Comments 702

Re: Talking Point: How Much Does Cross-Play Matter to You?


Here's my thing. Crossplay itself is... whatever. I personally don't care about it, as all of my friends play pretty much exclusively on PS4. Locking our Epic accounts to the system is where it gets kinda shaky. Particularly since Sony never gave any previous warning to its customers. Now, I personally think it's because of all the Plus exclusive content in Fortnite. Perhaps Sony doesn't want you to be able to use console exclusive content on the Switch. I kinda get that, I suppose. But what I really see from all of this, as well as Sony's reaction and statement, alongside the rumors that the PS5 is getting specific, proprietary hardware, is that they're beginning to revert to their old, cocky ways from the end of the PS2 into the PS3 era. And that's not good for anyone. I desperately hope that they change, and are willing to revert their opinion on this whole thing (though I know that'll start a whole new wave of derision from the internet), because I want the PS5 to start off strong. And this, so far... does not bode well.

Re: Feature: What New PS4 Exclusives Could Sony Reveal at E3 2018?


I actually don't think Demon's Souls is that likely, because I know that if Bluepoint did it they would show up Dark Souls Remastered super hard. In my heart, I desperately want them to be making a Shadow of the Colossus style remake collection of God of War 1 and 2. I think now is the time for it.

Re: Review: Bravo Team (PS4)


Does anyone know if it supports a left handed mode? My friend is getting it, and was gutted when he found out that DOOM VFR didn't have it for his Aim Controller.