Comments 1,493

Re: Reaction: What Happens to PlayStation if Microsoft Buys Activision Blizzard?


@Vergil7 what about the exclusives on PlayStation that Xbox owners can't enjoy like spiderman and GOW for example?

End of the day the best exclusives win the console wars.

I'm lucky I can afford all three consoles but for those who can't, I do feel sorry for those people who miss out on those great exclusives.

Too be fair Microsoft has put a few of its exclusives on PlayStation but Sony hasn't on Xbox.

Let's just see how the deal plays out.

It's just video games at the end of the day ❤ī¸

Re: SEGA Backtracks on Blockchain, Believes Play-to-Earn Games Are Boring


I grew up playing games to death as everything was already in the game as the Internet wasn't an option on older consoles.

It was a nice feeling unlocking stuff through determination, but I know they make more money now selling it all separately to people.

Though I must admit I did enter a few codes in my day to unlock some stuff 😂

I'm glad NFT's are not popular as that was a stupid idea.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 482



I'm enjoying it.

There's still textures loading in not far from you still, which is a bit.naff for current gen games.

Mainly played it solo and having fun. Some funny AI moments.made me laugh when I sniper a solider and the person next to him didn't even flinch 😂

For a Game Pass game yes it is good.

Not worth ÂŖ60-ÂŖ70 for a normal game purchase.

Re: "We've Lost the Console Wars," Says Trillion Dollar Underdog Xbox


Microsoft might be right as we all have big PS digital library's now.

But I have purchased all three consoles to cover all my bases.

I do think Microsoft needs some more studios to keep the AAA games pass titles flowing at a good rate.

Looking forward to a final conclusion to this deal at some point 🤝đŸģ

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Final Fantasy 16?


I might give this a go?

I've only played one FF games before and.i think it was 7 and it had a big fish in it call Sin I think?

This latest installment does look really good. I might buy it after I finish Cyberpunk and TOTK.

I hear its not a buggy mess at launch which is rare these days 😂