From the UK here. Might be sheer coincidence but 2 days ago I suddenly got a spam of notifications on my PS App in a matter of seconds that someone was trying to log into my account and asking me to approve or decline. Ofc I declined and immediately changed up security details. After that all clear... But now this outage has happened! Hopefully nothing malicious.
After seeing this article, just bought a Portal from Game Collection for £180 (using some of my points).
Their current price is £184.95
Sure, i'll be seen as a muppet by some for getting one, but might as well utilise my Premium sub (which recently got its annual renewal) to its fullest.
As someone who opts to play Switch handheld often at home with something playing on the TV in the background, curious to see how much more I'll play my PS5 as such through the Portal and if it'll take over from Switch.
I've been on a bit of a PS Classics run lately with Sly, TR: Legend, Lego Star Wars II and Daxter, so R&C; Size Matters will definitely be downloaded.
Maybe I was just young at the time of the original release, but I remember Size Matters getting seriously difficult at the end, with the enemies being bullet sponges. Also curious if the camera controls will be somewhat reworked like in Daxter to use the right analogue stick. Hope so!
Loving the look of this. Immediately gave me vibes of a John Hughes movie (especially with the Ferris Bueller reference), mixed with Life is Strange and the movie Perks of Being a Wallflower.
Sounding like an old fogey xD I remember the good ole days of getting AA/AAA titles in 3 for £20 deals at GAME and Best one I did was Beyond Good & Evil, Spider-Man 2 and Tony Hawk Underground. No add on MTXs, just straight up solid games.
Montage trailer of every Insomniac VR title is ported with enhanced & expanded editions to PSVR2. Edge of Nowhere, Feral Rites, The Unspoken & Stormland... Available after the state of play.
Cut to black with a slow fade in of a 1st person view from the top of the Empire State Building, looking across the skyline... A call comes in and an icon of Ganke pops up in the bottom right hand corner, saying there's a problem. The 1st person camera dives off the Empire State Building and with their arm outstretched to show a red & black suit design, ready for a web swing. Sharp cut to black.... electrified logo appears with very memorable music... It's a Miles Morales 1st person spin off VR title.
Tricky situation as I still have both my Tomb Raider & Sly Cooper HD trilogies for my PS3.
Question is can I be bothered to take out the PS3 console!?!...Or just download these PS2 versions of the first games to the PS5?!
PS3 is superior with the better visuals + I think Sly 2 & 3 on PS3 are in 3D!! (The 4K projector I play on still has 3D capabilities... Not letting the fad die! )
Such a shame to see! I used to work round the corner from them and when I'd pop into the nearby Costa, I'd usually see some of the devs chatting about their new VR work (once saw Alex Evans from Media Molecule too)... I even had a job interview with them in 2016 just before the launch of PSVR1.
Unfortunate The Getaway 3 never came to light, nor a PSVR2 sequel to Blood & Truth.
Base it on the weird DS game which was set in a haunted hotel of kinds in the middle of a desert, with ghosts and aliens etc in residence! Was a fever dream of a game, a could make for an off the wall movie! xD
Just got a flashback of my 7 year old self going round to my next door neighbours house (he was same age) and us two playing this and Jedi Power Battles together on PS1. Pretty sure we didn't get very far! Like beyond the first level! xD
Mere hours before R* announced the date, a friend asked me to predict when it'll happen and off the cuff I said, and I quote: "I think they'll just do it on a random Tuesday. Placing my bets on Tues 5th Dec".
And now it's officially revealed to be that date, he's 100% assured that I am some R* insider xD Can see how easy it was for Jon Cartwright as Waddle Dee Knows! xD
Everyone thinking it's set in a tropical locale, but what if! ... the trailer starts with that image of the palm trees and then the camera pans out and it's just a mural/poster on a wall in some dank alleyway in Soho.... The camera turns around to see Piccadilly Circus and BAM! "GTA London" logo
Wooh! Christmas spring cleaning with Powerwash Simulator! Still envious of Meta for having the VR version though! Still hoping it makes its way to PSVR2 eventually.
