Comments 306

Re: CGI Hogwarts Legacy Trailer Tours the Castle Grounds


@Toypop My thoughts exactly. 1 month out and they've showed next to nothing real. Add that to delays and I'm very sceptical that this game has any hope of living up to its hype. I mean let's be real, even without the red flags this game would struggle to live up to the level of hype it has.

Re: The Callisto Protocol (PS5) - Just Like Dead Space, for Better and Worse


Have any of those "from the creators of..." games that are more or less unlicensed spiritual successors ever ended up better than the originals? I'm sure there's some example but I can't think of any. Destiny I guess is close.

But yeah, generally have very little interest in these type of games unless they're real old school throwbacks. If they're bigger games they just end up being a similar game with a much smaller budget.

Re: Drop a Quarter for More Arcade Paradise with Coin-Op DLC on PS5, PS4


Really liked the game and put a lot of hours into it but this isn't really the kind of dlc I'm interested in for this game. Lots of the arcade games were lots of fun but it was mixing it with the management aspects that made it enjoyable to me and I beat the game already.

If I ever feel like starting a new game I'll get it though because I'll actually use it then and I'm happy to give the dev a few more dollars for their work.

Re: Rumour: Sony Will Flood Stores with PS5 Stock in 2023, Revamped Model Due in September


@Smiffy01 I'm struggling to think why on earth anyone would need or want a PS5 pro. I've had my ps5 since launch and while it's cool I have no idea how I'd even sell that to someone on the fence. The controller is cool when devs can be bothered to implement its features and it has a couple of games you can't play elsewhere? Again, I like it but I'm a big nerd. Even then it's mostly a glorified PS4 player. It's basically more of a nice that you've got it type thing than a necessity which isn't really a great thing for a console two years into its life.

Re: Random: YouTuber Exposed As Embargo Breaking Video Game Insider


Take the clout down to woollies and see how many groceries it buys you. But hey, at least it's not susceptible to inflation...

@Korgon it could be argued that the devs/publishers are just as much to blame. They're happy to use people like this to drive hype and promote their products for free and in doing so trust them to act like responsible journalists. The problem is they're often not.

Re: PS5, PS4's PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for August 2022 Announced


@Milktastrophe if you're on a 12 month plan it's around $20 dollars more than the second tier here in Australia. Not that much really but you're already paying $135 for the second tier. There's also just over 50 games in that tier and they're not exactly world beaters for the most part. I'd rather have the $20 tbh. Especially given that they haven't seemed overly concerned with adding value to the tier to this point.

Re: PS Plus Premium, Deluxe Subscribers Bemused by August Update


Sony are clearly on the Nintendo model of utter disappointment when it comes to that 3rd tier. Thankfully they're a little closer to the MS model when it comes to the middle tier. Not as good as Game Pass but decent value for money. Tbf to them they have the leg up on MS with the low tier monthly games. I think they pioneered that model too, didn't they?

Re: GTA 6 Will Set 'Creative Benchmarks' for All Entertainment


I don't know how to feel about 6. On the one hand RDR2 was phenomenal and the idea of a GTA take with that kind of production sounds great. On the other hand GTA by its nature is very satirical. That causes two problems, one is that modern life almost makes it feel like we're post satire. The second is that being bombarded with satire from the likes of Rockstar might be a bit too much to stomach. Will the expect me to laugh along while they lampoon consumerism after they just spent 15 years milking GTAV? My eyes might roll too much while playing for me to see the game....

Re: Video: 31 Facts You Need to Know About Skull and Bones on PS5


Gonna watch this latter. Know just about nothing about the game. Sid Meier's Pirates on xbox is one of my favourite games ever though so if it's anything like that I'd be stoked.

Edit: huh. It's definitely an Ubisoft game. Looks like a hard pass unless it's recieved amazingly at release. I'm not holding my breath...

Re: Reaction: We Need to Talk About PS Plus Premium


Yeah, as an Aussie the 3rd tier is basically useless. Couple of fun nostalgia games but not enough that I'd say it's a worthwhile collection. If you're not old like me and didn't play the likes of Ape Escape when it first came out there's even less to like about it.

Re: PS Plus Extra, Premium List Games Leaving Soon, Shadow Warrior 3 Gone on 5th July


They're leaving the subscription that they launched a couple of days ago in my region? Of course. Makes sense.

Btw, how absolutely anaemic is that 3rd tier of PS+? It's like Sony and Nintendo are in a competition to offer the least value for money subscription tier in games. I subbed because it was only $15 to upgrade for the rest of my regular subscription. I'm glad I didn't blow any more than that. The second tier is decent value though.

Re: Poll: Was Summer Game Fest Live a Show to Remember?


Idk what it is but pretty much nothing that was shown did anything for me. A bunch of horror games and a bunch of cgi trailers showing guns getting shot (my eyes glazed over during that COD trailer). Idk, maybe I'm just getting too old and jaded.

Also, who asked for another version of TLOU? I like the series. I don't need to play it again with slightly better graphics. It's about as necessary as a 3D remake of Flashback. Oh wait....