@KaijuKaiser Its the same thing all the time. People sleep on all the unique creative stuff with a weighted blanket and warm milk but are wide awake when sony annoucnes another cinematic hyper realistic game, when capcom announces the 34th resident evil or 78th street fighter, or when fromsoft announces their 40th souls game. Its not until we lost those great developers that everyone wants to finally acknowledge them
Well this is absolutely splendid to hear. Like many devs back in the day fromsoft was pretty various but then they had to stick to souls games for like a decade and I'm so tired of those. And I'm sure they and other devs want to do dfferent things but in this industry its too risky to go down that path unfortunately. I wish em success with all their new IP in the future
I'd give it maybe a 7.5 or 8. It's pretty good but I wish they added just a little more of nioh's mechanical depth. I appreciate it being easier tho. However I'm getting burned out on these souls games from Team ninja. They've done 4 of these now and it's getting very tiring. They're still enjoyable but it's tiring. I'm glad they're finally doing something new with Rise of the ronin next year
So here's the thing. I'm hype as hell for it cuz it simply looks great and we could definitely use more stylish action type games but on the other hand I don't exactly wanna see everything become a hack n slash either. Part of me would've liked if this game also used 7remakes combat system. I think that system does a great job with action and strategy. It doesn't allow you to just mash away. You gotta utilize your party to overcome which is great.
I'm not a fan of turn based combat but I really do enjoyed valkyrie profile and Indivisible's combat where a character is assigned to a face button and you press that butt9n to attack. I'd love to see FF use a system like that too. But either way I'm still hype for this
@Beerheadgamer82 They're just celebrating the awesome game they made. It's cool that they still acknowledge it imo. If you wanna question anyone question konami. It's all up to them for a sequel to be made. Platinum has said many times how they wanna do sequels to their past games but as usual it's up to the publisher. If it was up to Platinum we probably would've had metal gear rising 2 and 3 by now
See i only overhyped myself cuz of quinton Flynn's tweet a few weeks back. A fan asked about a sequel to rising and he responded "stay tuned for announcements in the coming weeks" or something like that. Surely he wouldn't make a tease like that only for absolutely nothing to happen. Maybe an announcement is still otw?
@belmont doesn't seem like they hyped up anything to me. I think the fans overhyped themselves. Myself included 😅. If any remaster or sequel was happening konami would be the ones to reveal it after all
@Golem25 yea I definitely get what you're saying. I honestly like when a games Platinum is pretty tough cuz it does feel good overcoming those challenges. But there's challenge and then there's tedium, grind, and cheapness if that's even a word.
There's having to learn entire mini games like mahjong, black jack, koi koi, there's those same mini games having god awful RNG or insane difficulty like puyo puyo, there's drone racing where even with the best build there can be you slam into one wall and it's all over while the cpu drones have perfect steering, perfect durability, perfect everything really. I can keep going but I'm just saying that with these Plats/achievements you have challenge and you have chore and the yakuza games are definitely chores imo
I'd really love to know why RGG is always so bent on making the platinum trophy foe these games the most unenjoyable experience. I get that these platinums aren't gonna always be a walk in the park but that doesn't mean they need to be the most awful experience either.
At this point Y6 will probs be the only yakuza game I ever platted
I genuinely w9nder why people have to give such "compliments" to games like this. Bargain bin vibes? You could just say it looks like a ps2 era title, or maybe a sleeper hit or something. I've seen others call this game the "coolest looking trash" they've ever seen or a janky mess that they can't wait to play. Yea it doesn't have the graphics or animations of a AAA Sony game or anything but it still looks good. Can't people just say it looks cool?
@nomither6 Agreed. MGR's fun factor definitely surpasses the likes of gow and dmc. Dmc may have the deepest mechanical pool, but nothing in the series compares to being blitzed by cyborg gorillas or the katana wielding enemies, skipping across a stream of missiles, or any of the boss battles. It's hard to top Platinum when it comes to pure fun and hype
My issue is more with Capcom box art in general and not just with this. They have a good number of talented legendary artists that they can have make cover arts for their games but for whatever reason refuse to use them. Kinu Nishimura, Shinkiro, Bengus, Ikeno, Edayan. Did they all retire? Do they just not mess with Capcom anymore? Are they too expensive now? Like what's the deal?