Oooh, nice! Time for me to jump back into Kayak VR to give that a try! Definitely will be a bit of a showcase when family members come over for Christmas.
And now some people are going to read too much into Bryan's tweet and have forum posts and YT speculation vids "Did Insomniac hint that "Rent Guy" from Tobey's Spiderman lives in Yuri's spiderverse!?"
Only 15hrs in so far. Overall it's been super polished for me, but I have had 3 very minor bugs/glitches.
1) during a cutscene of Peter and Miles just having a casual chat, their spidey outfits just started getting ripped to shreds bit by bit for no reason... Found it funny more than an annoyance. Hilarious seeing Pete asking Miles about an essay and then suddenly Pete's mask just got a massive gash across. Kinda reminded me of Aloy's sentient hair that jumps all over the place xD .
2) In another cutscene VO cut out completely... Thankfully subtitles were on so I could read what was happening
3) After fighting some goons, the follow up event didn't trigger.. so I had to load from last checkpoint... which thankfully was literally 2 secs back. And was working fine again.
Sweet! Finally my in-ceiling speakers going to get some use outside of 4K bluray movies.
Now this UK heatwave is over too! time to move my PS5 back to the home cinema from the living room, to test out Atmos on PS5 games. Hopefully the 3D audio through my speakers will also make PSVR2 games more immersive.
@theMEGAniggle sure! If you're UK/EU based it's called the "Epson EH-TW9400". I got it from the site ProjectorPoint. Was best price and they gave me 5 years additional warranty from Epson themselves.
If you're US based the model is slightly different and is called the "Epson Pro Cinema 6050UB" I think.
Speakers are "Q Acoustics 3050i Cinema Pack" + the 2 Atmos in ceiling speakers are called "Q Install QI65 Speaker".
My AV Receiver for all of this is the "Sony STRDH790.CEK 7.2"
I have been doing this since 2020 when I got my launch day PS5 with Miles Morales and love it!
My screen throw in my home cinema room is at 140" in 4K enhanced/60FPS with HDR10/10+. But that's based on the room size and can go up to 300" and with lossless optical zoom and lens shift.
My projector was a hefty £2800 at the time :/ (still goes for 2-2500K today!) BUT was praised for low latency with games, so got it and agree, there's no issue.
My speaker setup is 7.1.2 with Q Acoustic speakers (still waiting for that Atmos firmware update Sony!)
I do have a Sony A8 OLED too in the living room, but so much more immersive on a projector with full surround.
That XGIMI is so much smaller though! Which is a pro. Mine weighs near 2 stone and ain't budging now it's in place!
Lucky that it has Dolby Vision too, although as you said in the vid, still doesn't exist on PS5 anyway. The inbuilt speakers sounded pretty good too!
Curious about the projection itself as it says on the XGIMI site that it's an LED/Laser combo, but then mentions DLP in the spec.
Being a bit of a home cinema fan, my eyes widened in shock @AaronBayne at the sight of the projector resting on a Wii balance board!
Glad I held off on this game. Okay, so performance mode is now seemingly solid 60fps. What about image quality too? Don't really want to play in upscaled 864p and if the scaling breaks apart in motion. Hopefully Digital Foundry revisits this game. If solid, will get in a sale.
Cool! I wanted to try this out on PSVR but never got round to it. So can try it enhanced now for PSVR2. The trailer says "Out Now! On PlayStation VR2" at the end... Did the devs themselves get too eager and mix up the release date? xD Seeing as yourselves say 12th Sept.
@Sanquine @dirtidISHes Third that! Still waiting in hope it'll come PSVR2 eventually. Wonder what DLC pack they could do next. Imagine a a Star Wars collab. Clean up Tie Fighters, The Falcon, Pod Racers, The Jedi Temple xD etc etc
@ztpayne7 ahh cool! Cool! Just had a look on my PS App and looks to be a part of a different sale rather than PS Plus Double Discount. But good deals nonetheless. Like you Pixel Ripped is enticing at that price.
