Comments 1,721

Re: Your Horizon Zero Dawn PS4 Progress Will Transition to PS5 Remaster


@PSme as others have said, this would be highly unlikely. PS4 is the highest selling modern home console and to just alienate that base of games would not only be stupid but idiotic. Also, AMD still making their chips, also big focus on BC on PS%, it's not just going to stop there. I would take those rumors saying otherwise with a pinch of salt.

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


Funny enough I know someone who got their PS5 from a scalper for £700 back in 2020 so I'm not that fazed. £730 to be precise. It is too much money but so was a launch of £529 and the subsequent price increases. Save a bit for a couple months and trade in your old console if you want it.

I only want to see PSSR in action to be honest, and depending on what they release in 2025, I might be swayed on purchasing this. Their next State of Play / PS Showcase is literally banking on them living up to their history of complacency or finally being in line with what their consumers want after this generation that really has ridden on the coattails of the last one.

On the topic of PSSR, was I the only one who noticed the amazing picture quality but also obvious ghosting artifacts?

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Vampire Survivors?


Yup this is how I know not to take this site so seriously. A 10? This game is pure fun for a while and I've been lost in it for hours. I was also lost in games like Mafia 3, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, various fifa games... doesn't make them a 10.

I just don't know how this can be a 10. People are mistaking fun and enjoyment for quality. The game is literally designed to give you casino vibes and feelings so you get hooked. Solid 6-8

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


@trev666 I hugely agree but who's to say the launch and content produced/developed by ND wouldn't have been levels above the latter content produced/developed by latter developer leading to the player count to hugely drop after say season 1 of ND content. These things got to be considered when approaching a live service release.

Which clearly wasn't the case with Concord, because as soon as that game was even teased years ago, it had negative connotations to it. When gameplay was shown people wanted it to fail before giving it a chance. Sony let that game crash and burn as far as I see it. Anyone with eyes could see that it needed a pivot, another year in the oven, a new element because people did not want to pay $40 for what they saw as an Overwatch clone.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


@trev666 that isn't true man. We've seen the articles explaining it. Yes it is part of it that Bungie came in and said the live service aspects needed tweaking but that wasn't why it was shut down. ND loved the project and wanted to get it out so they weren't giving it to another studio and PS didn't explore that option of giving it to another studio, though I think they should have.

It was ultimately cancelled due to ND not wanting to focus solely on the development and maintenance of the live service game and not focus on their new IP and other games.

If only the long term monetisation needed tweaking then that is a small thing to fix rather than ultimately flushing $200m+ of funding and development and marketing away.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


@8bitOG there are aspects of the game that are good but I agree, on a whole it is not a compelling product and is not a worthy output from a studio for Sony to turn their heads at it. However, I think it is the studio experience and the expertise from them that led Sony to buy. Also, look at their purchase of Bungie, they have been deceived in the past and it has clearly happened again IMO

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


@nitraM I was hoping the game would do okay but as I've written on other forums, it really is looking like the wrong company tried to do this live service push. First and foremost, know your audience.

PS' main audience are those that adore single-player grand AAA experiences, to then go against that is only going to gut your support and alienate the audience as you are not listening to them. I want more variety and so do others but it's clear there are better ways of achieving that than simply copying what is already out there in an over saturated market. That is what I think.

Re: Mafia: The Old Country Takes Gangster Series Back to Its Roots on PS5


Bring back the pseudo-sim aspects from Mafia 1 & 2 and we're eating good!

I want police to react authentically when I stick up a shop and they put out a description of my appearance. Or when I kill the shop owner, I want there to be barricades and tape around the shop and for it to be closed hours later. That world building that they forgot about in Mafia 3 and Mafia remake needs to come back. It's what sets RDR 2 apart from any other game.

Re: Concord's Animated Freegunner Adventures Continue as PS5, PC Launch Draws Closer


@PSfan4Life22 woke nonsense? You’re either 42 or an incel. Just because there’s representation for under represented ethnicities doesn’t make it ‘woke’. You ppl love throwing around that word without knowing what it even means. There’s millions of first person shooters with white characters to play as since that’s what you look for in video games

Edit: There are also green, red and pink coloured people so I guess that's 'woke' too right?

Re: Don't Speak During 10 Minutes of Tense A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead Gameplay


@Cjam36 that new movie was so empty. When it ended I was so confused, what were they trying to achieve with it? The story was barely there, I guess they just wanted to show what the early hours were like but they did that in part two so what was the point? Like it was so nothing.

Edit: also, if they want to capitalise on the 'quiet' gimmick, it could be done so much better, the sense of tension is secondary in these movies, apart from the first one which did it so well. It seems like a one and done thing but they're trying to milk it for all it has, or all it hasn't got. Tired premise, give us something else.

Re: Sony Invites Public to Play Insane, Massive PS5 Pinball Machine


@TheTraditional I see that, it makes a lot of sense. I always thought that Astro looked that way because Asobi team worked a lot with the R&D department and the people that designed the hardware so I just assumed it was sort of like a forced mascot from within.

Either way, I hope that the series lasts long. Plus VR game as well I hope