Comments 466

Re: State of Play Announced, Covering More Than 15 PS5, PSVR2 Games


@Gooseman42 fair.
I haven't heard anything about it but all I know from owning a psvr and currently a meta 3 and played psvr2 if it dosnt really move I can play for mabey an hour before I die.
If it does move even if it's blink movement with all the anti sickness stuff on (played abit if half life alux at a friend's house but not chance I could even complete that game) or something like GT7 I can play mabey 20 mins before I have to lay down for awhile because I feel so Ill 🙄.

If I can play it normally though and its not full of gimmicks I'm all in for more metro

Re: Shuhei Yoshida Eyes 'Pokemon with Guns' Phenomena Palworld for PS5


@KundaliniRising333 that's a pretty poor take tbh. It's a fun game with great reviews and it works well. Just because you haven't played it and have decided that it's trash is just......

As for AI 🤷🤷 that's how it is. Lots of people use it in and for work now, it's used in a substantial amount of things in life and will continue to be used more and more in games and that's also fine.

Re: Big List of Tomb Raider Remastered PS5, PS4 Upgrades Revealed


Looking forward to it.

Big fan of the latest trilogy especially shadow of the tomb raider and really enjoyed legend and underworld back in the day.

Tired playing the classics ones a few times but the difficulty even with save states..... Controls are awful and no idea what to do or where to go pretty much the entire time 😅

Re: Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Previews Are Far from Positive


Already feel like abit DOA.... Kind of like the avengers

Very little hype, no one that's played it seem that impressed, not much in the way of marketing and gameplay videos and even this close to release still cagey with details and despite what they say you can almost guarantee its going to be heavily monitised....
As bad as it sounds I hope this and other WB products fall flat on their face.

Should have done something more like the excellent guardians of the galaxy 🤷