Comments 119

Re: Not Everyone Is in Love with Dragon's Dogma 2 on PS5


I don't normally like open world games. I pre ordered this on a whim the night before launch because I was bored and needed something new to play.

Best whim purchase ever. Combat definitely took getting used to, and I do find certain aspects a little finicky especially but id be lying if I said I wasn't absolutely hooked on this game.

It's just fun? It's one of the few open worlds where I don't get bored of going from A to B. It actually has a fun world to explore. It keeps you engaged by not having long areas of nothing/copy & paste assets endlessly while you ride a horse or walk.

I've seen people complain about enemy density and that it's too much...but I disagree. If they lowered it significantly the game would be a boring. Maybe that's why I like it lol I'm a combat junky

Idk I think the game's performance issues are fair criticisms. The MTX thing was a big nothing burger no different from any other modern Capcom release.

I love it. 9/10 for me so far.

Re: Helldivers 2 Beats Destiny 2's All-Time Steam Peak, Gaining on Palworld


@Shad361 I would say it is a saturated market, but Helldivers 2 sets itself apart by not being predatory with microtransactions and battlepasses.

And I know many games say this in bad faith but after playing it I can confirm you can absolutely get a lot of the "premium currency" by just playing the game.

And they aren't doing any kind of pvp.

And the team is very transparent and interacts with the community.

They're just doing everything right in a time where most companies are seeing just how much greed they can get away with.

Re: Helldivers 2 (PS5) - The Best Co-Op Shooter on PS5


I'm sorry but I don't see how anyone who actually tried playing this can give it a 9 in its current state.

If your friends didn't get this game too you're pretty much playing solo because the Quickplay/matchmaking is absolutely busted.

Yes when you actually get to play it's a super fun experience but unless you have a squad pre lined up you can't really even play co op right now.

Re: Games Should 'Earn the Right to Monetise', Says Helldivers 2 Director


Yeah the micro transaction stuff is pretty minimal and it's like hidden in the background unless you pull up the menu specifically.

I guess my point is I appreciate that they arent shoved in the players face the entire time. I played yesterday with another person and even though a session was bugged and we didn't reap our rewards I wasn't even slightly mad because the core gameplay experience was legitimately satisfying.

In any other game id be pissed if I did a 30 minute mission and got nothing for it lmao