exactly the same anyway, playing Valhalla feels like playing Origins, Playing 2 feels like playing Brotherhood etc.

Please do not buy these titles. Ubisoft need to stop churning out Far Cry 3 reskinned and AC reskinned every few years and they won't learn if you buy them

Re: Rumour: Next Tomb Raider Said to Be Open World, Set in India


Sounds cool.

I thought the last trilogy was decent, but sort of diminishing returns for each game.

The story wasn't super engaging either so would like to see improvements here. I really liked Lara and the Maori guy in the trilogy, but thought they should have built more on their friendship. The voice actors bounced off each other really well I wanted more of them