@sanderson72 The PS6 is likely to be only a fairly modest boost in power over 5 Pro - DF i believe used the term iterative update or similar recently, and they seemed quite sure of a cross gen period (where all games would need to run on PS5) for longer than this generation had. This will likely be due to a price point that is higher than launch PS5, so will take longer to go mainstream, but not high enough in price that would enable them to really add a lot of Power, but completely alienate mainstream. 1 big caveat is the same could be acheived via a mainstream priced but comparatively weak console, and a much more expensive Premium console similar to the MS X/S idea. So yes, even PS6 may be shackled to 5 for a fair while at least.
The PS5 Pro is actually a fair upgrade I think, given the world we live in and the refusal of parts to drop in price over time like they used to - it certainly isnt just a 'warmed up GPU' (but yes, will unfortunately be shackled to the 5 base console, with its results very much depending on how devs use it).
The PS6 will very much rely on AI tech including PSSR to make a 'generational leap', and they very much do NEED serious adoption of this by devs in order to develop it further so that a PS6 can reach its potential.
@MrPeanutbutterz In part I agree with you, but when I posted my original comment I was thinking more of those on the fence (unlike myself) - ie those wondering do I buy a Pro or a Slim? In this case i definitely think Sony would prefer a buyer to buy the Pro, as whilst there may not be much in it, the Pro will have a slightly higher Profit value; and is certainly a much higher turnover value. I also think that even though its a niche product, Sony really needs the Pro to be well adopted or it could have serious implications for PS6, including (as per DF) that they need devs to adopt and practice use of PSSR. Its not what they have done, its the timing of it.
I dont even have all the trophies for 1 of my favourite games, Hogwarts Legacy, which I have multiple 100% playthroughs in - sod getting to the Map chamber as a student from all 4 houses!
Thats really bad tbh - I know I would have been ###### if I thought i had secured something like this only to be cancelled on. They should have to refund a premium for inconvenience.
@Maubari No sarcasm (at least not to you - maybe a little bit to the person who thought it no better than ubisoft / outlaws).
The combat system was fantastic, and i loved the curse mechanics once you filled the skill tree.
Performance was a high spot for me - it launched in a great state, and after an improvement patch last year (during late summer i think), it ran at around 80fps a fair amount of the time (providing you have it uncapped and can use 120hz).
Agree with the small tombs, but part of the reason i liked the game is once transmog was added, and providing you had your beasts sorted, it was easy to upgrade all your gear whenever needed. There was no - do i hold onto this or that item of clothing because it looks good, or has x unique effect, etc you see in a lot of games.
Astro (GOTY) and maybe Stellar blade. Sadly i feel this year has been a fair few Technical messes (eg BMW and its frame gen, FF7R's muddy looking performance mode, Rise of Ronin's launch state framerate, Silent Hills framerate particularly early game), or just so-so games.
This game is easily one of my top games this generation - I have a few 100% playthoughs under my belt and will still play through again sometime after pro is released. @NEStalgia said it right, it was special.
As for what I would like to see-
Higher difficulty in end/post game, but not forced by making enemies invulnerable to certain spells / mechanics. Just have larger, higher level mobs more frequently.
A continuation to Sebastians story, or maybe a large story arc set post game/companion questlines - where a group of Ranrok / Rookwood loyalists are set on revenge against you (and your friends), which involves all companions and lets you pick and choose the accompanying companion for a number of the missions.
Weren't we still in Sony's post shortage very high sales year this time last year? If so a drop of a third doesnt sound too unusual at all to me.
Though I would agree with @gollumb82 that lack of true AAA exclusives (except Astro) may be starting to have an effect.
Maybe Pro will stem the flow of customers over to PC a bit but they need to start properly advertising it! The general consensus of people who have actually played the thing / seen it running in person is them coming away highly impressed.
(NB despite what Sony thinks I do believe people are moving over to PC in some numbers now due to poor optimisation on games from 3rd party and the exclusives situation).
@ShogunRok Thank you, i think thats probably the best bet (having a watch of some videos). Its a pity, because i was hoping they might follow the Naruto games templates somewhat - which i thought were well done (paticularly 2 & 3), and helped fill in story very well considering the large source material.
@ShogunRok To be honest, I think you have already covered this in the review, but how is this game for someone who has never really read / watched Dragonball?
I ask because this was the exact same case for me with Naruto, until I played Ninja Storm 2 which did a fair job of filling in the story (and backfilling the 1st game), and i was hooked all the way to the end of Ninja Storm 4.
It will be interesting to see if they enhance this to 60fps on Pro (though i cant see a reason for them not to get it there on base - its not exactly complex).
Buy, even if they did, replayability in this type of game is fairly limited so i certainly wouldnt pay more than a tenner for it anyway.
