Comments 549

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Alan Wake 2?


9.5 out of 10 and my personal GOTY. It's near perfect and I couldn't have asked for more after a 13 year wait. There are a few bugs and some of the puzzles (especially the ones in Alan's half of the campaign) can be incredibly obtuse, but otherwise it's perfect.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Marvel's Spider-Man 2?


Easy 9/10. It's damn near perfect, but I wish there were a few more side quests to undertake. The main story is top notch and what is there for side content is excellent, just wish there was more of it. Definitely a GOTY contender and I'm having trouble deciding if it's better than Final Fantasy XVI or not. Though, they may both be supplanted by Alan Wake II....

Re: Poll: Spider-Man 2 PS5 Bugs are Apparently a Real Problem, But Have You Had Any?


I've only really encountered some graphics clipping which happens in every game. I did, at one point, get that weird T pose rising to the sky of a defeated enemy that DF pointed out in their review. I did experience 2 crashes, but I can't tell the last time I played a game to completion in which at least 1 crash didn't happen (I experienced crashes in both FF16 and TotK). But I've seen nothing like what some people are complaining about. I think there is a small subset of people that are deliberately trying to break the game just to slander it. They post the bug, but not the myriad of steps they did to cause it.

Re: Xbox Boss Promises '100% Parity' for Call of Duty on PS5, PS4


Don't believe a word Old Man Spencer says. He specifically calls out Playstation gamers in this quote. The same ones he screwed over by removing Zenimax games. So he doesn't care about parity. Or that the Playstation versions will now be getting less features because the Xbox can't do them (haptic feedback, VR, etc.). If the rumors pan out and Sony is able to make a deal for Take-Two. I wonder what Spencer's tune will be if, all of a sudden, there is a real risk of MS losing access to GTA, RDR, and NBA 2K?

Re: Major Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Spoilers Have Started Flooding Online


It's very annoying that people take joy in ruining things for others. Many people had their views of TLOU2 tainted before release by out of context leaks and spoilers. Hopefully that doesn't happen to Spider-Man 2....unless Insomniac deliberately downgraded the puddle reflections again. If that's the case, someone better spoil it for me because I WILL NOT GIVE INSOMNIAC ONE ROTTEN CENT IF THEY DON'T KILL THEIR EMPLOYEES BY MAKING THEM WORK SUPER OVERTIME SO WE CAN SEE EVERY TINY BUG FLYING AROUND NEW YORK REFLECTED IN THE PUDDLES!

Re: The Last of Us Multiplayer Game Is 'Basically on Ice' Right Now


@NullForce I don't necessarily agree. Anthem had no direction and neither Bioware nor EA had any idea what they were making. ND at least knew what they were making. I could see more of a Sea of Thieves issue where there just wasn't enough content. Though, it seems like ND made a multiplayer game that maybe should have been a single player experience. We'll probably never know. Again, I think releasing in early access could help.

Re: PlayStation's Push for Live Service Games Hasn't Been Going Smoothly


What did Sony think would happen when they announced they were trying to launch 10 live service games by 2026? It's so incredibly rare that live service games become a hit. For every Destiny or Final Fantasy XIV, there's The Avengers, an Anthem, a Babylon's Fall, the OG Final Fantasy XIV. So many more fail than succeed. This live service push has likely set their launch line up back by years. Who knows when we'll see Naughty Dog's next SP game and if it will even launch on PS5.

Re: The Last of Us Multiplayer Game Is 'Basically on Ice' Right Now


@Nepp67 The game would have been revealed at the May Showcase. I don't like this idea of Bungie telling Sony what to release and what not to. It's not like Destiny and Destiny 2 launched with a wealth of content. It took years for those games to become profitable. On top of that, I recently took to playing Destiny again and it didn't take long to remember why I stopped playing it in the first place.