Comments 110

Re: Best PS1 Games


I have so many question to people who voted for the games. "Parasite Eve II" in the top and THPS2 is higher than ff7

Re: 16 PS5, PS4 Games Set to Leave PS Plus Extra, Premium Next Month


@Rodimusprime1313 games basically stay for the duration of the max subscription plan. You pay for a year and you can play most games for a year. I don't think it's quick in any way and I don't think "reasonably quick" is an appropriate term in this context but it's for sure unreasonable to pay for a sub and not use it. And if a year is not enough for you to play a game then probably you were never interested in it anyway, and it's a smart choice to drop the sub

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Has Sold Around 2 Million Copies, PS5 Player Data Suggests


> Sure there was a lot of FMV sequences to fill up some of that space, but even so.. the games really was large..

Just a fun fact
It wasn't "some of that space", it was all about FMVs. The entire game of 7,8,9 was on every disc. You can technically play from any disc, and some people actually do it for fun speedruns. You start the game, you open the tray and swap discs. It messes up FMVs but that's it

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth PS5 Demo Update Will Improve Performance Mode Next Week


It's insane how people defend bad graphics on performance mode and then gaslighting others saying they're the problem. We pay money for games, Square enix doesn't give them to us for free. They want 70$ for a game? Well it should look like a 70 bucks game.
Fans just sound arrogant, even Square enix is releasing a patch to address graphics issues, but you guys keep saying "it's nothing serious, looks stunning" why make a patch for a demo then? It's just stupid

Re: Hopes for Final Fantasy Tactics Remaster Mercilessly Crushed by Series Creator


I know there are a lot of ff fans and I will get hate for saying this but tactics is a very boring trpg. It was hyped back in the day when FF was a very popular series but there are way better and interesting games than this.
It needs a remake, not a remaster. Remaster can't fix boring gameplay. And I doubt that another boring FF game is what the series needs right now

Re: Konami Aware of Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Launch Issues, Fixes Incoming


@Arnna > absolutely nothing has been done to improve them
That's an absolute lie cuz you can create save files for psycho mantis, end cutscenes was fixed, codec stutters were fixed and probably a lot of other stuff but you don't care about facts. You keep calling a compilation of multiple games a full priced game and adding some useless remarks about me working for Konami. ff7 on ps4 is still a $16 game. If MGS1,2,3 are 16 bucks games it will cost you $48. Paying $12 more for MG1 MSX, MG1 NES, MG2 and snake's revenge sounds fair