Comments 1,721

Re: Mid-Generation Upgrades Like PS5 Pro 'Aren't All That Meaningful', Says Take-Two CEO


There's a pretty good reason to get a mid gen upgrade. In a day and age where an equivalent PC to a PS5 would cost almost £2k, many many many people want that performance boost in an upgraded console that is near £500.

And honestly the mid gen upgrades last gen were substantially better than the base consoles and a lot of people bought them so this guy is talking doo doo

Re: Sony's PS5 Shipments Now Total 41.7 Million


@Jamesblob but until they do that it won't be sustainable. So far they haven't been able to pull the masses with Bethesda (I really think Starfield will change that), they're not making the biggest Activision-Blizzard games exclusive, so no pull there.

Until they start making all their games exclusive which will be the better part of a decade, its hard to say that just releasing day 1 first party games on Gamepass will make it sustainable for them.

And unless they literally do what you say, buy EA, SE, CDPR, From Soft, buy everyone, then yes, (1) being locked in to play top quality exclusive games (2) that are day 1 (3) without paying £70 per game will definitely make GP more than sustainable. Those 3 factors will bring the masses over and kill the competition. PS are only winning big because they have consistent high quality major exclusives, which MS seem to fumble time and time again.

Otherwise, nope. People will not jump onto GP and it won't be sustainable

Re: Poll: Will You Be Buying Red Dead Redemption on PS4?


@MakersMark I'm going to keep doing what I always do with games and movies that I don't support, vote with my wallet. I implore everyone else to do so, send the message you want rather than crying about it online but still buying it. But oh wait I forget the gaming community. If it exists, someone will buy it. Community of chumps and simps is way to generous. Its a community of brain dead sheep-zombies. I say that with love

Re: Sony's PS5 Shipments Now Total 41.7 Million


@LifeGirl it'd matter if MS took big games like CoD away from PlayStation but they not going that route. I see it as a way to add very large value to Gamepass. I don't see how it will be sustainable but all those Activision games launching day 1 on Gamepass is probably their end goal

Re: Poll: Will You Be Buying Red Dead Redemption on PS4?


No one should spend £50 on a game that came out in 2011 and still looks the same. No 60fps is egregious. Seriously shameful from rockstar. Easily exceeding EA in terms of bad practices over the last 10 years

First the milking of GTA online then releasing GTA V 300 times then doing nothing with rdr 2 then the atrocity that was/still is the GTA trilogy and now releasing this no effort rehash that wasn't even helmed by rockstar. Shameful

Re: Red Dead Redemption Out on PS4 This Month, Not a Remaster


Huh. No Xbox?

Missed opportunity but also, not feasible from a development standpoint. Just because it is a remaster doesn't mean it won't take time away from upcoming projects. Yes, their output has been shocking since GTA V but (from Rockstar's viewpoint) imagine taking 3-5 years to remake RDR 1 when GTA VI and other projects are in development or in contention.

What's unforgivable is the state its in, it looks really bad. At least update some textures or something :/

Re: Quantum Error PS4 Version Gets the Axe, PS5 Release Date Remains Unkown


@IAmAshCohen17 late reply but yeah, honestly it's so weird to see. As much as I dislike Microsoft as a company, the Xbox is decent enough. But none of that matters, at the end of the day it's an industry where you need to have all sides present to see the best results

What the Devs are doing is directly helping no one but only the fanboys who go on twitter to argue and defend their console with their lives

Re: TV Show Review: Twisted Metal - Car Crash Entertainment


@riceNpea definitely should have been challenged which I think we all did, you especially. I do agree that after being challenged if they weren't trolling they would've backed down from the stance but now we know they seemingly just made the account for that

Thanks Rice, all the best, wish you the same

Re: Quantum Error PS4 Version Gets the Axe, PS5 Release Date Remains Unkown


@KaijuKaiser well there's a reason why no multiplatform developer does that. Even though its honest, like I said, they are flaming the debate by mentioning it. Its just politics at that point. You don't see multiplatform devs saying 'well this console is faster or better at something than the other'. It just flames the debate.

I agree with you that they are very insecure but by tweeting that, (or should I say X'ing not tweeting now) they are just getting both fanboys riled up into "ha my gaming device is better than yours so now I can go to sleep happy knowing I base my happiness off of what a billion dollar company does with my money" type debates. More engagement for the devs I guess

Re: TV Show Review: Twisted Metal - Car Crash Entertainment


@riceNpea yet racism is a more horrible thing to face. People on the internet are always sly with it, yet easily feign ignorance. The person was sticking up for black people in an unfounded way. The consequences were that you stuck up for the wrongly accused author and others (me included) tried to show them why it wasn't racism. Shouldn't need to go further.

Education is always key. They don't need to make it something it isn't. And you don't need to escalate it beyond reason

Re: TV Show Review: Twisted Metal - Car Crash Entertainment


@riceNpea yeah was just trying to show that either is acceptable, thus my comment. The guy calling the author racist is tripping. When I was in the UK and even US that genre has always been 'Dark/Black Comedy' dark jokes are always 'Dark/Black Humour'. Coen brothers are even described as experts in that field.

Guy is tripping. However, don't use that to judge people that advocate against racism. They're causing an argument for the wrong thing right there though.

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2's Wild Range of Suits Includes Stunning Original Designs


@KidRyan you know when writers or producers put characters into the same universe even though it doesn't fit together or is thematically inconsistent etc. I just don't want that.

It does make sense and would be cool to see but I want it to fit into the story. Don't want them just shoving it in our faces for no reason.

Imagine seeing a team up of Wolverine and Spider-Man for a couple missions. Maybe its Miles teaming up with him because Peter's in the dark side for a while. Because lets be real, the whole game won't be just Venom and Kraven and the Lizard. The first game showed us plenty of Mr Negative and Wilson Fisk but little did we know there'd be a whole Sinister Six appearance.

I'm banking on the same sort of surprise of there being a whole lot more characters than expected in this one.

Re: No Final Decisions on E3 2024 or Beyond Have Been Made


@NEStalgia I do think the story is a top-tier one, it made me tear up at the end but the lack of depth in the world is something that I absolutely did not enjoy. When your whole world is just skyscrapers and trees, it can never be defendable.

Had to crank up the difficulty to Ultimate as the combat was very forgiving but boy did I sweat when it was increased. I do like the combat, feel like it has enough depth and please be serious, it runs rings around inFamous' combat. I absolutely love inFamous. There aren't THAT many QTEs outside those open world activities. Yes there are a few in missions but its not like everywhere you run its a QTE. Interactive movie? No, absolutely not. Do you want them to remove all the cutscenes?

Again, the point isn't so much that wow look at a modern day NY city, its more so the immersion you get from looking at the comics or movies and now you can control Spider-Man in those settings. I do agree the world is absolutely barren. I have no incentive to be there, other than to witness the story, combat, challenges and after that, to get my plat.

This is a great game with some niggling problems that mostly stem from open world fatigue. Its that whole, 'well we can't make a big, expensive, popular game and not have it take at least 60-80 hours to finish everything. So lets add repetitive and not fun stuff to it'. Sadly I think the second one will have some elements of that to it as it is an open world game. There is no open world game that I've played that doesn't have this issue.

I absolutely disagree that this game isn't fun. Squealing like a child for weeks after I first played it. You can acknowledge the shortcomings without *******ng on the game my friend. There is so much more to that game other than how much parts of it absolutely suck (to which I am in agreement) that you have not brought up