Comments 398

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Black Myth: Wukong?


I havent played this game - though i do plan on sitting down and watching the DF review properly later.

I am currently playing Rise of the Ronin, which after technical issues at launch and patches, i only bought after playing the demo and finding it was ok for me (though it is about at my limit for tolerance of frame pacing issues).

This game really feels like it needs a demo, and it may well be that after watching DF i decide to wait until a demo is available and buy when on sale if i find it acceptable enough.

I wrote my comment as whilst I have read plenty of reviews/comments saying that this game is not perfect, but is acceptable, i was also reading some peoples comments (not picking out your comments) that were saying this game has no issues or how good this games performance mode is - it clearly isnt, even if it is better than other games, and it may still cause problems for some.

Im not saying people in the most part are lying, just that they have low sensitivity or high tolerance / adaptability to performance issues. Some do not realise this is the case, and some do not realise how massive a difference there is in peoples sensitivity, and tolerance/adaptability.

Nearly Locked 60fps with no frame pacing issues, which is the only thing we should be classing as 'good' performance, is easy enough on PS5 as shown by lies of P last year and Stellar blade more recently (both of which also look very good), providing developers correctly target hardware and don't aim for the rare(ish) elite PC then scale back. In fact, a number of games have pretty far exceeded 60fps.

Lies of P was nearly flawless in its performance, but elden ring bordered on unplayable for me until a few patches in, and VRRs addition a few months after launch - even then i find the weird (loading?) Stuttering very off putting. I would note that I and others have given the DLC a miss as performance is worse than the base game.
(Whilst comparing other games, It hasnt altogether helped that i read on pushsquare a comparison to FF16 which i played the demo of and found to be ridiculously bad performance, though it was stated that BMW was better).

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Black Myth: Wukong?


PLEASE can people understand that different people can see different levels of performance issue, and have different tolerances to it!

Some can barely see a 10fps difference between 30 and 40fps - others (like myself) can see very minor fps changes up to 90-100fps (and still others all the way up to 120fps).

Even if you can see a fps drop or frame pacing issue, you may have tolerance towards it, whereas others do not.

Re: Concord Probably Best Played on PC, According to Official Features Trailer


Not dumb in the slightest, and im absolutely sure you are correct that this is just a marketing strategy used to entice certain PC players - its just how this message can be perceived by console players as "go buy a PC".
Though whilst i do not disagree with requiring a PSN account to play multiplayer on PC (so they can ban cheats / toxic players), I have never understood why companies use "active user" as any sort of metric - surely the incoming revenue (split by source) is the only thing that matters, where advertising isnt the revenue source of course - not saying your wrong, quite the opposite, just dumfounded by it!

Re: Concord Probably Best Played on PC, According to Official Features Trailer


No arguments about MP being somewhat safer than Single Player (which I think unless 2-3yrs after PS5 is just dangerous), but I also think they need to be very careful with their messaging in regards to technical capabilities.
I dont really care about true 4k, but clean images and framerates are very important to me - 60 is a must, 90 is a very nice to have if available.
I have been on console a long time (since NES), and the only PC I have would probably struggle to play pac man (slight exaggeration), but as we go through this generation of consoles and I see more and more framerate issues or blurry image quality, my interest in PC gaming (through my 4k 120hz TV) has started to grow.
Im no idiot who thinks 4k 120fps is possible on PS5, but we have seen 1440 at 70-90 fps work well with the right engines this gen, particularly on Sony 1st party.
Im not sure their messaging of 4k or uncapped fps (which I read to be fps>60) as being 'PC features' is particularly clever, in as far as where they believe the PS5's capabilities sit.

Re: Concord Probably Best Played on PC, According to Official Features Trailer


Still not sure that Sonys moves into the PC market wont seriously come back to bite them in the you know what.
Im not so much talking about what they are doing at the moment, but if they start moving more exclusives to PC, and earlier, and how this would lead to current consumers moving over to PC (particularly in the end phases of a generation where consoles start to look more and more outdated).
As I understand it Sony as a company really needs people to buy and use their consoles, not just their games, and they need to be careful with what these short term gains could do to their overall business over time.

