Comments 1,721

Re: No Final Decisions on E3 2024 or Beyond Have Been Made


@NEStalgia the way you talk about swinging being bad is crazy to me. It's as if don't know you can't release your web at any point, use momentum to generate speed, swing into a point launch then back into swinging. The physics are there. Your skill level must not be that advanced if all you do is hold R2 and that's it. You also have the quick swinging where you hold R2 and tap x in time with your quickest velocity to switch between left and right hands and get fast swinging close to the ground. Not to mention the venom boost and crazy skills you can do in the air with miles morales. I will get to your other points soon in another reply but just wanted to address that first because it's just objectively not true.

Yes you have a lot of hands holding but you also have the most advanced swinging in any game

Re: No Final Decisions on E3 2024 or Beyond Have Been Made


@NEStalgia in a wholly gameplay perspective I would understand your point, but that's the thing. Games have evolved way past the point of being looked at and judged wholly for their gameplay.

Superhero games may never be for you then because it's story and presentation first, gameplay a close second. If you were never interested in the character as a kid, it would be a lot harder for you as an adult to suspend your disbelief and just like the ability to play as a human with super strength and spider abilities. And as for what has changed, it looks like SP 2 has a lot more fun gameplay changes to it. The addition of Queens adds for a larger sandbox and more space for the faster traversal, but that one is minor. Combat is your issue? Well there are way more gadgets and Venom powers, as well as more powers to explore from 2 very different Spider-Men.

Your point about it being set in 1920s is just not realistic because unless it was a story about Spider-Man Noir, it wouldn't make sense to be playing a Spider-Man game in that time period.

The swinging is miles above any other Spider-Man game. I get the criticism with "oh but you can't swing on the floor, the swinging holds your hands too much". I think they could very easily go for that Spider-Man 2 Movie game style as the swinging is physics based but the animations make it so much more fun. In the Spider-Man 2 Movie game, the swinging is so bland. You swing, you go fast, you swing again, no flashy animations and I think if you want it to look as good as we have in the Insomniac games, that's the trade off. I'm sure they will cave in eventually or find a way to blend the physics based swinging perfectly with more 'realistic' animations. The swinging has a lot of control to it and the only things that hold it back for people are the inability to fail while swinging close to the ground and the automated parkour system that transitions your momentum into wall runs and the like. Something that was a big complaint about the Spider-Man 2 Movie game but people have turned it on its side to be a sudden criticism of Insomniac's games and in favour of the SP 2 Movie game. Sad that a game gets criticised for having nice animations

The thing I absolutely hate about these games are not the side quests because they are actually pretty good, from Tombstone to the Science labs for Harry, to Speedball that stinking witch. I absolutely hate the open world activities. I was on a long but painful journey to plat the game and the amount of beat up these guys, chase this car and repeat that I had to do was ungodly. I understand having stuff to do in open world games but devs need to learn that its better to have one or two than 100 same ones that just cycle between one or two scenarios.

A close second is the break in pace with the MJ and Miles without powers missions, thank God Miles Morales did not have those because I would have screamed

Re: No Final Decisions on E3 2024 or Beyond Have Been Made


@NEStalgia I think there's still enjoyment to be had though. Regardless of how the industry has evolved, or devolved, or how everything is drawn out with heavy involvement from the suits that run the publishing arms or executives. There is still enjoyment to be had. However, it's just not hitting for me anymore.

I do slightly understand why you'd say Spider-Man is part of the issue but Insomniac know how to make fun games. I wonder, why do you think it's the epitome of the whole problem? Is it because of heavy executive involvement in that

Re: No Final Decisions on E3 2024 or Beyond Have Been Made


@NEStalgia I'll check it out for sure

It's sad how these companies just jump on a trend even when it sucks. Obviously the threat of COVID was enough for them to hop on that as an excuse to go digital but I'm hoping there's an event that would bring the official shows back

Yes there's Gamescom and the summer games fest but they suck. TGS as well, it's just not the same. Still remember being introduced to the puppeteer way back in a TGS. Was it 2013?

