Comments 1,323

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Production Efforts Boosted as PC Patches Wind Down


@sketchturner I get your point, but it's like buying BotW on a Wii U because you don't want to buy a Switch. It's a minority of potential buyers that will prevent the game from reaching the highest quality. And just like you, HZD was the single reason for me to buy a PS4 (pro), except forbidden west will be the justification for a PS5 once Sony fixes that sh*t of a website and finish developing the console so it's actually usable.

Re: PS5 Stock Shortage Has UK Politicians Pushing for Online Bot Ban


I've been suggestion to restore the death penalty specifically for scalpers as a joke for ages, but this makes it a little bit too real. I don't see how they could ever implement this, but it would be the first political decision I'd fully support in over 13 billion years (I'm not that old, but the universe is).

Re: God of War Ragnarok Dev Already Hiring for Next Game


@Mpquikster My best guess is greed. Either employees leaving for a more lucrative job, or asking for a bigger paycheck and being sacked for it. Another possibility is the studio getting bigger and needing more staff, possibly to work on multiple projects.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Has Now Been Missing from the PS Store for a Month


@Jimmer-jammer I too like your dream world. You can also add everyone as a trillionaire, no work, no illnesses and 1000 year lifespans of pure happiness for humans and it wouldn't be any less plausible.

I am pretty sure it has to do with CDPR openly offering refunds. Sony likes it's money and doesn't want to give it back. This is the major difference with other trainwrecks they have on the ps store. That and the fact that Cyberpunk 2077 broke some pre-order records.

Re: PS4 FMV Thriller Erica Launches on iOS


@nessisonett Think positively: HZD stayed an exclusive long enough to be relevant as a PS4 game and more sales on PC means bigger budget for the sequel! Which may or may not be ported to PC after a few years and I will say the same thing again hoping for a third entry in the series... Now I'm fantasising about Horizon 3 on PS6. What was the article about?

Re: Is It Worth Buying a PS4 in 2021?


The only justification to buy a PS4 would be to wait for the PS5 pro because you can't afford a ps5 today. Or because your life will end if you don't buy a console in the next 24h and you can't find a PS5, in which case I'd recommend a Switch so you have 2 platforms when you get your hands on a ps5

Re: Feature: 12 PS5, PS4 Predictions for 2021


Some of those prediction are rather funny and really unlikely. Nothing on Horizon Forbidden West? What about a Mario/Uncharted crossover? Sony buying more studios? Sony not being a bunch of a**holes anymore forbidding crossplay? What about a PS exclusive GTA spin-off with bows instead of guns and mammoths instead of cars?

Re: Game of the Year: Best PS5, PS4 Story of 2020


The name 13 sentinels kind of rings a bell, but I've never looked at it closely. Another game on my radar, great job PS! That's not ironic, great job peaking my interest, and to another year being distracted from the lockdown by your beautiful site (still no irony, I love it here).

Re: Soapbox: PS5's Pad Has Made All Other Controllers Feel Ancient


@thefourfoldroot Here we go again... Most modern games require the use of the left stick. Please, do tell me how it fits naturally under your thumb.

The main analog stick (left one) requires a lot more precision than a D-pad, so why is it so far from the natural position for the thumb? If you have another reason than Sony being too lazy or incompetent to resign their controller, please let me know.

Re: Soapbox: PS5's Pad Has Made All Other Controllers Feel Ancient


I have an Xbox one controller and a switch pro controller. The dualshock is by far my least favourite and the most unnatural to hold. I haven't touched a dualsense yet, but it is pretty much the same thing with extra technology and slightly improved. Still, ergonomically, Sony controllers are by far the worst.

Speaking of ancient, they have never bothered rethinking the overall button arrangement since the original PlayStation, so this is pretty much another revamp of a 25 year old controller. I guess many people like nostalgia more than logic

Re: Sony Sends Employees Custom Commemorative PS5 Jackets


@captainsandman Oh my. I stopped doing tech support for friends and family after a decade of headache (I'm bald, so it was time to put my foot down).

There is a lot that sucked around the PS5 launch. The software is crap compared to the series X/S, the website was and still is an insult to their clients, the marketing and communication was abysmal. They did way worse than Microsoft and Nintendo with their last consoles, pandemic or not