Re: Judge for Yourself with Official PS5 Black Myth: Wukong Gameplay


I was a bit late to the "souls like" party, but now really enjoy them - not sure if the fact i had an xbox360 rather than a PS3 had anything to do with it.
I tried bloodborne first around 2016 on PS4 pro and found it unplayable back then due to its performance/framerate - and my sensitivity has massively increased since then due to the way in which newer TVs seem to work (which is common), but also maybe age / having played games at locked 60fps for so long.
Elden ring was very very bad imo until VRR was released on Sony kit a month or so after.
Fps and performance is the 1st and most important thing i look for in any game i like the look of now, and i have stopped pre ordering anything NOT 1st party Sony - once this 'checkbox' has been ticked, then i will look further into the reviews / previews etc to see if I want the game (though if performance is within reach, i may well keep an eye on patch reviews and buy in a sale after performance is fully fixed).

Im just hoping for a bloodborne 60fps patch, or remaster, then I will get to play the game as it still looks like a really good game otherwise.

Re: 15 Minutes of Astro Bot PS5 Footage Has Leaked Online


Really looking forwards to this one - it just looks quality, and I loved playroom.
Think I will give this and any other leaked footage a miss - ive already watched the preview footage a few months back from Pushsquare and Digital Foundry, and dont want too many spoilers (a few minor ones is fine).

Re: Until Dawn PS5 Is Priced at $60 / £60


Played the original through twice when it was either free on ps plus or very cheap in a sale (cant remember which).
Enjoyed it, but like others i just cannot see myself wanting to play through again - even with no additional price, let alone £60.

Re: Site News: Where's Our Black Myth: Wukong PS5 Review?


As I said on the other similar thread today, if i had pre ordered this, I would have cancelled as I think another 'train wreck' is coming. I hope I am wrong but alarm bells are ringing with the lack of PS5 code, and what you have just said makes me think that this will be a disaster.

Thankfully, whilst i used to pre order over half my games, i stopped pre ordering anything that isnt 1st party Sony last year after certain games did not acheive solid 60fps at launch.

Re: Hands On: Black Myth: Wukong Is Brilliant, But We Have PS5 Concerns


Thank you for your "policy" on this. I think some other sites would just review based on the PC code and as you say solid 60fps is key (it will probably decide if i buy this game).

The lack of PS5 versions being sent out (or even used in hands on previews) does indeed feel like they are trying to hide something like its a technical disaster, and ride they wave of "how good it looks/performs" on a massively expensive PC - I really hope i am wrong.

Re: PS5's Lack of Tentpole Exclusives Isn't Hurting Engagement, Says Sony


Maybe not in the short term, but a continued drought period (or any similar future issues) will potentially do them major damage.

There is already more and more people thinking about PC, which is not good for Sony long term, as i doubt they will get lost customers back.

(Thank goodness Astro bot may alleviate things for a couple of months).

Re: GTA 6 Won't Be on Subs Like PS Plus at Launch Because Take-Two Makes 'Rational' Decisions


Game Pass is one of the worst things to happen in the industry in recent years - along with releasing games in unfinished/unoptimised states, which will kill the pre order market (I only pre order Sony 1st party now, as of last year, but used to pre order about half my games), and Microtransactions in general.

Im not surprised the devs dont want anything to do with it - even releasing a (much) smaller title on it helps drive a behaviour that developers do not want - "Well they released game X on gamepass, so im sure game Y will be on it soon, so i will wait".

Re: It Took PS5 Longer Than PS4 to Pass 4 Million Units Milestone in the UK, But There's Context


Quite agree, most of which in my opinion is down to the limited gains newer / more powerful hardware gives (I mean we still arent at solid 60fps being standard which is frankly sad).
Im firmly in the camp of that we saw 90% of what this generation has to offer technically in the first year or 2.

But, there is also no accounting for those that absolutely need the newest hatdware or those that might buy just based on "next gen" being advertised - i mean early on plenty of people thought Xboxs "12 Tflop" meant it was always going to perform better when console performance is much more complex than just 1 number. And I still see comments of how last gen is severely holding this gen back on a technical front.

Re: It Took PS5 Longer Than PS4 to Pass 4 Million Units Milestone in the UK, But There's Context


@OldGamer999 @UltimateOtaku91
I would agree that xbox dont seem much of a threat to Sony now, but that may change if they (xbox) launch their 'next gen' console very early - I think its what gave them a massive head start in 360 vs PS3, until they fumbled the ball whilst Sony started launching big exclusives. Even then 360 I think was still a success for xbox.