I'm honestly digging this game a lot more than BB right now. I like the weird automaton enemies, the faster combat, and the fact that you're actually playing as Pinocchio of all people is the biggest appeal. Really looking forward to it
@rawzeku I love P* but idk about this. I'm sure they'd do a great job, but certain games need to stay with their og developers. Team ninja made ninja gaiden as fun as it is and idk if P* can make it feel the same way. Same way I wouldn't want Capcom doing a bayonetta game cuz it's P* who made it as fun and hype as it is. Yea Capcom would probably do an amazing job with the combat and mechanics, but can they make the same kinda hype boss fights? The same kinda level design?
Yea the mire I think about it the more upset I get. They really said let's scrap this cool, colorful 3D dungeon fighter game with multiple playable characters and go for a more dark and dreary souls like game with one dude🤦
Hope to see gameplay soon cuz if it still resembles the BBQ gameplay than that'd be great but now there's a chance it'll have huge bosses with huge attack ranges that kill you in 1-2 hits, enemy layout where you have an aggressive enemy up close while 3 shoot at you from a distance, flippin stamina bars, and the good Ole frustrating difficulty that the devs might think is "tOuGh bUt FaIr" but is actually just bs.
But hey hopefully I'm wrong. Hopefully it'll just have a few souls like features and is mostly its own thing and still ends up being really fun
@Danloaded but they've been doing those kinds of games since the beginning and they haven't sold well enough regardless of how dope they are. Nier auto was their only game that really sold well enough. Their other games like bayonetta or metal gear rising sold a million I think but ain't that just barely crossing the line?
I wish only the best for them. Maybe it'll actually work out. It's not like every gas game ever made was a flop. An anarchy reigns type game can work pretty well as a gas game. Just add more characters, stages, weapons, and make sure it plays well. They're regular action games, as amaz8ng as they are, just don't sell well enough so now they're trying something new. What else do people expect them to do? Like the author said just cuz Babylon fell doesn't mean their other attempts are guaranteed to do so as well. We'll just have to wait and see
I really hope development goes way smoother this time and that they're able to make a fully realized game. I get that they fumbled pretty flippin hard with the first game but they shouldn't be crapped on forever for it. I do hope it'll be 3rd person this time.
You know people would always say sony isn't the same and they lost their identity and all that (I was one of those people I admit) but at the end of the day these games just don't sell like that anymore. People don't buy em. They all want the same stuff. Its almost as if a dev has to get lucky for their new IP to sell well. And that's for any company really.
Fromsoft keeps doing souls games cuz that's all people want. Sega keeps doing yakuza cuz that's all people want. Capcom keeps doing the same RE's, Monhun, and Street fighters cuz that's all people buy. If they made a Rival school with as much love and budget that sf6 seems to have I bet it still wouldn't sell enough.
Platinum has mostly put out various unique bangers their whole career yet they're still struggling to this day.
Sony is still a business at the end of the day. They're just doing what brings in the money. It's very unfortunate especially for people like me who love Japanese games and variety but it's just how it is.
I've been watching this game since it leaked before its announcement. It looks so good. I'm glad soleil is giving us the more arcadey action games since team ninja doesn't seem to want to do anything besides nioh type games nowadays
Hopefully she'll have much better lines. I remember when everyone hated how aloy sounded during the gameplay reveal of the first Horizon game but she sounded great in the final game. Hopefully it'll be the same case here. Regardless of how bad the writing may be the gameplay still looks incredible
Regardless of any survey results or feedback they're still probably gonna do NFTs. Surely they've seen the backlash against them and I hardly even see nfts being brought up anymore yet they're still here like "you guys interested in nfts? Are you suuuuure? Are you really really suuuure?? Breathe if yes, recite the Bible in Japanese if no"
I think the digital figures sound pretty dope. Would be a cool reward for getting a Plat. Maybe give the figures different poses. 3 or 4 poses should be fine. They can have some kind of virtual display too like how smash bros melee and guilty gear Rev 2 had.
I would like to earn credits for games and dlc but I'm sure the requirements would be insane. Probably earn 1,000 platinum trophies or having to have been subscribed to ps plus since it first came out or some ridiculous bs
Lol well it about time. I've always wanted something more for when I plat a game instead of just a trophy. Like an avatar set or theme or something. The digital figures sound pretty cool too
I'm still hype but man I wanted this to be more character action than another soulslike. But things like adding a jump, less loot, and hopefully no stamina make it sound much more exciting.