@__jamiie I was just trying to give an equally silly but opposite argument, hence why i put it in quote marks.
I think that mid gen hardware is a very good thing, and much needed to keep a fair proportion of the userbase happy when we get to this point in the generation where the base console just cant keep up (unless the dev is a Sony 1st party). This part of the userbase, which includes myself, may be the minority, but its loss to either PC or Xbox (if they get more powerful hardware out 1st) would still be very damaging to Sony long term. Of course, 1 remedy for this is to cut each generation much shorter at 5 years, but again you have the need for more frequent hardware purchases.
I hope that PS6 is going to be priced lower than Pro, but i think we need to be realistic to some degree. PS6 is not likely to be anywhere near the power jump from 4 to 5 (which was quite large despite disappointment from some), and will rely very much on PSSR - in fact if you read an article from DF, they suggest that without PRO succeeding in this regard, with devs getting plenty of practice with it on PRO, PS6 could be off to a bad start. I think £600 is very likely for PS6, with or without the success of Pro - people buying base PS5s at scalper prices, and the general trend reducing the price reduction over time for Silicon Chips, have probably sealed this. We are probably 3-4 years away from PS6, making the Pro even more needed as devs already target powerful PC hardware.
Of course 1 may mitigate the other eg higher price, bigger power difference or visa versa; or longer wait, lower price or more power, but something will have to give.
Very glad this game is getting an upgrade, as its one of my favourite games of this gen (and ever).
Though i will be intetested in what they improve as on PS5 it already looks fantastic, runs at 1440p, and more importantly runs at 80-90fps average. This is far better than most games this generation.
@BrettAwesome Thats like me saying that "I hope PS6 & the next Xbox come out at a higher price than PS5 Pro so all these people cant afford it".
I completely understand not being able to afford/justify the price of Pro, but dont hope for it to fail - let others enjoy it.
From what I have read and listened to, from people who know about Pricing of more advanced tech, Sony appear to have been in a catch 22 situation - Bigger upgrade but even higher price, Lower price but smaller upgrade. It may be true that Sony are likely not subsidising Pro like they did PS5 early on (ie making a loss).
@DonJorginho Agreed for those that are on 1 side of the fence - which would include myself (I was sold as soon as i watched the DF video), but im thinking for those who dont own a PS5 and are split between whether to buy Slim or Pro.
I probably wont bother with a drive as i have been mostly digital a good few years, so im glad its optional. I dont want to pay more for the drive so glad they have costed it without, but its good its there for those that do.
@EfYI 120Hz TVs (or higher in the case of monitors) would not exist if Humans could not see above 60fps - and I can assure you, I can see well above - I still see 60fps with a slideshow like effect, which disappears somewhere around 90fps, but I can still see an improvement in 120fps over 90fps, albeit more minor. Most PC owners im sure will agree.
I think im right in saying that VR devices try to target 90fps.
Glasses / break - at my last eye test my sight was found to be as 'close to perfect as they had seen in anyone in the last year' except 1 small floater. In terms of a break, the effect is near instant - it can be about 1 minute on the feeling sick front, and less than 5 minutes for headaches, though this will depend on how bad the framerate is.
3D is a possibility, but CRT TVs dont seem to cause the issue anywhere near as much, if at all - its also worth noting that 60fps is not a new thing though i cant remember the point we went down to 30fps.
Also, with the lack of information and education before around 10ish years ago, most who suffered these problems just didnt know what caused it and I would include myself in that - some still dont.
A less technically minded (casual gamer) friend of mine a year or so ago said that a game was giving them a headache, they thought due to flashing images or something - i looked at it and found the performance option as they were playing in graphics mode or whatever it was called in that game - problem solved. They didnt have a clue about modes before that and just used the default.
I have pre ordered Pro and that was (other than the lure of PC) an easy choice. I just dont know how to feel about this price cut - on 1 hand its great they have done it, on the other hand it is just another in a long line of weird/bad marketing choices for Sony to discount the Slim when you are trying to push the more expensive Pro...
@EfYI I play games for the enjoyment, as probably do most people, unfortunately bad framerates (which for me is anything much under locked 60fps) literally kill any enjoyment in a game for me. I can tolerate small dips here and there, but much more than that is a no-go.
The thing is, you are looking at the problem from your own tolerance level, and as I have said in previous posts, people are very different - you are likely able to tolerate issues, but bad framerates or much less than 60fps literally gives me headaches and make me feel sick, and I cant get any enjoyment in that situation. Therefore if i was scoring this game it would be an automatic 0 - I would actually get more enjoyment out of a 60fps locked game that was only worth a score of say 5, limited as it may be.
This is not as uncommon as you might think (and even today some do not understand what is causing their problems), and it is only exascerbated by newer TVs, and maybe age, exposure etc - it has certainly got worse for me. The problem being that some people still believe that it is a case of 'I dont like' rather than 'I cannot tolerate' .
