

A horrible night to have a curse.

Comments 50

Re: Concord Devs Maintain Radio Silence, Which Isn't Helping Matters


I think the best thing they can do at this point is shut this thing down. There’s nothing that can be done and the only thing this game is going to do is bleed more money. Any attempts to do anything is like CPR on a dead body.

The game on Steam has 38 players right now, less than even Suicide Squad. Not even enough for 4 games. Humiliation on a cataclysmic level. This will go down in gaming folklore with E.T. and Sonic 2006.

Re: TimeSplitters 2 (PS2) – Classic FPS Has Tons of Content, But Hasn't Fully Stood the Test of Time


I love this game for what it is, but damn I wish this thing had a remaster. As said, the Goldeneye aiming is awful, and some of the arcade leagues and challenges are brutal (looking at you Bags of Fun) and there is not a chance I will put myself through even attempting to finish Atom Smasher and Robot Factory on hard. These are made easier with the emulation now at least, but I pray for a remaster some day so at the very least the aiming can be tweaked (as well as online multiplayer and mapmaker capabilities) and the game feel playable.

Unfortunately any chance of that is finished thanks to a certain company.

Re: Randy Pitchford Teases Borderlands 4 After Tirade Over Flop Movie Adaptation


@Slayer25c 3 has best gameplay but the characters are all so insufferable it ruins the entire experience. The mute button is essentially compulsory to get anything out of it. DLCs were great though from what I remember.

I don’t remember much about Wonderlands at all (only the DLC, and not for good reasons) and I have never had any desire to go back to it. I feel the novelty of Borderlands has worn off and maybe it should be left in the 2010s. I could be wrong though.

Re: Rumour: Watch Dogs Is Dead, and Legion Reportedly Killed It


For me, 1 was boring, I barely remember 2 aside from the “XD lel maymay” theme it had going for it, and Legion was mediocre and the gimmick of playing as anyone wasn’t as good as it sounded. After 3 attempts and lukewarm results at best I won’t miss it much if the series is finished

Re: London Studio's PS5 Live Service Fantasy Co-Op Game Will Never See the Light of Day


@OmegaStriver I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion at all. We are around the halfway point for any console generation now, and there isn’t much worth playing on PS5/XSX you can’t play on PS4/XB1, outside of Spider-Man 2 and Final Fantasy, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to get any better any time soon with all these layoffs and cancellations.Neither PlayStation or Xbox is doing great, and I am not sure when the last generation was that both big hitters were in the gutter.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Skull and Bones?


@j2c They could not cancel the game as they made a deal with the government of Singapore. Were it not for that legal obligation it likely would have been canned a long time ago, as I can’t see how they will make anything close to their money back.

Re: There's Already Concern Over Crash Team Rumble's Future


You don’t say. This was always going to fail. $30+ for a live service product that should have been f2p with only 1 thing to do is insane. This thing had flop all over it from day 1. I’d be amazed if this isn’t on PS+ and Game Pass by the end of the year.

Re: Techland Is Not Announcing Dying Light 3, Just Polling Players on Possible Protagonists


I hope they learn from the mistakes of the second game. The first game had such great atmosphere and horror elements, yet the second game took away everything that gave it personality and left it as another Ubisoft template riddled with the same old open world tropes.

I’m baffled how they spent all that time in development just to create something that’s vastly inferior to something Ubisoft would have made 15 years ago (see Assassins Creed II.) In fact, I still haven’t completed it to this day and feel no desire to because it’s just so boring and insipid. I can’t really think of anything positive to say about it.

Re: Reaction: Dreams Losing Support Is a Sad End to PS4's Most Unbelievable Project


I bought this over 3 years ago and, according to my game list, I only have 9 hours played on it. I mostly forgot about it altogether and the rare times I didn’t I never felt desire to play it. It doesn’t seem it caught on which is a shame as this is different to the other titles Sony & Microsoft have and this will further discourage creating anything different. I’m surprised Dreams lasted this long.

Re: Hogwarts Legacy's PS5 Platinum Is a Pain in the Ass


Definitely. The amount of tedious open-world busywork crap they’ve put in the game is insane. In the process of trying to get the platinum, got to around 550 collectibles or so, only to find out one of the moths I need for the picture puzzles won’t spawn locking a field guide page I need for the collection out until they patch it. Good stuff.

Re: MultiVersus Daily Peak Player Count Down 99% Since Launch


The notion that people thought this was in Smash Bros’ league when this was released is laughable. A free to play game with currency grinding and battle passes and all of the other tropes associated with live services, against one you pay £40 for and get an entire package, the £40 option will win every time.

The sooner this live service model dies off the better. For every Destiny or Warzone there’s 10 Babylon’s Falls or Avengers or Lawbreakers or Anthems or Destruction All Stars or any number of failed Fortnite and Overwatch clones.

Re: Embracer CEO Doesn't Expect a Great Return on Investment from Saints Row


I don’t understand how you could expect anything but this reception with the technical issues, lack of innovation, Xbox 360 era gameplay and the downright detestable characters.

Everything from this series has gone so downhill after SR2 and this will be what finally kills it off. Looks like that’s another one for the game franchise graveyard.

Just remaster Saints Row 1 & 2 and call it a day.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Saints Row?


I’ll be waiting until it’s heavily discounted or on PS+, and only because I was a fan of the original games, else I wouldn’t bother with this at all.