I know the FF characters weren't that important to the story, but it was still cool to see them there. All you need to do is just give them a world where they help sora with whatever enemies would be there to push the plot forward a little bit just like they did in traverse town and Hollow bastion in KH1 and 2.
They could be party members and sora and cloud could have a double omnislash limit break. COME ON NOMURA. COME ON.
But fr even if you don't wanna include them in the story how about just giving them cameos? Making them summons maybe? Secret boss? There was no need to completely scrap them. To say that the basis of the series isn't ff x disney is silly cuz we all know about the elevator conversation all those years ago and how the series came to be.
I just hope this isn't another nioh. Let it be closer to ninja gaiden or something different. I don't mind a few similarities but I just don't want yet another nioh type game. At least drop the loot system. Kinda weird that they said they were done with nioh but make 2 games which are basically just that 😅
Had my eyes on this since the first trailer and man the team has come a long way. It looks so much better.
And with this game, samurai jack, Vengeance is mine, and the new valkyrie profile game, Soleil seems to be coming up. Platinum may have some competition
@MFTWrecks Yea it's been a while since FF was turn based. I think the last turn based game was FF13. But the last few games FF15, FF7 remake, and now FF16 are all action RPGs.
@RubyCarbuncle they've said several times that it's up to nintendo to release anything bayo 3 related.
Also quite a lot of people still care for April fools since a buncha devs are joking around with it. It's pretty fun to see which announcements are fake and which ones are actually real projects
Comments 341
Re: Former PlayStation Boss Saddened by PixelOpus Studio Closure
@KaijuKaiser Its the same thing all the time. People sleep on all the unique creative stuff with a weighted blanket and warm milk but are wide awake when sony annoucnes another cinematic hyper realistic game, when capcom announces the 34th resident evil or 78th street fighter, or when fromsoft announces their 40th souls game. Its not until we lost those great developers that everyone wants to finally acknowledge them
Re: Forspoken Wants to Remind You It's Getting a Big Prequel DLC This Month
So who wants to bet that new girl will be frey's romantic interest?
Re: Elden Ring's FromSoftware Wants to Release New and Exciting Games More Frequently
@Nepp67 but theyve still been doing the same souls games for years. Sekiro probs being the one that stands out the most
Re: Elden Ring's FromSoftware Wants to Release New and Exciting Games More Frequently
Well this is absolutely splendid to hear. Like many devs back in the day fromsoft was pretty various but then they had to stick to souls games for like a decade and I'm so tired of those. And I'm sure they and other devs want to do dfferent things but in this industry its too risky to go down that path unfortunately. I wish em success with all their new IP in the future
Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty?
I'd give it maybe a 7.5 or 8. It's pretty good but I wish they added just a little more of nioh's mechanical depth. I appreciate it being easier tho. However I'm getting burned out on these souls games from Team ninja. They've done 4 of these now and it's getting very tiring. They're still enjoyable but it's tiring. I'm glad they're finally doing something new with Rise of the ronin next year
Re: Poll: How Do You Feel About Final Fantasy 16?
So here's the thing. I'm hype as hell for it cuz it simply looks great and we could definitely use more stylish action type games but on the other hand I don't exactly wanna see everything become a hack n slash either. Part of me would've liked if this game also used 7remakes combat system. I think that system does a great job with action and strategy. It doesn't allow you to just mash away. You gotta utilize your party to overcome which is great.
I'm not a fan of turn based combat but I really do enjoyed valkyrie profile and Indivisible's combat where a character is assigned to a face button and you press that butt9n to attack. I'd love to see FF use a system like that too. But either way I'm still hype for this
Re: Legendary Game Designer Shinji Mikami Leaving Tango Gameworks
Man. Looks like that retirement is approaching. I wonder if he was able to do that final game he talked about before
Re: Metal Gear Rising Fans Handed New Artwork Instead of a Remaster
@Beerheadgamer82 They're just celebrating the awesome game they made. It's cool that they still acknowledge it imo. If you wanna question anyone question konami. It's all up to them for a sequel to be made. Platinum has said many times how they wanna do sequels to their past games but as usual it's up to the publisher. If it was up to Platinum we probably would've had metal gear rising 2 and 3 by now
Re: Metal Gear Rising Fans Handed New Artwork Instead of a Remaster
See i only overhyped myself cuz of quinton Flynn's tweet a few weeks back. A fan asked about a sequel to rising and he responded "stay tuned for announcements in the coming weeks" or something like that. Surely he wouldn't make a tease like that only for absolutely nothing to happen. Maybe an announcement is still otw?