Maybe this is just me getting older and losing that desire for gaming but it feels like that spark that games and the events had is long gone now. Sad

I am looking forward to starfield and Spider-Man 2 though. Mainly Spider-Man 2

Re: No Final Decisions on E3 2024 or Beyond Have Been Made


@NEStalgia Aisha Tyler's hosting was always fun yet cringe to watch

Devolver digital are amazing, their shows are so chaotic. I didn't see theirs this year though. I just want one big event that everyone is at, rather than all these disappointing, time wasting prerecorded conferences where very little is actually being announced

Nintendo really started this with their online directs

Re: No Final Decisions on E3 2024 or Beyond Have Been Made


I was all for digital showcases but they really do suck. I miss the technical issues, companies 1-upping each other, cringe celebrities, vocal audiences, ACTUAL LIVE DEMOS

Geoff Keighley's show reminded me of that and I really did miss it. Even though the show wasn't amazing in terms of showing, I enjoyed it so much more than the others

Re: Star Wars Outlaws to Feature GTA-Style Wanted System to Punish Your Intergalactic Crimes


@KidRyan I think we should temper our expectations. At the end of the day, games are still games, not life. Choices having deep meaningful impacts on stories never go deep, unless it's an actual RPG. And even then, it's only been done well in some Fallout games and TW3.

And then factor in this being Ubisoft AND an action game. I just don't see the choices having much impact on the overall story. Maybe the way missions play out will differ but that's all I see

Re: UK Sales Charts: Diablo 4 Unleashes Hell at Number One While Sony Exclusives Return


@Cutmastavictory alright, what's the difference between games as a service and live service games? I am genuinely interested to learn if there even is a difference

I use them interchangeably because to my knowledge, there is very little distinction between the two. It's not like saying coke zero and diet coke, because in the case of Gaas or live service games there's nothing really different. Just different ways of saying the same thing

Re: UK Sales Charts: Diablo 4 Unleashes Hell at Number One While Sony Exclusives Return


@Cutmastavictory thought it was pretty straightforward that Gaas/Live service games were games that offer more content or differing content as time goes. Not involving quality of life patches or DLC.

So like events, cosmetic drops, seasons, item drops, new game modes, stuff like that

@Sil_Am I don't think it has to include co-op or multiplayer but those are the most abundant forms of live service. Might be mis-remembering but I think Sony did refer to GT7 and MLB The Show as current live service titles recently in a presentation

Re: Sony Will Not Attend Giant German Convention Gamescom This Year


@KundaliniRising333 how many exclusive games would you like to see per year? Like what would satisfy you, because although I agree you don't need to like everything that Sony do, I've never seen you under a comments section liking anything that anyone does.

Don't take it as an attack, or as me praising Sony, I'm just interested in what you actually want to see

Re: After 10 Years, GTA 5 Will Finally Fix Its Sprint Controls on PS5, PS4


@NEStalgia it's like they want to wait until (when?) to release big big VR games but really and truly, you should have them in there first and later adopters will buy those games. Start as you mean to go on Sony. I am not going to complain about this year because we've had some good releases for VR 2 but after that, who knows what's happening

The head haptics could be used to simulate wind and depending on where it's coming from, you know what direction to travel in. Honestly, GoT on VR NEEDS to happen. It makes too much sense.

And yeah regarding HL: Alyx I mean it did release on Quest 2 so that gave me hope but looking more into it, still only accessible through steam. Would honestly make me consider selling my headset and just getting a Valve Index just so I can play it.

Take notes Sony that's the importance of system sellers on your platform

Re: After 10 Years, GTA 5 Will Finally Fix Its Sprint Controls on PS5, PS4


@NEStalgia I thought it was gonna be a heist game at first and I was really excited but it just devolved into another rainbow 6 siege looking game

I think the next logical step for assassin's creed is to switch genre to an immersive sim. It seemed that's what they were working towards and then they went a different route after AC 3. It has all the ingredients for it