So, "Uuuuuuuuunplayable" - Yes, "30 frames per second? I would rather die!" - No, thats a little ridiculous, but completely unenjoyable, Yes.
The other point is that framerates like this are completely uneccessary on PS5, and usually down to Devs ambitions exceeding their ability, or poor/lacking optimisation (which may well be down to publishers forcing out games) - we have had many examples of games that look very good that easily when uncapped (with 120hz VRR) run at around or in excess of 80fps most of the time.
Thats why we usually get 2 modes - 'Performance" should be 60fps, and sacrifice everything needed to achieve that, 'Graphics' on the other hand should be the opposite, and is for those that dont care about framerates.
The reviewer here says 'some chugging frame rates' and its a common complaint for the demo - its possible you cannot see framerate issues until they get bad enough as peoples perception varies greatly - some find 30fps fine, others 40fps, others like myself find anything much under 60fps to be complete no-go territory (even then 60fps is not what i would classify as 'buttery smooth' ).
Edit: i have no idea what caused an emoji to be placed but ive got rid of it now.
"Chugging frame rates" - Thats an easy no in my book.
I know the argument for 'its the sum of everything that determines a games score' but im very disappointed in this score with such a damning statement. Sorry.
Ive started using adblocker on my samsung internet because too many sites started taking the p!
Though to be fair I have allowed an option called something along the lines of fair advertising standard, that allows ads that meet a certain standard.... i dont see many!
I dont care how many graphical touch-ups there are here, even if it was free, this is such a 'supermassive' downgrade from the PS4 version running at 60fps (on PS5), that if I wanted to play this game again I would hands down pick the PS4 version.
@Rikyy I think you may have misunderstood - i was praising the results acheived on pro. I only play in 60fps, to the point that I will not buy a game that doesnt keep to more or less locked 60fps, no matter how good the game, so yes, the pro works for me.
I dont really care which game they used, this is a good tech demo of what the Pro can achieve, probably using a limited dev time patch. Not quite as impressive as the leap in FF7 Rebirth (which looks terrible on base), but very good indeed.
@LiamCroft Thank you. In that case I may defer to DF before I buy, but i was looking for a game between about a weeks time and Nov 7th, so this sounds a good choice.
@themightyant I would have said a bare bones enhancement so they didnt show just how much more advanced Pro is compared to series X, but a few of their PS5 releases out performed series X already, so it will be interesting.
If they do a really good Pro performance mode i will probably get this at £10 an upgrade - its been ages since i played the 1st game and though i never thought it was close to GOW or SM i could give it another run.
the DF footage of HGW running on Pro looked incredible!
@LiamCroft Hi. Does the performance look locked 60fps? And is a Pro mode planned? (I didnt see it in the main list last time i saw it updated). Many thanks.
@Petrecis24 Sadly its come to the point where i believe the only devs that deserve my 'support' ie full price launch purchase, are those that can manage a well performing, optimised and mostly bug free game at launch. You would think that some devs/publishers only want sale price purchases the way they carry on!
Probably in the minority, but apart from the overly quick puzzle hints i love the way the characters talk to one another (or atreus to himself when hes on his own) - it just makes the game far, far, more realistic and helps to establish the story. It really helps the game stand out imo.
If it can run in game locked at 60fps or above, then it looks fantastic, if not its (at present) just a waste of time - another "look what it can do in a demo but not in game" scenario.
Now, if they had shown a demo of a new version of UE5 that didnt eat GPU's and CPU's like they were junk food whilst giving only modest output, that would be an amazing use of time.
People can argue back and forth as to if necessary or not, but im sorry, giving parents an additional tool like this is a good thing - its up to individual circumstances if its needed, but at least it is a defined boundry.
When companies release lacklustre / buggy / unoptimised games, they get a reputation - they may get a few passes, but once a reputation sticks.... (This is how i feel about capcom at the moment).
everyone knows Ubi put everything on sale in like month 2, often with a lot off.
@GreatAuk Maybe they are just testing their system works, and using Japan as things havent been selling there that well, in case the system doesnt work and blocks everyone!
@Pranwell The DF article Pushsquare referenced yesterday includes a section where he is talking about the inability due to cost of doubling the GPU when making this gens Pro machine (as opposed to PS4 Pro from PS4 which did). He then goes on to state that despite this, the addition of machine learning / AI hardware this time has given an upgrade which gives "similar, if not outright superior results". So its not just the odd developer that thinks its good.
@Czar_Khastik You raise an intetesting question. Presuming that the covers do fit slim & pro (which is a bit up in the air as I have read both ways on this, with PS Support saying slim plates do not fit pro), Sony were not making much money on these 30th editions - I wonder if it would have gone anywhere near as stupid if Sony had just sold the covers & pads? (Still keeping the 1 per address rule).
