Comments 725

Re: Here's Exactly What Newly Revealed PS5, PC Game Concord Is


@AdamNovice The problem is sony's communication is so poor at the moment. When we do get a bit of communication a lot of it recently has been about how many Gaas they want to make. They keep harping on about them but not seen a single bit of gameplay from any of them. If they showed some actual gamepaly from some of these games it would least show what Sony counts as a live service game. Its sony's own doing as why the mention of live service gets a negative reaction.

Re: Reaction: Sony Flubs First Proper PS5 Presentation in Over 18 Months


I honestly don't know what Sony's plan is for this generation they seem to be abandoning everything that made them great in the previous generations. Where is the quirky different games, where is the new IPs! If they want to focus on Gaas games at least show us what Sony's vision of one of them is not just a quick CG trailer with no information.

I loved my PSVR but they have not given me one reason to get the PSVR 2 could they not even just throw up an Astrobot 2 logo to get some hype.

This gen seems to have very little creativity its either sequel, remake, remaster or if all else fails make a souls game.

I can only presume Sony are trying to paint themselves as an underdog now if the Microsoft Activision deal goes through which it most likely will one way or another. The microsoft conference will show Starfield and Forza they just need one other big hitter then it will blow Sony's out the water.

Re: Rumour: PS Showcase Could Be Around Two Weeks Away


@Ichiban I am with you on this all we seem to be getting is remakes, remasters and sequels at the moment the only studio that did something a little different (Concrete Genie) got shut down. Weirdly xbox is the place to go if you want something a little different with stuff like Scorn, Sea of Thieves, Hi Fi Rush, The Gunk and Grounded. This used to be what Sony were good for.

Re: Poll: How Was Final Fantasy 16's State of Play Showcase?


Still seemed to dark and brown in a lot of places the bits where they did show lush green spaces they did look very nice just didnt really show a lot of them it was like 5 seconds of nice environments 2 more minutes of drab brown and dark environments. I presume this is done to make the lighting effects on spells/special attacks look better. The normal enemies look to spongy which I think will hurt the combat in the end especially if your expected to play 80+ hours of DMC style combat. Overall still not won over I feel this should be a spinoff game.

Re: State of Play Showcase Set for Thursday, Final Fantasy 16 the Focus


I think this would be received better if Sony just added an extra line or two saying “we know your waiting for information on other PlayStation games we will have something for you in the coming months” if people knew there was definitely a showcase soon think it would go a long way to help there poor communication recently

Re: PSVR2 Sales Off to a 'Slow Start', New Report Claims


From my point of view I loved PSVR 1 but at the moment 2 is too expensive to justify at the moment especially as there are not a lot of games that interest me at the current momemnt. If it released with a new Astrobot game could have been a different story.

Re: Tchia PS5 Patch Adds 60fps Support


@Beerheadgamer82 you can put pins in the map and follow the direction on the compass. So put a pin on the collectible and follow the compass in the direction the pin on the outside of the compass. It has been working for me

Re: Destiny 2: Lightfall (PS5) - A Brilliant Yet Disappointing Set-Up


I have no idea why this site gives destiny such a free pass on everything. This is £40 for a 5 hour campaign and as far as I read there is one new strike and no crucible changes. There monetisation is one of the worst in the gaming business yet no mention in the review. I think user reviews should be taken into account for this as it’s mainly destiny veterans playing this so I think there views are important.

Re: Poll: How Do You Feel About Final Fantasy 16?


Everything they have shown has been very dark which is very worrying. I am worried about my beloved cactuars I think they will be sat in a corner with a black hoodie on cutting themselves with there own needles! The change in combat doesn't bother me I think its the medievil setting and lack of colour, it feels its going after the souls look.

Re: Reaction: Sony Continues to Fumble the State of Play Format


I think the problem for me is Sony have been terrible about there first party line up for 18 months now so you get a state of play like this and you just come away with a feeling of " is that it?" I don't know if it is because Sony have nothing at the moment apart from Spiderman 2 which they haven't bigged up themselves or there playing silly games because of the Activision deal. It just seems Sony first party output is struggling especially when there are rumours of 10 live service games as well! I loved my PSVR 1 and have over 40 games for it but they have done nothing to convince me to buy the PSVR 2. It would just need a 10 second snippet of Astro bot or blood and truth 2 show that there is something cool coming.