Comments 1,721

Re: Cancelled Live Service Spider-Man PS5 Game Allegedly Surfaces


I have heard time and time again that the resources required to make these a hit are straining and lead to a complete refocus on the studios goals and ambitions.

Maybe if this happened, in the next 10 years, we'd only see this, Venom and Wolverine from Insomniac. Look at Rockstar with GTA V. I think it's a case of "would we want to give up what we are known for, for the next decade"

Re: Sony Partner Deviation Games Shuttered Before Shipping Its First PS5 Project


@theSpectre not your fault, it wasn't very clear tbf. Play some Helldivers 2, one of the best fun I've had in a long time. Kinda reminds me of a smaller scale Warhawk.

Yeah the devs that don't have the experience or are excessively pushed into making live service games without much testing or room for experimentation are usually the ones that fail almost immediately. On the other side, games that are good to great once or twice and not able to reel you back in are the ones are more common and I think that's what Factions was going to be like. We've heard it was fun but from ND themselves, it wasn't enough and they realised they'd have to pour all their resources into it for it to get there.

I'm hoping that Concord does something fresh, if it's like Titanfall I'll be happy but if it's another COD clone then not looking great. As for Fairgame$ everything I've seen in that CG trailer tells me it's going to be something like a fast paced version of rainbow 6. Which I think sounds good but yeah the meat is these games cannot be lacking. With Bungie being their live service consultants I think they can figure it out. Bungie do bed to shore up and get themselves together for Destiny 2 ending and Marathon though but I think they'll be fine.

Re: Sony Partner Deviation Games Shuttered Before Shipping Its First PS5 Project


@theSpectre I agree, was a 2 in 1 response so the only part of your comment I was responding to was "casualty of Sony's short-sighted live-service initiative". We don't know the details, but I just think it was a casualty of bad planning and bad game design, because if it wasn't, well see Helldivers 2 and the soon to come Concord and Fairgame$. They weren't cancelled or went well enough to warrant release windows and official announcements. That isn't to say when launched they won't die or fizzle quickly but yeah.

I agree as well that the live service games are just a massive gamble and so many of them fail, but as much as it's hated I do think it's a gamble worth taking. The way these games transform and the variety they can bring is worth it. But when Devs seem to phone it in or there is too much exec meddling and there is no real fun or bite to the game like suicide squad then yeah might as well not bother with it

Re: Helldivers 2 PS5, PC Almost Matching Marvel's Spider-Man 2's Sales in UK


@Americansamurai1 I agree, and yeah, contrary to the report of them not getting acquired, I heard it's due to happen soon.

Would much rather the single player studios stick to what they do best, so we don't have another situation like Factions where a dev spends years on a game, only for it to get scrapped.

Arrowhead, Guerrilla, Bungie, Haven, Firewalk, Deviation games (if that's still happening), and whoever else I'm missing are more than enough for the live service push.

Re: Helldivers 2 Sales Are Actually Increasing, Again


@jedinite @NinjaNicky on a weekday the concurrent count is always going to be less than what we were seeing. Doesn't mean there's a drop off at all. Case in point, this last weekend, there were 440,000 and 430,000 on Saturday and Sunday respectively.

Plus as more factions, features, stratagems and missions are added, the more it'll stay consistent.

Plus I don't think it's that easy to get to level 50, unless you play like 6+ hours a day and have been doing so since near launch.

Re: Guerrilla's Online PS5 Horizon Game Survives Sony Cull


This could be really good. If it's in the vein of going out defeating robots, competing cauldrons and stuff like that then I'm all down.

Just depends on the gameplay and mission structures. Like it can't just be bow and arrow, those should be secondary weapons otherwise I can see it getting frustrating quickly

Re: UK Sales Charts: Helldivers 2 Bucks Industry Trend with Rising Weekly Sales


@ChrisDeku I think it's around 3-4m right now. Don't think 6m for a game this size in less than a month is realistic. Maybe if we were a couple weeks into March.

Plus with this game, from what I'm seeing it has a pretty high retention/play rate? So if it had 6m sales I think we'd be seeing so many more issues with the server than we are now. Like 800,000 CCU wouldn't be enough.

Re: Helldivers 2 Servers Hold Fast in Face of 800K Screaming Concurrents


@breakneck impossible to know for sure but yeah I'm assuming PC just has the edge. Wish the active Helldivers number feature was working but early days still!

I've actually never been so unbothered about a game having some launch issues as this one, because 99% of the experience is unaffected and very fun but there's just one or two things that worked really well on launch day and aren't functioning as such due to the astronomic over performance. And also the dev team have been very vocal and quick to issue patches