Comments 1,721

Re: Poll: Was This Sony's Best PlayStation Showcase Yet?


@Bez87 I think there are plenty cases where it makes sense but for me, I seriously would've Day 1'd something like this a few years back.

I know a lot of people that carry their tablets around just to do remote play while hotspotting with their phones so this would be an instant buy for them. Also as mentioned, it's great if you have 1 TV and it's constantly in use or you're on holiday away from PS5 or whatever.

Re: Poll: Was This Sony's Best PlayStation Showcase Yet?


@Bez87 I see the vision for that, they're giving people more options. I for one loved remote play on my Vita. I hate playing games on my phone. The Project Q thing would be perfect for people like me if I had more time for gaming. These days I'm okay with sitting in front of my TV every now and then rather than gaming on the go.

Re: Alan Wake's PS5 Sequel May Be Much Closer Than You Think


@KidRyan yeah that's what I'm saying. Re-read what I wrote. If the show is delayed due to the writers strike then there is no rush for then to get the third game out before the season that portrays it releases.

And that's good because there's no way part 2 can fit into 10 episodes of television. Would be cool to see ND do sci-fi. That savage starlight rumour has been going since like 2014

Re: Poll: Was This Sony's Best PlayStation Showcase Yet?


@Old-Red yeah definitely, not just him it's also Herman Hulst. But look if no one is playing it, if we're literally in the minority, the few million people that play it then really and truly it's a waste of money for them. That kind of cash loss would lead to major problems for them

But on the other hand, they rake in billions so what's a little loss eh. Those games like puppeteer and tearaway and gravity rush are genuinely what capture people's hearts and make memorable experiences. Those games still come but without the polish and marketing but this is why you can't limit yourself to one console

Re: Poll: Was This Sony's Best PlayStation Showcase Yet?


@Bez87 oof can you imagine the state of these fans if they went another year without showing anything. I do agree that would've been the better option but if you're Sony you got to keep engagement up somehow eh?

I'm sure we'll see state of plays showing off gameplay for haven studios game and concord but it was just an announcement.

I guess we're all forgetting that at the last showcase we saw a teaser for GOW Ragnarok before they showed it off in the state of play. Maybe that's their tactic on new game announcements

Re: Poll: Was This Sony's Best PlayStation Showcase Yet?


@Bez87 that's the thing. You call it a showcase, people expect a showcase. No word from asobi, bend, SP, ND. Those studios at least have something to announce. And now it'll lead people to think the next one will be great and then only a few of those studios will show.

I think Sony needs to handle the communication better. Temper expectations because we don't know what's happening, and that's leading to us thinking there's a reason for them being quiet, it's because they want to surprise us. But there is no surprise, it's just nothing to show :/

Re: Dragon's Dogma 2 Looks Godlike in First PS5 Gameplay Reveal


@djlard hahahaha what

Each to their own, I can understand if you don't like Spider-Man but thought that gameplay looked great. Have you played the games because they're definitely not anything like inFamous

I just thought you were an AC fan going by your DP. Yeah I thought that mirage gameplay looked slightly basic. It's like they just threw a coat of paint over black flag. So I'm not very optimistic it'll be a good experience especially after the RPG trilogy

Re: Poll: Was This Sony's Best PlayStation Showcase Yet?


@Old-Red games take a really long time to make so if they got anything magical line returnal it's gonna take a while to cook.

That being said, it definitely should've been a state of play because not many reveals were shown. Plus Sony's fault everyone has big expectations. When you stay silent like this, any movement will cause excitement

Re: Poll: Was This Sony's Best PlayStation Showcase Yet?


@Terry12 reading the comments you'd think there was nothing on show. I am disappointed to not have seen factions but oh well. That was literally the only thing I thought they would show and didn't

Too many people living in fantasy land. There's still the summer games show and next year to come. One thing I really didn't like was the GT trailer. Like why, such a mood kill.

Re: Sony Aiming for At Least Two Big PS5 Exclusives Each Year Across 'Every Major Genre'


@EquiinoxGII TF2 (very successful), Fortnite (very successful), Apex (very successful), Warframe (very successful), World of Tanks (very successful), Diablo (very successful), Warzone (very successful), Fall Guys (very successful), GT (very successful), CSGO (very successful), FF14 (very successful), Path of Exile (very successful), any Fifa (very successful).

There are many live service games and many many successful ones. Which is why this industry will keep moving towards them

Edit: expect a live service Ghost of Tsushima game as well after the success of Legends

Re: Alan Wake's PS5 Sequel May Be Much Closer Than You Think


@KidRyan I think regarding TLOU 3 we'll see ND's new IP first. Then hopefully another few years until the third game. The writers strike might be doing them a favour with not needing to rush out the game before season 3 drops. Obviously season 2 still to come but will it be a 1 game fits in a season type thing or split across multiple seasons.

I know I certainly am not in the minority, love TLOU but there's just been too much. A break is well needed, as well as a different project from ND for us to all enjoy

Re: Alan Wake's PS5 Sequel May Be Much Closer Than You Think


@KidRyan director's cut would make sense tbh. Cash in on TLOU TV show. That would make 2 TLOU releases in 2 years.

Its wild because before the year started I always saw this year as a banger but I haven't had the time to enjoy all those games yet so I've just seen it as another okay year. But you're right, in reality it's been spectacular.