Zero PSVR2 titles in the double discount sale
Tbh should be somewhat grateful, as I still need to finish my entire PSVR2 backlog. Can't keep stacking up games!
As someone who mainly plays very heavy story driven, single player games, always been unsure if i'd like NMS. But now with this patch on PSVR2 and it only being £20 on PSN, I think it's time to bite! So curious to see all these procedurally generated worlds, especially in VR.
Considering too it seems that it was only one person at Hello Games who tinkered to get the foveated rendering (tweet below!.. or do we call it X? xD) I think it definitely deserves a purchase in support of their efforts!
Sony, if you're trying to nab a Mario movie cast member, at least get the other Mario brother, Charlie Day to play Daxter! He's way more fitting vocally.
Or as Daxter is going to be CG animated, just use the original voice actor...? James Arnold Taylor and David Kaye kept their roles as R&C in the movie.
@SamMR & @Olmaz Atmos already works on Blurays/4Ks since launch if you set it to "bitstream" for Blu-ray playback and have eARC.
For me it remains Linear PCM for games and then when I watch 4K Blu-rays it switches to bitstream which passes through Atmos. Whenever I watch Atmos mixed movies, I always double check the info on my AV receiver and it switches from the PS5 default LPCM to Dolby Atmos.
I'm assuming the new native choice of Atmos either might be to simplify setup, or so that it'll also work on Apps like Disney+ and AppleTV+, because currently those don't seem to register Atmos.
Would be cool if it works with games too, but I thought that was using Sony's proprietary Tempest audio, so no clue!
What timing! After owning Planet Coaster since PS5 launch and barely touching it until last weekend, I fell into playing it for hours on end and loving it, so was thinking of getting the DLC packs. I held back, but now looks like I will get them all.
@Cutmastavictory unfortunately it's not an updated RCT Classic, but instead an updated version of the Switch game "Adventures" which was essentially a port of the mobile game "RCT Touch".
Was initially very tempted to get this game as I struggled with the UI with Planet Coaster on PS5 (RCT3 on Switch has a better UI!), which was a huge shame as I've grown up on Theme Park World, RCT1-3
The added preorder bonus at The Game Collection with 2for1 tickets to Thorpe Park was somewhat enticing. But I still held off.
Was thinking of trying out this demo when I spotted it on Saturday, but seen some vids stating that the base game only has 25 rides and the rest seem to be locked behind a season pass.
Plus there's issues such a performance taking quite a hit when the park gets busy and guests just always unhappy and asking for more rides, even if you have them all.
Might just try and overcome the hurdle of Planet Coaster's UI.
Sweet! Me too @get2sammyb I didn't play it on PSVR1. Was wondering if 1995 and 1989 would also come to PSVR2 eventually with enhancements. Looking forward to it!
PSVR2 is having a pretty nice week, with trailers for the likes of Wanderer, Hubris etc. I'm sure was possibly due to legalities, devs not ready to show a trailer etc, but it does baffle me why these weren't shown at the PS Showcase.
Have had PSVR2 since launch and so far it's been pretty good from my perspective.
Granted some are simply upgrades from PSVR1, but got a nice selection of titles currently (Horizon, Moss 1&2, Kayak, Another Fisherman's Tale, Walkabout Mini Golf, Beat Saber, Pistol Whip, Synth Riders, Red Matter 2, GT7 & Garden of the Sea).
I'm quite nitpicky, but overall definitely feels a big step up visually and tracking wise compared to PSVR1.
Have had friends try it out too and they're very impressed by the clarity n whatnot. But the asking price is a total turn off for them.
My only concern is that I feel PSVR2 might go the way of the Vita with Sony first party themselves not making any titles for it, but just relying on 3rd party/indies.
They own Insomniac now and yet none of their VR titles have made its way to PSVR2 for example, which is a shame.
The lack of 1st party titles at the PS Showcase was very disconcerting. And no word if any studios that worked on PSVR1 games (London Soho Studios, Team Asobi etc) are doing anything related to PSVR2 either.