Re: Metal Gear Rising Fans Handed New Artwork Instead of a Remaster
@belmont doesn't seem like they hyped up anything to me. I think the fans overhyped themselves. Myself included 😅. If any remaster or sequel was happening konami would be the ones to reveal it after all
Re: Like a Dragon: Ishin's PS5, PS4 Trophy List Will Destroy You
@Golem25 yea I definitely get what you're saying. I honestly like when a games Platinum is pretty tough cuz it does feel good overcoming those challenges. But there's challenge and then there's tedium, grind, and cheapness if that's even a word.
There's having to learn entire mini games like mahjong, black jack, koi koi, there's those same mini games having god awful RNG or insane difficulty like puyo puyo, there's drone racing where even with the best build there can be you slam into one wall and it's all over while the cpu drones have perfect steering, perfect durability, perfect everything really. I can keep going but I'm just saying that with these Plats/achievements you have challenge and you have chore and the yakuza games are definitely chores imo
Re: Like a Dragon: Ishin's PS5, PS4 Trophy List Will Destroy You
I'd really love to know why RGG is always so bent on making the platinum trophy foe these games the most unenjoyable experience. I get that these platinums aren't gonna always be a walk in the park but that doesn't mean they need to be the most awful experience either.
At this point Y6 will probs be the only yakuza game I ever platted
Re: Wanted: Dead Brings Big Bargain Bin Vibes in PS5, PS4 Trailer
I genuinely w9nder why people have to give such "compliments" to games like this. Bargain bin vibes? You could just say it looks like a ps2 era title, or maybe a sleeper hit or something. I've seen others call this game the "coolest looking trash" they've ever seen or a janky mess that they can't wait to play. Yea it doesn't have the graphics or animations of a AAA Sony game or anything but it still looks good. Can't people just say it looks cool?
Re: PS2's Best-Selling Console Crown in Jeopardy As Nintendo Switch Passes PS4
@PushButtons I actually never thought of it that way. Kind of eye opening
Re: Metal Gear Rising 10th Anniversary 'Event' Teased
@nomither6 Agreed. MGR's fun factor definitely surpasses the likes of gow and dmc. Dmc may have the deepest mechanical pool, but nothing in the series compares to being blitzed by cyborg gorillas or the katana wielding enemies, skipping across a stream of missiles, or any of the boss battles. It's hard to top Platinum when it comes to pure fun and hype
Re: Granblue Fantasy: Relink Gets Gorgeous Screenshots Before This Weekend's Blowout
Let's see how this next trailer will look. Ever since the game apparently got redone it hasn't looked as appealing to me.
Re: House of the Dead Remake Treated to PS5 Version This Week
I'm hoping someway somehow that this'll lead to sega releasing Scarlet Dawn on consoles
Re: Fans Are At War with Street Fighter 6's PS5, PS4 Box Art
My issue is more with Capcom box art in general and not just with this. They have a good number of talented legendary artists that they can have make cover arts for their games but for whatever reason refuse to use them. Kinu Nishimura, Shinkiro, Bengus, Ikeno, Edayan. Did they all retire? Do they just not mess with Capcom anymore? Are they too expensive now? Like what's the deal?
Re: Fans Are At War with Street Fighter 6's PS5, PS4 Box Art
@ShogunRok it's so very confusing ain't it???
Re: Development Nearly Complete for Pinnochio-Inspired Soulslike Lies of P
I'm honestly digging this game a lot more than BB right now. I like the weird automaton enemies, the faster combat, and the fact that you're actually playing as Pinocchio of all people is the biggest appeal. Really looking forward to it
Re: Ninja Gaiden, Dead or Alive Reboots Planned at Team Ninja
@rawzeku I love P* but idk about this. I'm sure they'd do a great job, but certain games need to stay with their og developers. Team ninja made ninja gaiden as fun as it is and idk if P* can make it feel the same way. Same way I wouldn't want Capcom doing a bayonetta game cuz it's P* who made it as fun and hype as it is. Yea Capcom would probably do an amazing job with the combat and mechanics, but can they make the same kinda hype boss fights? The same kinda level design?
