Comments 178

Re: Stellar Blade Is a Best-Seller in the UK After Launch PS5 Sales


@itsfoz I'm 10 hours in. The combat is getting even more satisfying, the story and characters got more interesting; but they are all built-on/expanded from the base in which the demo gives a pretty good sense of it.

If you are not into this type of fast-paced action games (as much as I love this game, I'm fully aware that no game is for everyone), I guess the main game won't change your mind.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Stellar Blade?


@Gamer83 Personally, it still does. The main differences that I've noticed (at least by comparing the modes in demo) are enemies do less damage, have less HP and don't deal damage when I parry successfully. In normal mode, they still do some damage when you parry unless it's a perfect parry.

Other aspects like their speed, movements and density seem to be the same. Though I've only been playing the story mode in the full version of the game, there might be other differences in the full version.