My other concern is just the other day the seam/groove of the plastic of the ring going around the right sense controller popped out. No clue if it will negatively affect tracking (so far not seen any changes) and too nervous to try and pop it back in, as it feels so fragile!
But I still really like my PSVR2! Was cool to see the likes of Bulletstorm announced.
If they are making PS3 era games possible in VR.... gimme Puppeteer! xD... or the HD Sly Collection from a 1st person perspective!
Comments 399
Re: State of Play Confirmed for Wednesday, 40+ Minutes of PS5 News and Updates
Last week was apparently 1000 days since the reveal of Kingdom Hearts 4... so Nomura! Hello?!....
Hoping for an Indy & The Great Circle release date.
Would be cool if the much rumoured Hogwarts Legacy DLC expansion popped up.
Out there random prediction! Uncharted 2 movie trailer. With Tom Holland introducing it with a stack of "Bero" behind him
Re: PSN Down Worldwide as PS5, PS4 Players Can't Log In or Play Online
From the UK here.
Might be sheer coincidence but 2 days ago I suddenly got a spam of notifications on my PS App in a matter of seconds that someone was trying to log into my account and asking me to approve or decline.
Ofc I declined and immediately changed up security details. After that all clear... But now this outage has happened!
Hopefully nothing malicious.
Re: How Well Do You Know Ratchet & Clank?
13/15 for me.
Mixed up Rivets arm and between which games had the longest gap.
Scandalous considering I've been a fan of the franchise since the PS2 original in 2002. 😱😂
Re: PS Portal Will Allow Cloud Streaming in New Beta Update
After seeing this article, just bought a Portal from Game Collection for £180 (using some of my points).
Their current price is £184.95
Sure, i'll be seen as a muppet by some for getting one, but might as well utilise my Premium sub (which recently got its annual renewal) to its fullest.
As someone who opts to play Switch handheld often at home with something playing on the TV in the background, curious to see how much more I'll play my PS5 as such through the Portal and if it'll take over from Switch.
Re: Macaulay Culkin Confirmed for Season 2 of Amazon's Fallout Show
Would be a neat lil nod to Home Alone if he fights some wet bandits xD
Re: 13 More PS Plus Extra, Premium Games Are Available to Download Now
I've been on a bit of a PS Classics run lately with Sly, TR: Legend, Lego Star Wars II and Daxter, so R&C; Size Matters will definitely be downloaded.
Maybe I was just young at the time of the original release, but I remember Size Matters getting seriously difficult at the end, with the enemies being bullet sponges.
Also curious if the camera controls will be somewhat reworked like in Daxter to use the right analogue stick. Hope so!
Re: Tomb Raider Legend Unearths 480p, 30fps Performance on PS5, PS4
Aww shucks!
Thankfully my PS3 still sits next to my PS5 and I have both the TR
and Sly HD Trilogies, so I might just boot them up.
Re: Reaction: You Said You Were Sick of PS5's Sad Dad Sims, So You Better Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
I'm now waiting to see if they'll have the courage to make a Lego PlayStation Heroes game with Ratchet, Clank, Sly & Co, and Jak and Daxter.
We can't just have PS3's "PlayStation Move Heroes" be the only game where the 3 mascots team up! xD
Re: Mixtape, the Promising Coming of Age Outing, Is Heading to PS5
Loving the look of this. Immediately gave me vibes of a John Hughes movie (especially with the Ferris Bueller reference), mixed with Life is Strange and the movie Perks of Being a Wallflower.
Definitely in my wishlist.
Re: PS Plus Premium Gets 6 New PSVR2 Games, Available to Download Now
Already own Walkabout Mini Golf and Synth Riders, but will definitely download the other 4 titles!
I hear Saints & Sinners is particularly good.
Re: PS5 Players Are Buying Fewer New Games, But Spending More Than Ever Overall
Sounding like an old fogey xD
I remember the good ole days of getting AA/AAA titles in 3 for £20 deals at GAME and
Best one I did was Beyond Good & Evil, Spider-Man 2 and Tony Hawk Underground.
No add on MTXs, just straight up solid games.
