Comments 466

Re: Microsoft Commits to Next Call of Duty Game on Xbox Game Pass, New Report Says


Sounds good to me. I buy cod every year and being on gamepass and hopefully all the older ones is a big old bonus.
People forgetting MS is a multi trillion $ company and the amount micro transactions will bring in as well, especially as people won't have to pay out 70-100 just to get the game then spend on top...
I normally get the battlepass at the start and play it enough to keep getting it without paying again but I'll be willing to buy more skins and bits now

Re: Gaming Subs Like PS Plus, Xbox Game Pass Aren't Growing At All


Much like most media is consumed, streaming subscriptions will be the future of gaming. Personally I'm happy paying for multiple atm (gamepass, EA, UBI+, GFN PS+ extra). Makes life easier and I have to buy less games

People will complain and say it won't but people also said the same about downloading games, music and then streaming general and 🤷

Re: Hands On: Fallout 4 Next-Gen Runs Great on PS5, But Some Old Problems Persist


@Deadhunter I've checked myself and on reddit but if you got the version that was free on PS+ at somepoint and you only have essentials you don't get the upgrade atm unless you buy the game or upgrade to ps premium. I still can't upgrade atm unfortunately and in no world am I buying fallout 4 again.

Just wait for Fallout London on PC now I suppose being as Bethesda destroyed any hope of that coming out anytime soon

Re: Hands On: Fallout 4 Next-Gen Runs Great on PS5, But Some Old Problems Persist


it dosnt work on PS+ essential basic version or whatever its called on PlayStation you need to buy the game as it stands or upgrade your membership and download a different version.

Might have been worth mentioning in the review......

Tried it on PC but since it killed all my mods, the ultra wide is terrible, it didn't really play or look any better and the game crashed more along with some of my saves wouldn't load. I gave up on that 🙄

Sooooooo......... Screw you Bethesda and or Sony