Re: Granblue Fantasy: Relink Gets Info, Public Demo in January Ahead of 2023 Release
Delayed to 2024
Re: Arad Chronicle: Kazan Has All the Trappings of a Worthy Soulslike
Yea the mire I think about it the more upset I get. They really said let's scrap this cool, colorful 3D dungeon fighter game with multiple playable characters and go for a more dark and dreary souls like game with one dude🤦
Hope to see gameplay soon cuz if it still resembles the BBQ gameplay than that'd be great but now there's a chance it'll have huge bosses with huge attack ranges that kill you in 1-2 hits, enemy layout where you have an aggressive enemy up close while 3 shoot at you from a distance, flippin stamina bars, and the good Ole frustrating difficulty that the devs might think is "tOuGh bUt FaIr" but is actually just bs.
But hey hopefully I'm wrong. Hopefully it'll just have a few souls like features and is mostly its own thing and still ends up being really fun
Re: Saddle Up, Partner, Cowboy Shooter Evil West Shows Off Online Co-Op in New Trailer
@HUMPERDOO I feel ya. I'm still excited for it but my hype kinda went down a bit. From 100 to maybe 85. Maybe cuz I'm still high off of bayo 3
Re: DualSense Edge PS5 Controller Is Coming Soon, and It's Pricey
There's absolutely no reason for a controller to be that expensive
Re: Colossal Flop Babylon's Fall Hasn't Changed Platinum's Plans for More Live Service Games
@z0d15g0d yea I've been thinking an anarchy reigns would be perfect for this kind of thing. I'd love to see them try that again
Re: Colossal Flop Babylon's Fall Hasn't Changed Platinum's Plans for More Live Service Games
@Danloaded but they've been doing those kinds of games since the beginning and they haven't sold well enough regardless of how dope they are. Nier auto was their only game that really sold well enough. Their other games like bayonetta or metal gear rising sold a million I think but ain't that just barely crossing the line?
Re: Colossal Flop Babylon's Fall Hasn't Changed Platinum's Plans for More Live Service Games
I wish only the best for them. Maybe it'll actually work out. It's not like every gas game ever made was a flop. An anarchy reigns type game can work pretty well as a gas game. Just add more characters, stages, weapons, and make sure it plays well. They're regular action games, as amaz8ng as they are, just don't sell well enough so now they're trying something new. What else do people expect them to do? Like the author said just cuz Babylon fell doesn't mean their other attempts are guaranteed to do so as well. We'll just have to wait and see
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Codenamed Project Orion Announced
I really hope development goes way smoother this time and that they're able to make a fully realized game. I get that they fumbled pretty flippin hard with the first game but they shouldn't be crapped on forever for it. I do hope it'll be 3rd person this time.
Re: PlayStation Bigwigs Won't Shut Up About PC, Smartphones
@Golem25 lmao never heard gorillion before
Re: Bloodborne Movie, TV Show Could Be a Thing in the Future
A bloodborne cgi movie could be amazing
Re: Sony Wasn't Interested in New JRPG from Ex-Wild Arms Devs
@RobN This. All of this. It's wild that I hardly ever see comments like this. Everyone blames the company but not the consumers
Re: Sony Wasn't Interested in New JRPG from Ex-Wild Arms Devs
You know people would always say sony isn't the same and they lost their identity and all that (I was one of those people I admit) but at the end of the day these games just don't sell like that anymore. People don't buy em. They all want the same stuff. Its almost as if a dev has to get lucky for their new IP to sell well. And that's for any company really.
Fromsoft keeps doing souls games cuz that's all people want. Sega keeps doing yakuza cuz that's all people want. Capcom keeps doing the same RE's, Monhun, and Street fighters cuz that's all people buy. If they made a Rival school with as much love and budget that sf6 seems to have I bet it still wouldn't sell enough.
Platinum has mostly put out various unique bangers their whole career yet they're still struggling to this day.
Sony is still a business at the end of the day. They're just doing what brings in the money. It's very unfortunate especially for people like me who love Japanese games and variety but it's just how it is.