Re: State of Play Officially Confirmed for 30th May, Updates on PS5, PSVR2 Games
Montage trailer of every Insomniac VR title is ported with enhanced & expanded editions to PSVR2.
Edge of Nowhere, Feral Rites, The Unspoken & Stormland... Available after the state of play.
Cut to black with a slow fade in of a 1st person view from the top of the Empire State Building, looking across the skyline... A call comes in and an icon of Ganke pops up in the bottom right hand corner, saying there's a problem. The 1st person camera dives off the Empire State Building and with their arm outstretched to show a red & black suit design, ready for a web swing. Sharp cut to black.... electrified logo appears with very memorable music... It's a Miles Morales 1st person spin off VR title.
Heard it here first folks
Re: Rumour: God of War Ragnarok's PC Announcement Is Imminent
PushSquare editorial team's word of the day!
Re: Sly Cooper, Tomb Raider, Star Wars Revealed as Surprise PS2 Games on PS Plus Premium
Tricky situation as I still have both my Tomb Raider & Sly Cooper HD trilogies for my PS3.
Question is can I be bothered to take out the PS3 console!?!...Or just download these PS2 versions of the first games to the PS5?!
PS3 is superior with the better visuals + I think Sly 2 & 3 on PS3 are in 3D!! (The 4K projector I play on still has 3D capabilities... Not letting the fad die! )
Re: Some PS5 Fans Think the Rumoured PlayStation Showcase Will Be Announced Today
Sunak going to come out of 10 Downing Street to that lectern and provide his and his cabinet's PS Showcase predictions
"The PSP 2 coming out this Christmas! You heard it here first folks!" xD
Re: PlayStation London Studio Shares a Farewell Message Following Closure
Such a shame to see!
I used to work round the corner from them and when I'd pop into the nearby Costa, I'd usually see some of the devs chatting about their new VR work (once saw Alex Evans from Media Molecule too)... I even had a job interview with them in 2016 just before the launch of PSVR1.
Unfortunate The Getaway 3 never came to light, nor a PSVR2 sequel to Blood & Truth.
Re: Fallout 4 PS5 Version Out 25th April with New Modes and Content
Now if Bethesda could do a PSVR2 upgrade of Skyrim VR, please!
Re: The Sims Is Being Turned into a Movie
Base it on the weird DS game which was set in a haunted hotel of kinds in the middle of a desert, with ghosts and aliens etc in residence!
Was a fever dream of a game, a could make for an off the wall movie! xD
Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 the Most-Nominated Game at This Year's DICE Awards
@Triumph741 this D.I.C.E is part of the Academy of Interactive Arts & Science.
Completely separate to EA's DICE (Digital Illusions)
Re: PS Plus Premium Will Add PS1's Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Next
Calling it now, the next Disney game after this will be "Dinosaur" on PS1
Re: PS Plus Premium Will Add PS1's Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Next
Just got a flashback of my 7 year old self going round to my next door neighbours house (he was same age) and us two playing this and Jedi Power Battles together on PS1.
Pretty sure we didn't get very far! Like beyond the first level! xD
Re: GTA 6 Trailer Debuts on Tuesday, 5th December
Mere hours before R* announced the date, a friend asked me to predict when it'll happen and off the cuff I said, and I quote:
"I think they'll just do it on a random Tuesday. Placing my bets on Tues 5th Dec".
And now it's officially revealed to be that date, he's 100% assured that I am some R* insider xD
Can see how easy it was for Jon Cartwright as Waddle Dee Knows! xD
Re: GTA 6 Trailer Debuts on Tuesday, 5th December
Everyone thinking it's set in a tropical locale, but what if! ... the trailer starts with that image of the palm trees and then the camera pans out and it's just a mural/poster on a wall in some dank alleyway in Soho.... The camera turns around to see Piccadilly Circus and BAM! "GTA London" logo
Re: PS Plus Essential Games for December 2023 Announced
Wooh! Christmas spring cleaning with Powerwash Simulator!
Still envious of Meta for having the VR version though! Still hoping it makes its way to PSVR2 eventually.
