Comments 1,721

Re: The Sims 5 Confirmed Free-to-Play, The Sims 4 to Receive Continued Support in Tandem


@get2sammyb I agree its strange to support Sims 4 as IMO its not worth continuing the support as its not like it was a GREAT game.

I disagree though on your point its unplayable. Been playing it for months on PS5 with my partner as she loves the Sims and the worst we've experienced were some minor stutters when building a house. I hate how segmented it is compared to Sims 3 and the loading screens but it even runs better than its predecessor. It is also ridiculous that EA continues to sell so much DLC for it at absurd prices. My least favourite Sims game by far but definitely not unplayable and doesn't even run as bad as you say

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5's Lizard Has Real Scale


@Yusuo hahaha, nice one.

No I get that, just one's a big muscley alien (Venom) and the other is just Spider-Man in a black symbiote suit. I don't think it's THAT similar as they look very different but I get that not everyone is going to know the difference. When you play it though I'm sure you'll start to understand the differences and be able to tell them apart for yourself

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5's Lizard Has Real Scale


@Yusuo in what you are describing you aren't venom, you're Peter with symbiote abilities coming from Venom.

Venom is the big ass muscley tongue demon. Venom is usually bonded with Eddie Brock (the perfect symbiote), in this game I think its Harry. Spider-man rarely ever becomes Venom in the comics because he is strong enough to not let it take over him. However, it usually embodies him when it tries to bond with him and gives him that black suit and the symbiote abilities, if that makes sense

Re: PS Plus Essential, Extra, Premium Price Increases Announced by Sony


@The_ghostmen yeah I'd switch to a high end PC in a heartbeat 😂

Start of this gen I was arguing that there won't be a point in the next 5 years where we'd get PS exclusives on PC within 3 years of release and I used that to justify me getting and keeping a PS5. I was so wrong. Get a PC. Save up £2k or whatever it is. It's always been the ultimate gaming experience and with all Xbox games on PC day 1, new PS5 games being developed for PC and PS5, it makes sense now to hop on.

So yes my friend, I will upgrade my PC and just use that when my PS5 dies. It's just not really worth it anymore

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PlayStation Portal?


@Flaming_Kaiser no doubt re-releases have better quality but that's the point of not having to fork out another £60 just to play what you already bought. RDR for example if I was too okay it on Xbox I'd just use my 360 purchase and it's upscaled to 4k. With PlayStation I have to buy it again as a new release.

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PlayStation Portal?


@XboxTheBestBox I think a saving grace is that presumably from PS4 and up, everything will be BC.

I get that there's money to be made of course, but like you said, just throw us a bone. We pay stupid amounts of money every year, every generation, every console. Just give us some freebies from personally my most memorable and favourite console. I literally boot up my PS3 just to play those MINIS like Mini Ninjas or RDR, GTA IV, LBP, LA Noire, Pixeljunk Eden, Max Payne 3 and many more. So many childhood memories

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PlayStation Portal?


@XboxTheBestBox it'll blow your mind but PS3 BC is achievable but not financially viable for Sony. They make more money by re-releasing ports of PS3 games, remaking them or charging you to stream them than by allowing you to play them via BC. It probably won't change either.

Re: Poll: Is 'Live Service' Becoming an Excuse to Release Unfinished Games?


I think the method of releasing a game with set amount of content and anything extra being DLC or added to a sequel was not broken, therefore did not need to be side-lined for the monstrosity of live service games most publishers are trying to adopt.

This 'evolving content' rhetoric that we find ourselves embroiled in is becoming simply a product of laziness and greed. It used to be that you get a complete experience then overtime it evolves. Now, its growing to just be broken buggy mess that will get some half-assed content updates. Where it does fit in some cases, it absolutely has no place in others. Yet, due to the stupid success of many, I doubt its something we will see publishers stopping anytime soon.

Re: The Last of Us' Neil Druckmann Confirms He's Writing, Directing New PS5 Game


@PlayStationGamer3919 it's been way too long! But that's due to their success. U1, U2 & U3 were back to back to back and I think the majority of their fans would rather see them finish a story than keep it hanging for a few years.

And then factor in the development times for full games and it's really no wonder why they'd rather work on sequels than new IPs. Imagine TLOU 3 releasing over 10 years later part 2. Don't think Sony or ND would want that