Re: Sony Wasn't Interested in New JRPG from Ex-Wild Arms Devs
@jimbouk ahh. Well that's good to hear. Hopefully they keep that up
Re: Shadow Hearts Successor Penny Blood Gets New Trailer, Kickstarter Blows Up Overnight
Would've never imagined Shadow hearts making a return. This is insane
Re: Brutal Action Game Wanted: Dead Could Be Your Valentine in 2023
I've been watching this game since it leaked before its announcement. It looks so good. I'm glad soleil is giving us the more arcadey action games since team ninja doesn't seem to want to do anything besides nioh type games nowadays
Re: PS5 Game Forspoken's Script Is Attracting Some Pretty Good Memes
Hopefully she'll have much better lines. I remember when everyone hated how aloy sounded during the gameplay reveal of the first Horizon game but she sounded great in the final game. Hopefully it'll be the same case here. Regardless of how bad the writing may be the gameplay still looks incredible
Re: Immediate Backlash as Sony Asks Players About Purchasing NFTs
Regardless of any survey results or feedback they're still probably gonna do NFTs. Surely they've seen the backlash against them and I hardly even see nfts being brought up anymore yet they're still here like "you guys interested in nfts? Are you suuuuure? Are you really really suuuure?? Breathe if yes, recite the Bible in Japanese if no"
Re: Nioh Dev's Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Is Getting a Playable Demo in the 'Near Future'
I'm hype for this but I hope this won't end up being exactly like nioh. Hoping it sets itself apart from it enough like sekiro did from dark souls.
Re: Poll: What PS Stars Rewards Do You Want?
I think the digital figures sound pretty dope. Would be a cool reward for getting a Plat. Maybe give the figures different poses. 3 or 4 poses should be fine. They can have some kind of virtual display too like how smash bros melee and guilty gear Rev 2 had.
I would like to earn credits for games and dlc but I'm sure the requirements would be insane. Probably earn 1,000 platinum trophies or having to have been subscribed to ps plus since it first came out or some ridiculous bs
Re: Sony Announces PlayStation Stars, a Free Loyalty Scheme for PS5, PS4 Fans
Lol well it about time. I've always wanted something more for when I plat a game instead of just a trophy. Like an avatar set or theme or something. The digital figures sound pretty cool too
Re: Tokyo Game Show 2022 Confirms Major Publishers, But Sony Presence Seems Limited
Well apart from Wanted Dead and Wo Long, I have 0 expectations so I can only be surprised 🤷
Re: Soapbox: I Tried So Hard to Like Elden Ring, But I Just Couldn’t Do It
If not for the falling star jaw and mimic tear I would've either returned the game or snapped it in half
Re: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Dev Details a Soulslike Action Game, Built on the Back of Nioh
I'm still hype but man I wanted this to be more character action than another soulslike. But things like adding a jump, less loot, and hopefully no stamina make it sound much more exciting.
Re: Square Enix's Tetsuya Nomura Touches on the Future of Final Fantasy in Kingdom Hearts
I know the FF characters weren't that important to the story, but it was still cool to see them there. All you need to do is just give them a world where they help sora with whatever enemies would be there to push the plot forward a little bit just like they did in traverse town and Hollow bastion in KH1 and 2.
They could be party members and sora and cloud could have a double omnislash limit break. COME ON NOMURA. COME ON.
But fr even if you don't wanna include them in the story how about just giving them cameos? Making them summons maybe? Secret boss? There was no need to completely scrap them. To say that the basis of the series isn't ff x disney is silly cuz we all know about the elevator conversation all those years ago and how the series came to be.
Re: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Also Coming to PS5, PS4
I just hope this isn't another nioh. Let it be closer to ninja gaiden or something different. I don't mind a few similarities but I just don't want yet another nioh type game. At least drop the loot system. Kinda weird that they said they were done with nioh but make 2 games which are basically just that 😅
I'm still buying this regardless
Re: Wanted: Dead Brings Daft Character Action to PS5, PS4
Had my eyes on this since the first trailer and man the team has come a long way. It looks so much better.
And with this game, samurai jack, Vengeance is mine, and the new valkyrie profile game, Soleil seems to be coming up. Platinum may have some competition
Re: Final Fantasy 16 Is 'Fully Playable from Start to Finish'
@MFTWrecks Yea it's been a while since FF was turn based. I think the last turn based game was FF13. But the last few games FF15, FF7 remake, and now FF16 are all action RPGs.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 426
Viewtiful joe and sengoku basara 2!
Re: PlatinumGames' Latest April Fools Prank Is to Announce 9 New Games
@RubyCarbuncle they've said several times that it's up to nintendo to release anything bayo 3 related.
Also quite a lot of people still care for April fools since a buncha devs are joking around with it. It's pretty fun to see which announcements are fake and which ones are actually real projects