Re: Xmas in Kayak VR: Mirage Is the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Oooh, nice! Time for me to jump back into Kayak VR to give that a try!
Definitely will be a bit of a showcase when family members come over for Christmas.
Re: Daredevil Pays Rent, Skewering Marvel's Spider-Man 2 DLC Theory
And now some people are going to read too much into Bryan's tweet and have forum posts and YT speculation vids "Did Insomniac hint that "Rent Guy" from Tobey's Spiderman lives in Yuri's spiderverse!?"
Re: Poll: Spider-Man 2 PS5 Bugs are Apparently a Real Problem, But Have You Had Any?
Only 15hrs in so far. Overall it's been super polished for me, but I have had 3 very minor bugs/glitches.
1) during a cutscene of Peter and Miles just having a casual chat, their spidey outfits just started getting ripped to shreds bit by bit for no reason... Found it funny more than an annoyance. Hilarious seeing Pete asking Miles about an essay and then suddenly Pete's mask just got a massive gash across.
Kinda reminded me of Aloy's sentient hair that jumps all over the place xD .
2) In another cutscene VO cut out completely... Thankfully subtitles were on so I could read what was happening
3) After fighting some goons, the follow up event didn't trigger.. so I had to load from last checkpoint... which thankfully was literally 2 secs back. And was working fine again.
Re: Build Your Own PS5, PS4 Theme Park in RollerCoaster Tycoon Adventures Deluxe Next Month
@Cutmastavictory it's an "enhanced" port of the mobile game RCT Touch.
Re: 15 PS5, PS4 Games Coming to PS Plus Extra, Premium in October 2023 Update
Another month goes by and still no Daxter, R&C: Size Matters, Resistance Retribution etc etc...
Ah well! Spiderman 2 in 9 days!
Re: Latest PS5 Firmware Update Out Now, Adds Support for Dolby Atmos, Larger SSDs
Sweet! Finally my in-ceiling speakers going to get some use outside of 4K bluray movies.
Now this UK heatwave is over too! time to move my PS5 back to the home cinema from the living room, to test out Atmos on PS5 games.
Hopefully the 3D audio through my speakers will also make PSVR2 games more immersive.
Re: Video: We've Been Playing PS5 Games On a 200" 4K Projector Screen, and It's Insane
@theMEGAniggle sure!
If you're UK/EU based it's called the "Epson EH-TW9400". I got it from the site ProjectorPoint. Was best price and they gave me 5 years additional warranty from Epson themselves.
If you're US based the model is slightly different and is called the "Epson Pro Cinema 6050UB" I think.
Speakers are "Q Acoustics 3050i Cinema Pack" + the 2 Atmos in ceiling speakers are called "Q Install QI65 Speaker".
My AV Receiver for all of this is the "Sony STRDH790.CEK 7.2"
Re: Video: We've Been Playing PS5 Games On a 200" 4K Projector Screen, and It's Insane
I have been doing this since 2020 when I got my launch day PS5 with Miles Morales and love it!
My screen throw in my home cinema room is at 140" in 4K enhanced/60FPS with HDR10/10+. But that's based on the room size and can go up to 300" and with lossless optical zoom and lens shift.
My projector was a hefty £2800 at the time :/ (still goes for 2-2500K today!) BUT was praised for low latency with games, so got it and agree, there's no issue.
My speaker setup is 7.1.2 with Q Acoustic speakers (still waiting for that Atmos firmware update Sony!)
I do have a Sony A8 OLED too in the living room, but so much more immersive on a projector with full surround.
That XGIMI is so much smaller though! Which is a pro. Mine weighs near 2 stone and ain't budging now it's in place!
Lucky that it has Dolby Vision too, although as you said in the vid, still doesn't exist on PS5 anyway. The inbuilt speakers sounded pretty good too!
Curious about the projection itself as it says on the XGIMI site that it's an LED/Laser combo, but then mentions DLP in the spec.
Being a bit of a home cinema fan, my eyes widened in shock @AaronBayne at the sight of the projector resting on a Wii balance board!