If PS5 Pro launches start of next year, its possible PS6 is still 4yrs away in 2028 (just based on 4yrs of PS4 Pro), and if xbox launch a next gen console in 2026 that may give them a 2 year head start this time.

Its all 'ifs' if course, and will very much depend on how big a jump a 'next gen' console launched 2026 could be over PS5 Pro (which does seem quiet atm), and im probably reading way too much into the fact that PS5 pro is equivalently 1 year later than PS4 pro, but Sony might be foolish if they arent looking at xbox plans thinking they are too far ahead.

(And I 100% agree Sony really need to sort out their big AAA single player games as I think its damaging their sales as much as PS5 price is).

Re: Sony Appears to Be Dabbling with Written User Reviews on the PS Store


I have an 'invite' to review Hogwarts Legacy - I would note that I have a lot of hours in this game (but no platinum as I havent bothered with a couple of trophies).

Whilst I was surprised to receive the email yesterday (as I didnt realise Sony were doing this), the choice of game makes sense.

@PuppetMaster @Member_the_game @Ultrasmiles
I wonder if this is the case for all?

Re: Until Dawn PS5, PC Remake Is Still on Its Way as Age Rating Surfaces


Played it when it was part of the PSplus 3 'free' monthly games, Enjoyed it, replayed once to try and do a bit better. But I cant see myself replaying again.
Plus im sure im right in thinking that on PS5 it already runs at 60fps so any graphics updates are superfluous to me - not sure i see the point in a remake unless they make additions to the story / choices.

Re: New Elden Ring Patch 1.13 Buffs Skills and Summons, Weapon Types Better


From the patch notes:

"For the PS5 version of the game, unstable framerate may be improved by using the "Rebuild Database" option from the device’s safe mode."

I have never found this to make a difference, and from what I have read it will not fix anything unless the drive the game is installed in is >90% full, then it may make minimal difference.

This just says 'we are too LAZY / INEPT to optimise our own game'.

Re: Real-Life Martial Artist Shows You How to Fight Like Poland's Prime Minister Lidia in Tekken 8


It would be wrong to comment on this as she is performing moves/sequences without much practice and as a youtube demo only - there is no power being used in the delivery - also, if she has trained in a style it might be way different to what she is trying to emulate.

Part of my point is that even with the more direct styles and/or the simpler moves/combos, a lot of fighting game moves are more gymnastics or for show - and this is the conundrum - do you go more realistic, practical and direct, or do you go more unrealistic and flashy, but visually more intetesting.
I would definitely say that more recent games are trending towards the latter, and with a much greater % of the move set.

Re: Real-Life Martial Artist Shows You How to Fight Like Poland's Prime Minister Lidia in Tekken 8


A lot of 'martial arts' in games are far too flashy to be used effectively, with even the 'straightforward' ones involving moves that either are not included in the style / would not be used in a real situation.
I have well over 20 years in martial arts, and i wouldnt even think about trying to perform some of the moves, let alone in a real situation.
To be fair though - thats the point - you want them to be larger / flashier than real life.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Hogwarts Legacy Continues Winning Streak Amid Quiet Release Schedule


Hogwarts Legacy is one of if not the best 3rd party games in recent years.
Loved nearly everything about it including the combat system which is much cleverer than some made out. My only complaint is even on max difficulty it can get a tiny bit easy in the late game where you can make 15 top level dark wizards look like 15 first years taking on Voldemort.

Also - since last summers patch the framerate is much higher in performance mode (cap off VRR) and easily runs in the 70s / 80s / 90s depending on how complex the area is.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 539


Yes, it is. Apart from the performance (which made the game unplayable to me until the recent update), I really dont get the hate for the game. There are things I would change like the "magic" just being shots of red/blue/green energy but I prefer the story driven adventure. Plus its a decent length with several different environments.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 539


Immortals of Aveum - when it was free on PSPlus a month or 2 ago, i didnt play it because of crap performance but kept it on hold until after the AMD FSR3 Frame generation update, which has solved a lot of the issues.