The pads and slims were much easier to get last Thursday. Remotes even easier i think?
If Sony sold the covers even for a premium price of £100, how much could scalpers have got for them... lets go with an extreme £500. A mark up of £400. These 30th pro consoles are being marked up by 1000's of £ - would the lower mark up be as intetesting to them?
I would never pay scalper prices, but the proliferation of scalping is only made worse by these big paydays for them, and the perception of how much they can make in 1 'hit'.
Sony clearly made enough Pro's and coupled with the price this has (so far) detererred scalpers. But in the case of limited editions, I just dont see it ever stopping.
Scalpers only need 1 of these to make a lot of money so the old 'no more than 1 per address' isnt going to be of much use.
Im sure Sony and others have tried on a purchase system front, but I was there and in on the site within a minute or so of the queue opening last Thursday - everyone on hold was given a random place in the queue - and i dont know if i could have completed a purchase. These 30th Pros went fast.
The cancelled ebay resales will just be put back up after launch...
So either: 1) dont have limited runs, or 2) Forever ban resales of Limited Runs
Interesting. This is the 1st time i think they have said that the PS5Pro upgrades over PS5, when compared to PS4Pro over PS4 gives "similar, if not outright superior results".
@mountain_spider @StrickenBiged Ok, so i was interested so had a quick look about. Apparently:
Tech Radar (I havent seen the article just mentions of it) reported that the slim covers fit the pro, with the wider centre strip covering the size difference.
Sony support have told at least a couple of people who have posted on reddit the covers do not match.
@mountain_spider The black centre strip is wider but i cant see that being enough - i could be wrong here again. Sadly we just dont have a lot of info from Sony atm.
@Oram77 Very unlikely - im pretty sure all Sony consoles going forward will be without drives, but with add on drives available seperately. You may well get an offer of console + seperate drive for £xx off the total though, particularly from somewhere like game in the uk (providing drive stock has returned to normal).
@mountain_spider @StrickenBiged I may be wrong, or more accurately what I read was wrong, but I know i read somewhere the covers were different sizes. (I think it had to do with the Pro coming with a disk drive cover).
Comments 795
Re: Deals: Not Feeling the PS5 Pro? PS5 Slim Consoles Are Currently $50/£50 Off
The PS6 is likely to be only a fairly modest boost in power over 5 Pro - DF i believe used the term iterative update or similar recently, and they seemed quite sure of a cross gen period (where all games would need to run on PS5) for longer than this generation had.
This will likely be due to a price point that is higher than launch PS5, so will take longer to go mainstream, but not high enough in price that would enable them to really add a lot of Power, but completely alienate mainstream.
1 big caveat is the same could be acheived via a mainstream priced but comparatively weak console, and a much more expensive Premium console similar to the MS X/S idea.
So yes, even PS6 may be shackled to 5 for a fair while at least.
The PS5 Pro is actually a fair upgrade I think, given the world we live in and the refusal of parts to drop in price over time like they used to - it certainly isnt just a 'warmed up GPU' (but yes, will unfortunately be shackled to the 5 base console, with its results very much depending on how devs use it).
The PS6 will very much rely on AI tech including PSSR to make a 'generational leap', and they very much do NEED serious adoption of this by devs in order to develop it further so that a PS6 can reach its potential.
Re: Deals: Not Feeling the PS5 Pro? PS5 Slim Consoles Are Currently $50/£50 Off
In part I agree with you, but when I posted my original comment I was thinking more of those on the fence (unlike myself) - ie those wondering do I buy a Pro or a Slim?
In this case i definitely think Sony would prefer a buyer to buy the Pro, as whilst there may not be much in it, the Pro will have a slightly higher Profit value; and is certainly a much higher turnover value.
I also think that even though its a niche product, Sony really needs the Pro to be well adopted or it could have serious implications for PS6, including (as per DF) that they need devs to adopt and practice use of PSSR.
Its not what they have done, its the timing of it.
Re: Dragon Age: The Veilguard Trophies Want You to Do Everything on PS5
I dont even have all the trophies for 1 of my favourite games, Hogwarts Legacy, which I have multiple 100% playthroughs in - sod getting to the Map chamber as a student from all 4 houses!
Re: Deals: Not Feeling the PS5 Pro? PS5 Slim Consoles Are Currently $50/£50 Off
Update: Nope, still buying the Pro.
Re: PS5 30th Anniversary Orders Screwed Up by Argos in the UK
Thats really bad tbh - I know I would have been ###### if I thought i had secured something like this only to be cancelled on. They should have to refund a premium for inconvenience.
Re: Hogwarts Legacy PS5, PS4 Could Be Getting Up to 15 Hours More Content
No sarcasm (at least not to you - maybe a little bit to the person who thought it no better than ubisoft / outlaws).