Re: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor PS5 Update Available Now, Here Are the Patch Notes
Glad I held off on this game.
Okay, so performance mode is now seemingly solid 60fps. What about image quality too? Don't really want to play in upscaled 864p and if the scaling breaks apart in motion.
Hopefully Digital Foundry revisits this game.
If solid, will get in a sale.
Re: Pixel Ripped 1995 Hits PSVR2 This Month, Free Upgrade for Existing Players
Cool! I wanted to try this out on PSVR but never got round to it. So can try it enhanced now for PSVR2.
The trailer says "Out Now! On PlayStation VR2" at the end... Did the devs themselves get too eager and mix up the release date? xD
Seeing as yourselves say 12th Sept.
Re: Great Scott! Go Back to the Future with PowerWash Simulator's Next DLC
@Sanquine @dirtidISHes Third that! Still waiting in hope it'll come PSVR2 eventually.
Wonder what DLC pack they could do next.
Imagine a a Star Wars collab.
Clean up Tie Fighters, The Falcon, Pod Racers, The Jedi Temple xD etc etc
Re: PS Plus Drives Down PS Store Prices on Over 2,000 PS5, PS4 Games
@sop Thanks for the heads up. Already have the electro swing pack for Synth Riders
Re: PS Plus Drives Down PS Store Prices on Over 2,000 PS5, PS4 Games
@ztpayne7 ahh cool! Cool! Just had a look on my PS App and looks to be a part of a different sale rather than PS Plus Double Discount. But good deals nonetheless.
Like you Pixel Ripped is enticing at that price.
Re: PS Plus Drives Down PS Store Prices on Over 2,000 PS5, PS4 Games
Zero PSVR2 titles in the double discount sale
Tbh should be somewhat grateful, as I still need to finish my entire PSVR2 backlog. Can't keep stacking up games!
Re: No Man's Sky's PSVR2 Visuals Take a Massive Leap with Foveated Rendering
@gaston thanks for your insight! appreciate it.
NMS will definitely be added to my library
(my already extensive backlog screaming "Noooo!" xD)
Will be cool to finally check it all out. Plus my PSVR2 needs some renewed attention from me so this is a perfect excuse
Re: No Man's Sky's PSVR2 Visuals Take a Massive Leap with Foveated Rendering
As someone who mainly plays very heavy story driven, single player games, always been unsure if i'd like NMS.
But now with this patch on PSVR2 and it only being £20 on PSN, I think it's time to bite! So curious to see all these procedurally generated worlds, especially in VR.
Considering too it seems that it was only one person at Hello Games who tinkered to get the foveated rendering (tweet below!.. or do we call it X? xD) I think it definitely deserves a purchase in support of their efforts!
Re: Is This Parody? Tom Holland, Chris Pratt Allegedly Lined Up for Jak & Daxter Movie
Sony, if you're trying to nab a Mario movie cast member, at least get the other Mario brother, Charlie Day to play Daxter! He's way more fitting vocally.
Or as Daxter is going to be CG animated, just use the original voice actor...?
James Arnold Taylor and David Kaye kept their roles as R&C in the movie.
Re: New PS5 Firmware Beta Starts Today, Bigger SSD Support, Extra Features
@SamMR & @Olmaz Atmos already works on Blurays/4Ks since launch if you set it to "bitstream" for Blu-ray playback and have eARC.
For me it remains Linear PCM for games and then when I watch 4K Blu-rays it switches to bitstream which passes through Atmos.
Whenever I watch Atmos mixed movies, I always double check the info on my AV receiver and it switches from the PS5 default LPCM to Dolby Atmos.
I'm assuming the new native choice of Atmos either might be to simplify setup, or so that it'll also work on Apps like Disney+ and AppleTV+, because currently those don't seem to register Atmos.
Would be cool if it works with games too, but I thought that was using Sony's proprietary Tempest audio, so no clue!
Re: New PS5 Firmware Beta Starts Today, Bigger SSD Support, Extra Features
Finally! My 7.1.4 Atmos set up can be put to proper use.
