Comments 52

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


So now that I've had a day to process this, a thought came to me this morning as far as an equivalent comparison goes.

So let's say I buy a new truck in 2024 for $50,000. Then 4 years later the 2028 models come out with more standard features, fancier trim package, bigger dashboard screen, maybe slightly better fuel economy etc. And due to those slight improvements plus inflation or strength of the dollar and other economic factors, the new truck is $65,000. Am I tempted to get the new truck? Sure maybe. But am I angry that GM, Ford or Toyota made the newer, better model for more money? No. My truck still does everything I need it to just fine.

I don't know I guess that's the closest sort of equivalent I could come up with. Maybe I'm way off?

Re: PS5 Pro Announced, Costs $700 and Out in November


@Tdot8282 Agreed. It is after all an optional upgrade for those who want the best performance on console. For me It's about $100 too high for what you get. I think the 2TB SSD is the main culprit for the price. It's so easy to just buy and install an aftermarket M.2 drive to expand the storage I don't see why they upped the internal storage from 1TB to 2.

Re: PS5 Pro Announced, Costs $700 and Out in November


@Tdot8282 Remember the 3DO back in the SNES / Genesis "Console Wars" generation? It was also a great price-to-performance ratio, but no one bought it because of (1) the insane (at the time) price of $500 USD compared to like $150 USD for the 16-bit machines and (2) the game library wasn't anywhere near as compelling as the SNES or Genesis. I can't see Sony manufacturing more than 10 or 15 million of these in the PS5's lifecycle.

Re: PS5 Pro Seemingly Teased in New 30th Anniversary Artwork


@MikeOrator Partially true. However the Switch's portability and flexibility of being able to be docked to the TV is more the appeal of it. Yes Nintendo's own 1st party IP is also largely responsible, however don't think for a second that if the Switch was more of a traditional console it would've been crushed by the PS4/PS5 and still outsold by Xbox. IF let's say the Switch 2 were to go back to being a traditional, non-portable console, it would get destroyed by PS5.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


@AdamNovice True to an extent. However along with the upcoming Astro Bot series like Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, Little Big Planet, Ape Escape, Sly Cooper and more could all be approached in the same way as Nintendo where they don't try to push the limits in terms of visual fidelity, thus having shorter development time/cost.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


The difference between Sony in the PS4 era and Sony in the PS5 era is hubris. Plain and simple. They got too comfortable dominating That generation, just like they did with the PS2, hence the disastrous launch of the PS3.

STOP making games based on industry trends or greed and give the PlayStation fans what they've ALL been asking for for years now:

(1) New Infamous
(2) Uncharted 5
(3) The Last of Us 3
(4) Spider-Man 3
(5) More info / release date for Wolverine
(6) Official announcement for the stand-alone Venom game
(7) New Resistance
(8) New Little Big Planet
(9) Official announcement for Santa Monica's new game
(10) Bloodborne 2 or Bloodborne remaster
(11) Ghost of Tsushima 2
(12) I'm sure I'm forgetting some, maybe but come on Sony WTF have you been doing? We're 4 YEARS into this generation this Fall! Let's F#ck!ing Go Already!

Re: Mark Cerny's Feedback on PS5's Astro Bot: 'Now This Is a Game'


Really hoping this game is wildly successful. We need more 3D mascot platformers and less ultra violent shooters and horror games.

It's crazy to think back to a time where a chubby cartoon Italian plumber, a spikey blue cartoon hedgehog with red sneakers and a smart ass Australian Bandicoot were the faces of 3 videogame console companies. Those were the days...

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Still Planned to Release in 2024, State of Play Coming in September


Last gen I bought both the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, mainly due to getting a 4K TV and wanting devices to take advantage of it. Also with the PS4 Pro, allegedly it provided the better experience for PSVR.

This gen, I'm perfectly content with my PS5 and Series X as far as visual fidelity goes. The temptation will be there for sure, however I can't justify $600 - $700 US, especially in Canada where that's more like $800 - $940 in Snow Pesos...

Re: Crash Bandicoot 5 Reportedly Cut in Favour of More Live Service Games


When are these publishers going to learn that there is only so much room for these live service games?! Fortnite, CoD, Rainbow 6, Sea of Thieves, Apex Legends, Overwatch, WoW, FFXIV Online, Destiny....

There IS simply NO ROOM for new, generic versions of essentially the same games that already exist! Concord is DOA already, and after nearly 8 YEARS in development, that studio will probably suffer massive layoffs very soon, if not close as a result.

The industry doesn't need MORE games, it needs BETTER games. And while true that virtually anything these days is derivative of something else, good content still needs something unique in order to stand out. More single-player games in franchises that people love and have legions of fans (like Crash and Spyro) should be a no-brainer, but because they can't monetize it, nickel & diming the customer to death for the foreseeable future, sadly it's now low priority for most publishers.

Re: Xbox Renegotiated Indiana Jones Deal to Exclude PS5, Then Ported It Anyway


Not tough to see their strategy.

All aquired IP from Bethesda and ABK will be multiplatform.

All traditional, "home-grown" Xbox tentpole IP (Halo, Gears, Forza, Fable etc.) will remain Xbox console-exclusive.

At least for the remainder of this generation and the beginning of next generation. If their hardware sales continue to fall, then nothing will be off the table.