The combat system was fantastic, and i loved the curse mechanics once you filled the skill tree.
Performance was a high spot for me - it launched in a great state, and after an improvement patch last year (during late summer i think), it ran at around 80fps a fair amount of the time (providing you have it uncapped and can use 120hz).
Agree with the small tombs, but part of the reason i liked the game is once transmog was added, and providing you had your beasts sorted, it was easy to upgrade all your gear whenever needed. There was no - do i hold onto this or that item of clothing because it looks good, or has x unique effect, etc you see in a lot of games.
Re: Video: Top 10 Best PS5 Games of 2024 (So Far)
Astro (GOTY) and maybe Stellar blade.
Sadly i feel this year has been a fair few Technical messes (eg BMW and its frame gen, FF7R's muddy looking performance mode, Rise of Ronin's launch state framerate, Silent Hills framerate particularly early game), or just so-so games.
Re: Hogwarts Legacy PS5, PS4 Could Be Getting Up to 15 Hours More Content
You missed the excellent combat and near flawless performance lol.
Re: Hogwarts Legacy PS5, PS4 Could Be Getting Up to 15 Hours More Content
This game is easily one of my top games this generation - I have a few 100% playthoughs under my belt and will still play through again sometime after pro is released.
@NEStalgia said it right, it was special.
As for what I would like to see-
Higher difficulty in end/post game, but not forced by making enemies invulnerable to certain spells / mechanics. Just have larger, higher level mobs more frequently.
A continuation to Sebastians story, or maybe a large story arc set post game/companion questlines - where a group of Ranrok / Rookwood loyalists are set on revenge against you (and your friends), which involves all companions and lets you pick and choose the accompanying companion for a number of the missions.
Expecto Patronum and Dementors added.
Re: Acclaimed PS5 Platformer Astro Bot Really Couldn't Be Selling Any Better
In a year of a few decent but not special games, and technical messes, Astro has really shone through this year.
Re: Aug 2024 USA Sales: Console Sales Take a Sharp Decline, But PS5 Is Still King
Weren't we still in Sony's post shortage very high sales year this time last year? If so a drop of a third doesnt sound too unusual at all to me.
Though I would agree with @gollumb82 that lack of true AAA exclusives (except Astro) may be starting to have an effect.
Maybe Pro will stem the flow of customers over to PC a bit but they need to start properly advertising it! The general consensus of people who have actually played the thing / seen it running in person is them coming away highly impressed.
(NB despite what Sony thinks I do believe people are moving over to PC in some numbers now due to poor optimisation on games from 3rd party and the exclusives situation).
Re: Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero (PS5) - Budokai Tenkaichi Returns as a Stunning, Super-Hype Brawler
Thank you, i think thats probably the best bet (having a watch of some videos).
Its a pity, because i was hoping they might follow the Naruto games templates somewhat - which i thought were well done (paticularly 2 & 3), and helped fill in story very well considering the large source material.
Re: Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero (PS5) - Budokai Tenkaichi Returns as a Stunning, Super-Hype Brawler
To be honest, I think you have already covered this in the review, but how is this game for someone who has never really read / watched Dragonball?
I ask because this was the exact same case for me with Naruto, until I played Ninja Storm 2 which did a fair job of filling in the story (and backfilling the 1st game), and i was hooked all the way to the end of Ninja Storm 4.
Re: Fans Are Concerned Until Dawn PS4 Could Be Delisted Following PS5 Remake's Release
It will be interesting to see if they enhance this to 60fps on Pro (though i cant see a reason for them not to get it there on base - its not exactly complex).
Buy, even if they did, replayability in this type of game is fairly limited so i certainly wouldnt pay more than a tenner for it anyway.
Re: Poll: Are You Playing Silent Hill 2?
Might see what this runs / looks like on Pro (if they enhance it) before I make a decision.
Re: Boy! God of War Ragnarok Will Be PS5 Pro Enhanced
I was just trying to give an equally silly but opposite argument, hence why i put it in quote marks.
I think that mid gen hardware is a very good thing, and much needed to keep a fair proportion of the userbase happy when we get to this point in the generation where the base console just cant keep up (unless the dev is a Sony 1st party).
This part of the userbase, which includes myself, may be the minority, but its loss to either PC or Xbox (if they get more powerful hardware out 1st) would still be very damaging to Sony long term.
Of course, 1 remedy for this is to cut each generation much shorter at 5 years, but again you have the need for more frequent hardware purchases.
I hope that PS6 is going to be priced lower than Pro, but i think we need to be realistic to some degree.
