Comments 1,323

Re: $70 Games Could Be Hurting PS5, PS4 Sales, But There's More to the Story


GOW2 was at 80€ at launch in most shops in France, which is ridiculous. I haven't bought any major game on PS5 because of these ridiculous prices. I ended up borrowing most from friends, and since I still have lots of other games yet to play, I might as well wait for PS5 games to drop below 40-50€, or wait for a complete edition for HFW.

In the end, I spend much less on PS4/5 games because of Sony's greed, when I bought a few games full price on Switch since I got my hand on a PS5.

Re: Sonic Frontiers' Worst PS5, PS4 Trophy No Longer Gnaws At Your Soul


This reminds me of Xenoblade chronicles 2, when you had to open core crystals one by one with an awefully long animation, hoping to get a rare blade. I spent hours hitting A while watching TV series. They fixed it in a patch with bulk opening and animation skip, but it's still a huuuuge oversight from the developers. It's as if they never bothered to play their own game

Re: Microsoft Thinks It Hasn't 'Pulled Any Games' from PS5, PS4


I just see 2 massive companies full of sh*t which never cared about anything else than money and having the biggest share in the console market. Sony and Microsoft are ready to do about anything to achieve their goal. It's just that Sony doesn't have the same budget, so they are pissed off

Re: Naoki Yoshida Is Not a Fan of the Term 'JRPG'


Regardless of the term, RPGs originated from Japan are pretty much a genre of their own. The term JRPG still makes sense as they are extremely Japanese and won't be enjoyed by people who aren't used to Japanese games. Same goes with Japanese animation, cinema, literature, food, etc. It doesn't mean it's good or bad, it's just specific and not to everyone's taste.

And what he says, not thinking about creating a JRPG, is like Indian not thinking about making Indian curry, or French people making French croissant/baguette/crêpe. But the country of origin is still useful to foreigners.

Re: Insomniac's Wizards Already Putting PS5 VRR to Work in Spider-Man, More


The first Spiderman on PS4 was incredible in terms of gameplay, graphics and had a perfectly smooth frame rate. This studio is really impressive.

And here I am playing Mass effect legendary edition, a game 2007 that runs like crap and is ugly compared to today's standards. There is even screen tear when you're in the citadel.

Re: Uncharted Creator Amy Hennig Working On a New Star Wars Game


@Keyblade-Dan It was ok, but far from great. Jedi academy was way more fun back in the days. I was expecting a lot more when some critics said it was "uncharted in the star Wars universe". The exact same thing made by the guys who made uncharted would have been a trillion times better.