Comments 54

Re: 25 Years Ago, Square Released the Best Final Fantasy Game


Ya know I had thought that Final Fantasy 8 was just way too hard back in the day. Of course I was like 12 and didn't understand the junction system well.

The remastered game came out and I bought it and quickly realized how easy it was to become over powered and I absolutely loved the game.

Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Remaster Is Reportedly 'Real and Happening'


If Jason says it then I believe it. He doesn't just throw information around. He actually has sources.

I have been patiently waiting for a long time. Tactics Ogre Reborn was amazing and I spent 210 hours in it. Final Fantasy Tactics was my first ever Tactical RPG way back on PS1 and I would buy a remaster/remake in an instant. I hope they do the same art style as TO:R because I really liked the aesthetic of it. Took me back to playing on PS1.

Re: Soapbox: Once a PS4 Console Exclusive, PS5 Players Are Missing a Visual Stunner in Hellblade 2


Honestly, I never understood Hellblade 2. The first game was amazing, but it seemed like the story had been told. A sequel was just a weird idea to me.

Then they announced it would be 30fps.

Then they announced they were prioritizing widescreen and most people would have black bars top and bottom.

I was out after the last note. Then some (not all!) reviews confirmed my thoughts. The first game told the story and it was done. A sequel was a stretch.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Dragon's Dogma 2?


Really having a lot of fun in Dragon’s Dogma 2. There is a lot of drama about the game, but in case anyone needs to know: you don’t have to spend any money on microtransactions.

The game is a lot of fun, but it’s very much an old school RPG. It may not be for everyone, but it’s really been an amazing experience so far.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?


I’m so behind. I have the remake and want to play it, just haven’t had time. I will play that first. Hoping that will give Square time to fix the performance mode resolution and lighting problems. I’ll def get this game at that point.

Re: Metal Gear Solid Locked at 30fps in PS5, PS4 Master Collection


Whatever your thoughts on frame rate, it just has the feeling like these landmark titles aren’t getting the attention they deserve. I was just hoping that we’d see some special attention given to one of Konami’s biggest franchises and we aren’t getting that. That is what I find disappointing.

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