PS6 is not likely to be anywhere near the power jump from 4 to 5 (which was quite large despite disappointment from some), and will rely very much on PSSR - in fact if you read an article from DF, they suggest that without PRO succeeding in this regard, with devs getting plenty of practice with it on PRO, PS6 could be off to a bad start.
I think £600 is very likely for PS6, with or without the success of Pro - people buying base PS5s at scalper prices, and the general trend reducing the price reduction over time for Silicon Chips, have probably sealed this.
We are probably 3-4 years away from PS6, making the Pro even more needed as devs already target powerful PC hardware.
Of course 1 may mitigate the other eg higher price, bigger power difference or visa versa; or longer wait, lower price or more power, but something will have to give.
Re: Boy! God of War Ragnarok Will Be PS5 Pro Enhanced
Very glad this game is getting an upgrade, as its one of my favourite games of this gen (and ever).
Though i will be intetested in what they improve as on PS5 it already looks fantastic, runs at 1440p, and more importantly runs at 80-90fps average. This is far better than most games this generation.
Re: Boy! God of War Ragnarok Will Be PS5 Pro Enhanced
Thats like me saying that "I hope PS6 & the next Xbox come out at a higher price than PS5 Pro so all these people cant afford it".
I completely understand not being able to afford/justify the price of Pro, but dont hope for it to fail - let others enjoy it.
From what I have read and listened to, from people who know about Pricing of more advanced tech, Sony appear to have been in a catch 22 situation - Bigger upgrade but even higher price, Lower price but smaller upgrade. It may be true that Sony are likely not subsidising Pro like they did PS5 early on (ie making a loss).
Re: PS5's Astro Bot Is Having a Much Better Launch Than Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart in the UK
Go Astro!
And hopefully a sequel?! (Please)
Re: Deals: Not Feeling the PS5 Pro? PS5 Slim Consoles Are Currently $50/£50 Off
Agreed for those that are on 1 side of the fence - which would include myself (I was sold as soon as i watched the DF video), but im thinking for those who dont own a PS5 and are split between whether to buy Slim or Pro.
Re: PS5 Pro Prompts Sony's Disc Drive to Rocket Up the Charts
I probably wont bother with a drive as i have been mostly digital a good few years, so im glad its optional. I dont want to pay more for the drive so glad they have costed it without, but its good its there for those that do.
Re: Metaphor: ReFantazio (PS5) - Brilliant, Memorable RPG Is One of Atlus' Finest Works
120Hz TVs (or higher in the case of monitors) would not exist if Humans could not see above 60fps - and I can assure you, I can see well above - I still see 60fps with a slideshow like effect, which disappears somewhere around 90fps, but I can still see an improvement in 120fps over 90fps, albeit more minor. Most PC owners im sure will agree.
I think im right in saying that VR devices try to target 90fps.
Glasses / break - at my last eye test my sight was found to be as 'close to perfect as they had seen in anyone in the last year' except 1 small floater. In terms of a break, the effect is near instant - it can be about 1 minute on the feeling sick front, and less than 5 minutes for headaches, though this will depend on how bad the framerate is.
3D is a possibility, but CRT TVs dont seem to cause the issue anywhere near as much, if at all - its also worth noting that 60fps is not a new thing though i cant remember the point we went down to 30fps.
Also, with the lack of information and education before around 10ish years ago, most who suffered these problems just didnt know what caused it and I would include myself in that - some still dont.
A less technically minded (casual gamer) friend of mine a year or so ago said that a game was giving them a headache, they thought due to flashing images or something - i looked at it and found the performance option as they were playing in graphics mode or whatever it was called in that game - problem solved. They didnt have a clue about modes before that and just used the default.
Re: Deals: Not Feeling the PS5 Pro? PS5 Slim Consoles Are Currently $50/£50 Off
I have pre ordered Pro and that was (other than the lure of PC) an easy choice.
I just dont know how to feel about this price cut - on 1 hand its great they have done it, on the other hand it is just another in a long line of weird/bad marketing choices for Sony to discount the Slim when you are trying to push the more expensive Pro...
Re: Metaphor: ReFantazio (PS5) - Brilliant, Memorable RPG Is One of Atlus' Finest Works
I play games for the enjoyment, as probably do most people, unfortunately bad framerates (which for me is anything much under locked 60fps) literally kill any enjoyment in a game for me. I can tolerate small dips here and there, but much more than that is a no-go.
The thing is, you are looking at the problem from your own tolerance level, and as I have said in previous posts, people are very different - you are likely able to tolerate issues, but bad framerates or much less than 60fps literally gives me headaches and make me feel sick, and I cant get any enjoyment in that situation.
Therefore if i was scoring this game it would be an automatic 0 - I would actually get more enjoyment out of a 60fps locked game that was only worth a score of say 5, limited as it may be.
This is not as uncommon as you might think (and even today some do not understand what is causing their problems), and it is only exascerbated by newer TVs, and maybe age, exposure etc - it has certainly got worse for me.