Apart from for the aforementioned performance issues this game did not deserve a lot of the comments at launch, its not the best game ever, but now its pretty decent.

Re: Poll: Are You Sick of Soulslike Games?


Lies of P is certainly up there, difficulty wise, though some of the harder bosses were nerfed a bit early on. I never played sekiro (just didnt appeal for some reason i cant explain), and am waiting on them fixing Shadow of Erdtrees performance before I get it.
LoP (for me i might add) is harder than Demon Souls, but somewhat fairer, harder than elden ring, and is set somewhere around Bloodborne / Nioh 2 difficulty (though its ages since i played BB) - and is easier than Nioh 2s dlc.

LoP definitely gets its rep from its boss fights, though there are strategies, but it definitely starts hard too whilst you have limited options. NG+ etc is easier than NG particularly in the early stages.

I had a lot of trouble with the end boss, but then I found the elden beast harder than melenia (mainly because i found that she really doesnt like ancient death rancor, even though no guides really talk about this).

LoP is imo pretty fair though, even if difficult, and doesnt often try and trip you up with convoluted side quests etc, or enemies that are super difficult with certain builds.

Re: Poll: Are You Sick of Soulslike Games?


Have you tried Lies of P - it was easily one of my favourite games last year, and it wasnt as convoluted as some can be. The atmosphere and storytelling came off very well too.

Re: Sample Rise of the Ronin in New PS5 Demo Available Now


Thank you. Framerate issues can be weird like that - take hogwarts legacy, which since the patch last summer now runs well in excess of 60fps in its normal performance mode with VRR on / Cap off (often >70fps, with some areas feeling in excess of 80fps) - yet in 1 unremarkable area on the south coast it dips to about 50fps.

Soon as I finish the game im on, i will give this demo a try - everything else i heard / have seen about this game sounds good and I enjoyed Nioh 2 (played it + dlc through ng+).

Re: Sample Rise of the Ronin in New PS5 Demo Available Now


Im generally ok down to about 55fps (with VRR working well), but anything lower or too many stutters or frame pacing issues becomes an instant no go for me (I dont adapt, in fact the opposite can be true).
Either a 'glowing review' of performance or representative demo is needed for me now, after being bitten badly by a game or 2.

Re: Sample Rise of the Ronin in New PS5 Demo Available Now


Thank you, yes - i just wanted to make sure chapter 1 was representative of the game and not a case of concludes in its own little area, with none of the issues to come present as eg chapter1 doesnt go to the main open world.

I played the DD2 demo recently, and I applaud them for putting a representative demo out, but i found it such a dumpster fire in terms of performance.
I will try the RotR demo and see what its like as soon as i finish the game im on.

Re: Sample Rise of the Ronin in New PS5 Demo Available Now


The main reason i have stayed clear is the frame rate/pacing issues this game has.

To amyone who has played the full game (and can see the performance issues as not everyone can), is chapter 1 sufficient to make an assessment or is it a case that chapter 1 is small and enclosed and performance gets worse in later chapters.

Thank you.

Re: 'PlayStation's Blessed with Marketing Budgets We're Not Able to Enjoy,' Xbox Bigwig Bemoans


@thefourfoldroot1 @RBMango

And others.

One thing I would say though is: MS has the money, but does Xbox?

MS has spent so (so) much on Xbox now recently, apparently without decent return. Is MS now seeing Xbox as a failure, and tightening those Pursestrings?

Xbox seem to be so desperate to make money any way they can (GP price rises, games on PS, shutting studios etc) - I wonder if an ultimatum has been served by daddy MS - "Make money, or we shut you down".

Their marketing is just awful anyway - at the start of the generation they advertised "12tflops" all the way... When most who knew what a tflop was, knew that how well a console performs is not just about GPU tflops, and most of those who didnt know (except fanboys of course) didnt care.

Re: Feature: The 10 Best PS5 Games of 2024 So Far


100% agree regarding the polish on stellar blade - very little in the way of bugs, near flawless framerate, and good visuals (which most importantly were very clear).

Reminded me a lot of last years (similar) Lies of P - which ultimately I did prefer by a fair margin, but both highly polished games. Both make a mockery of certain supposedly 'AAA' 3rd party games in the last couple of years - jedi (even post patching) being one.