Re: Xbox's Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Comes to PS5 in Spring 2025


On one hand it makes perfect sense and it's something most of us could predict was coming. This is due to the fact this game is based off of a 40+ year old, worldwide recognized and beloved IP and really shouldn't be locked to just one console.

However, why wouldn't Microsoft and Xbox want to take advantage of the timed-exclusivity for this holiday season? Doesn't affect me as I'll be playing it on day 1 on Game Pass, just strange timing to "let the cat out of the bag" so to speak now rather than even say January?

Re: Square Enix Has Got Fans Talking About a Final Fantasy 13 Remake, Not a Remaster


@Ainu20 I get the fact the PS3 has a complicated architecture, however Sony has had over a decade to figure it out, so I'm not giving them a free pass on this one. And I'm primarily a PlayStation guy.

And as far as whether it's worth it for Sony or not? Absolutely it is! Do you know how much $$ Microsoft makes on 360 games on the Xbox one and Series consoles? Now take PlayStation's MUCH larger userbase buying PS3 games? It's a no-brainer for them to get it figured out ASAP!

Re: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Studio Really Will Try and Port the Game to PS4


@NEStalgia 120 million PS4's in the wild and 50 million Xbox Ones compared to 60 million PS5's and 30 million Series X/S's. In one way it's a no-brainer that publishers are STILL catering to last-gen gamers, but it is also contributing to the slow growth, reluctance to upgrade for millions of gamers.

Remember the good old days? When the Super NES launched you HAD to buy one to play Mario World, F-Zero and Pilotwings because the NES simply couldn't run them. Same with when the N64 launched, you had to buy one to play Mario 64 because the SNES couldn't run full 3D polygonal games. These days cross-gen games are far more common due to incremental hardware upgrades, which lessens the appeal for the new machines.

Re: Upcoming PS5 Games for August and September 2024


PlayStation Showcase

  • September just before TGS
  • PS5 Pro reveal
  • PS3 Emulation/Backward Compatibility finally announced
  • Official re-reveal of Wolverine
  • Official reveal of Venom
  • New Uncharted game revealed starring Nathan Drake’s daughter
  • The Last of Us 3 announced
  • Sony Santa Monica’s new game directed by Cory Barlog revealed
  • Ghost of Tsushima 2 announced with full unveiling to happen at TGS
  • Anything else announced/revealed would be a bonus

Re: Hands On: Visions of Mana Is Far From Revolutionary, But It Should Still Be a Rock Solid Action RPG


Tried it out this morning before work. I liked what I've experienced thus far. I've played all the Mana games but the only one I've ever actually beaten was Secret of Mana back on the SNES. It's funny because back then we just referred to these games as 'RPG's' not 'JRPG's'. But one of my biggest grievances of the JRPG genre are the absolutely nails-on-a-chalkboard voice acting for some of the characters ever since we made the jump from 2D/16-bit/32-bit to modern 3D games. So far I'm not too annoyed with the voices, but they're skating on thin ice with me.

Re: Bungie to Lay Off 220 Workers, Will Be Further Integrated into Sony


On one hand it could be said that once Bungie left Microsoft and went independent, losing the Halo IP, they were on a downward trajectory. However given Micro$oft's track record with studios (including 343) there's no guarantee they would've been better off staying with them either. Sony has been relatively patient, but now I think Bungie will be split into 2 teams. One skeleton crew to continue maintaining/supporting Destiny 2 and the new studio under PS Studios which will create PS exclusives starting with this Sci-Fi game.

Re: Poll: Are You Sick of Soulslike Games?


I'm not sick of them as I don't play them. I play videogames primarily to have fun. I don't find extremely difficult games "fun". They look cool but after trying and failing miserably at them I've just accepted the fact they're not for me.

This is probably blasphemous but as a kid I never really liked Mega Man games for the same reason.

Re: Talking Point: Was Sony Right to Resist Adding PS5 Exclusives to PS Plus Day One?


Yes Sony was right! When you SELL 10 to 20 million copies of your 1st party titles why on earth would you give them away for essentially "free" on your subscription service?! They would need 100 million + subscribers to offset the costs in lost sales. Do I like getting my 1st party games on day one for "free" on Xbox? Sure! Do I think it's sustainable? NO and I never have! It's an example of a 3 Trillion dollar company with a major loss-leader product/service. However it's obvious and has been for a while now that its not going according to their projections, thus the changes.

Re: Silly Speculation Alleges Sony May Have Signed Secret PS5 Exclusivity for Black Myth: Wukong


It's almost as if Micro$oft / Xbox regret releasing 2 SKU's with one significantly weaker than the other, yet demanding all 3rd parties optimize their games to run on both...

Sony's strategy of releasing 2 SKU's, one with a disc drive, one all-digital, but BOTH having equivalent specs is obviously the much smarter move. So now M$ resorts to starting rumors of Sony buying console exclusivity.

Re: Talking Point: What Are Your PS5 Predictions for Summer Game Fest 2024?


I'm starting to feel like Sony's "sweet spot" where the moon and stars all came into perfect alignment with their 1st party studios games and 3rd party exclusive bangers was more of a stroke of luck than anything else. I'm not referring to the quality of the games their studios put out, just the release cadence and huge reveals of said games. PS5 just doesn't have that same vibe or feel that PS3 had the last 2 years of it's lifecycle and into the PS4 generation. I've pretty much conditioned myself not to get too hyped for State of Plays or things like Summer Games Fest, Gamescom, TGS etc. I don't know is it just me?

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