The problem being that some people still believe that it is a case of 'I dont like' rather than 'I cannot tolerate' .
So, "Uuuuuuuuunplayable" - Yes, "30 frames per second? I would rather die!" - No, thats a little ridiculous, but completely unenjoyable, Yes.
The other point is that framerates like this are completely uneccessary on PS5, and usually down to Devs ambitions exceeding their ability, or poor/lacking optimisation (which may well be down to publishers forcing out games) - we have had many examples of games that look very good that easily when uncapped (with 120hz VRR) run at around or in excess of 80fps most of the time.
Thats why we usually get 2 modes - 'Performance" should be 60fps, and sacrifice everything needed to achieve that, 'Graphics' on the other hand should be the opposite, and is for those that dont care about framerates.
Re: Metaphor: ReFantazio (PS5) - Brilliant, Memorable RPG Is One of Atlus' Finest Works
The reviewer here says 'some chugging frame rates' and its a common complaint for the demo - its possible you cannot see framerate issues until they get bad enough as peoples perception varies greatly - some find 30fps fine, others 40fps, others like myself find anything much under 60fps to be complete no-go territory (even then 60fps is not what i would classify as 'buttery smooth' ).
Edit: i have no idea what caused an emoji to be placed but ive got rid of it now.
Re: Metaphor: ReFantazio (PS5) - Brilliant, Memorable RPG Is One of Atlus' Finest Works
"Chugging frame rates" - Thats an easy no in my book.
I know the argument for 'its the sum of everything that determines a games score' but im very disappointed in this score with such a damning statement. Sorry.
Re: PS5 Exclusives Astro Bot, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Lead Golden Joystick Nominations
Ive started using adblocker on my samsung internet because too many sites started taking the p!
Though to be fair I have allowed an option called something along the lines of fair advertising standard, that allows ads that meet a certain standard.... i dont see many!
EDIT: "Acceptable Ads" is what its called.
Re: PS5 Exclusives Astro Bot, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Lead Golden Joystick Nominations
Astrobot GOTY easily.
A few games got robbed of nominations here though...
Re: Until Dawn (PS5) - Killer Teen Slasher Snags a Pricey New-Gen Remake
I dont care how many graphical touch-ups there are here, even if it was free, this is such a 'supermassive' downgrade from the PS4 version running at 60fps (on PS5), that if I wanted to play this game again I would hands down pick the PS4 version.
Re: PS5 Pro Boost Is Pretty Clear Cut in The Last of Us 2 Remastered Comparison Video
I think you may have misunderstood - i was praising the results acheived on pro.
I only play in 60fps, to the point that I will not buy a game that doesnt keep to more or less locked 60fps, no matter how good the game, so yes, the pro works for me.
Re: PS5 Pro Boost Is Pretty Clear Cut in The Last of Us 2 Remastered Comparison Video
I dont really care which game they used, this is a good tech demo of what the Pro can achieve, probably using a limited dev time patch. Not quite as impressive as the leap in FF7 Rebirth (which looks terrible on base), but very good indeed.
Re: Silent Hill 2 (PS5) - The Horror Great Remains So in This Excellent Remake
Thank you. In that case I may defer to DF before I buy, but i was looking for a game between about a weeks time and Nov 7th, so this sounds a good choice.
Re: Diablo 4 Joins Growing List of Games That'll Be PS5 Pro Enhanced
I would have said a bare bones enhancement so they didnt show just how much more advanced Pro is compared to series X, but a few of their PS5 releases out performed series X already, so it will be interesting.
Re: Nixxes Dev Refers to Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered as 'First Big PlayStation Content Project'
If they do a really good Pro performance mode i will probably get this at £10 an upgrade - its been ages since i played the 1st game and though i never thought it was close to GOW or SM i could give it another run.
Re: Silent Hill 2 (PS5) - The Horror Great Remains So in This Excellent Remake
Hi. Does the performance look locked 60fps? And is a Pro mode planned? (I didnt see it in the main list last time i saw it updated).
Many thanks.
Re: Big Star Wars Outlaws PS5 Update Takes Aim at Stealth, Performance
Sadly its come to the point where i believe the only devs that deserve my 'support' ie full price launch purchase, are those that can manage a well performing, optimised and mostly bug free game at launch.
You would think that some devs/publishers only want sale price purchases the way they carry on!
Re: Random: God of War Ragnarok PC Mod Removes Thousands of 'Helpful' Dialogue Lines
Probably in the minority, but apart from the overly quick puzzle hints i love the way the characters talk to one another (or atreus to himself when hes on his own) - it just makes the game far, far, more realistic and helps to establish the story. It really helps the game stand out imo.