Re: Almost 500 PS5, PS4 DLC Packs Discounted on PS Store
What timing!
After owning Planet Coaster since PS5 launch and barely touching it until last weekend, I fell into playing it for hours on end and loving it, so was thinking of getting the DLC packs.
I held back, but now looks like I will get them all.
Re: Existence of 'Undisclosed' Rockstar VR Game Leaks via Actor’s Resume
Everyone forgetting that Rockstar made a table tennis game back in the Wii days... It'll be that in VR
Re: Build Your Dream Theme Park in RollerCoaster Tycoon Adventures Deluxe on PS5, PS4
@Cutmastavictory unfortunately it's not an updated RCT Classic, but instead an updated version of the Switch game "Adventures" which was essentially a port of the mobile game "RCT Touch".
The NintendoLife team reviewed the Switch game back in 2018:
Re: Build Your Dream Theme Park in RollerCoaster Tycoon Adventures Deluxe on PS5, PS4
Hold up! Isn't this the one Atari only made via crowdfunding for Switch and PC and also plays like a mobile game?
It's RCT Classic (essentially 1 & 2 combined) from Chris Sawyer we want! Not this.
I'll stick to Frontier's Planet Coaster on PS5 and RCT3 on Switch, thanks unless "Classic" gets a console port eventually.
Re: PS Plus Premium Members Can Test Drive Another Brand New PS5 Game
Was initially very tempted to get this game as I struggled with the UI with Planet Coaster on PS5 (RCT3 on Switch has a better UI!), which was a huge shame as I've grown up on Theme Park World, RCT1-3
The added preorder bonus at The Game Collection with 2for1 tickets to Thorpe Park was somewhat enticing. But I still held off.
Was thinking of trying out this demo when I spotted it on Saturday, but seen some vids stating that the base game only has 25 rides and the rest seem to be locked behind a season pass.
Plus there's issues such a performance taking quite a hit when the park gets busy and guests just always unhappy and asking for more rides, even if you have them all.
Might just try and overcome the hurdle of Planet Coaster's UI.
Re: Break the Fourth Wall in 16-Bit Celebration Pixel Ripped 1995 for PSVR2
Sweet! Me too @get2sammyb I didn't play it on PSVR1.
Was wondering if 1995 and 1989 would also come to PSVR2 eventually with enhancements. Looking forward to it!
PSVR2 is having a pretty nice week, with trailers for the likes of Wanderer, Hubris etc.
I'm sure was possibly due to legalities, devs not ready to show a trailer etc, but it does baffle me why these weren't shown at the PS Showcase.
Re: Feature: PSVR2 Three Months Later - The Good, The Bad, and The Worrying
Have had PSVR2 since launch and so far it's been pretty good from my perspective.
Granted some are simply upgrades from PSVR1, but got a nice selection of titles currently (Horizon, Moss 1&2, Kayak, Another Fisherman's Tale, Walkabout Mini Golf, Beat Saber, Pistol Whip, Synth Riders, Red Matter 2, GT7 & Garden of the Sea).
I'm quite nitpicky, but overall definitely feels a big step up visually and tracking wise compared to PSVR1.
Have had friends try it out too and they're very impressed by the clarity n whatnot. But the asking price is a total turn off for them.
My only concern is that I feel PSVR2 might go the way of the Vita with Sony first party themselves not making any titles for it, but just relying on 3rd party/indies.
They own Insomniac now and yet none of their VR titles have made its way to PSVR2 for example, which is a shame.
The lack of 1st party titles at the PS Showcase was very disconcerting. And no word if any studios that worked on PSVR1 games (London Soho Studios, Team Asobi etc) are doing anything related to PSVR2 either.
My other concern is just the other day the seam/groove of the plastic of the ring going around the right sense controller popped out. No clue if it will negatively affect tracking (so far not seen any changes) and too nervous to try and pop it back in, as it feels so fragile!
But I still really like my PSVR2! Was cool to see the likes of Bulletstorm announced.
If they are making PS3 era games possible in VR.... gimme Puppeteer! xD... or the HD Sly Collection from a 1st person perspective!