Re: Watch Unreal 5's Seriously Impressive MegaLights Tech Demo, Running on a PS5
If it can run in game locked at 60fps or above, then it looks fantastic, if not its (at present) just a waste of time - another "look what it can do in a demo but not in game" scenario.
Now, if they had shown a demo of a new version of UE5 that didnt eat GPU's and CPU's like they were junk food whilst giving only modest output, that would be an amazing use of time.
Re: Curb Your Kid's Fortnite Consumption with Epic's New Suite of Parental Controls
People can argue back and forth as to if necessary or not, but im sorry, giving parents an additional tool like this is a good thing - its up to individual circumstances if its needed, but at least it is a defined boundry.
Re: Report Finds Lack of Star Wars Outlaws Sales Disturbing
When companies release lacklustre / buggy / unoptimised games, they get a reputation - they may get a few passes, but once a reputation sticks.... (This is how i feel about capcom at the moment).
Re: Sony Fights Scalpers in Japan By Demanding PS5, PS4 Playtime
Maybe they are just testing their system works, and using Japan as things havent been selling there that well, in case the system doesnt work and blocks everyone!
Re: Sony Fights Scalpers in Japan By Demanding PS5, PS4 Playtime
Since 2014!!
They should make it 1000 hours minimum!!
(thats only 100 per year)
Make them really work for it!
Re: PS5 Pro 'Absolutely Rocks', According to No Man's Sky Engine Programmer
The DF article Pushsquare referenced yesterday includes a section where he is talking about the inability due to cost of doubling the GPU when making this gens Pro machine (as opposed to PS4 Pro from PS4 which did). He then goes on to state that despite this, the addition of machine learning / AI hardware this time has given an upgrade which gives "similar, if not outright superior results".
So its not just the odd developer that thinks its good.
Re: PlayStation Fans Gleefully Snitch on 30th Anniversary PS5 Pro Scalpers
You raise an intetesting question. Presuming that the covers do fit slim & pro (which is a bit up in the air as I have read both ways on this, with PS Support saying slim plates do not fit pro), Sony were not making much money on these 30th editions - I wonder if it would have gone anywhere near as stupid if Sony had just sold the covers & pads? (Still keeping the 1 per address rule).
The pads and slims were much easier to get last Thursday. Remotes even easier i think?
If Sony sold the covers even for a premium price of £100, how much could scalpers have got for them... lets go with an extreme £500. A mark up of £400.
These 30th pro consoles are being marked up by 1000's of £ - would the lower mark up be as intetesting to them?
I would never pay scalper prices, but the proliferation of scalping is only made worse by these big paydays for them, and the perception of how much they can make in 1 'hit'.
Re: PlayStation Fans Gleefully Snitch on 30th Anniversary PS5 Pro Scalpers
i hate this practice (scalping).
Sony clearly made enough Pro's and coupled with the price this has (so far) detererred scalpers.
But in the case of limited editions, I just dont see it ever stopping.
Scalpers only need 1 of these to make a lot of money so the old 'no more than 1 per address' isnt going to be of much use.
Im sure Sony and others have tried on a purchase system front, but I was there and in on the site within a minute or so of the queue opening last Thursday - everyone on hold was given a random place in the queue - and i dont know if i could have completed a purchase. These 30th Pros went fast.
The cancelled ebay resales will just be put back up after launch...
So either:
1) dont have limited runs, or
2) Forever ban resales of Limited Runs
Re: Tech Experts Reckon PS5 Pro Could Help Pave the Way to PS6
Interesting. This is the 1st time i think they have said that the PS5Pro upgrades over PS5, when compared to PS4Pro over PS4 gives "similar, if not outright superior results".
Re: Bickering Begins Over PS5 Pro's Inability to Sell Out
@mountain_spider @StrickenBiged
Ok, so i was interested so had a quick look about. Apparently:
Tech Radar (I havent seen the article just mentions of it) reported that the slim covers fit the pro, with the wider centre strip covering the size difference.
Sony support have told at least a couple of people who have posted on reddit the covers do not match.
So b#####ed if i know!
Re: Bickering Begins Over PS5 Pro's Inability to Sell Out
The black centre strip is wider but i cant see that being enough - i could be wrong here again. Sadly we just dont have a lot of info from Sony atm.
Re: Bickering Begins Over PS5 Pro's Inability to Sell Out
Very unlikely - im pretty sure all Sony consoles going forward will be without drives, but with add on drives available seperately. You may well get an offer of console + seperate drive for £xx off the total though, particularly from somewhere like game in the uk (providing drive stock has returned to normal).
Re: Bickering Begins Over PS5 Pro's Inability to Sell Out
@mountain_spider @StrickenBiged
I may be wrong, or more accurately what I read was wrong, but I know i read somewhere the covers were different sizes. (I think it had to do with the Pro coming with a disk drive cover).