Comments 549

Re: Tomb Raider Developer Crystal Dynamics Hit with Layoffs as Embracer Crumbling Continues


@SgtTruth I really like the reboot trilogy, but tonally it has problems. TR 2013 comes off almost as torture porn, Rise is nearly flawless, and Shadow, well Shadow wasn't even made by Crystal Dynamics and yea had Lara basically causing the apocalypse and killing several thousand people. Overall though, I still really like the reboot trilogy and go back to it every now and then. However, my favorite is the Legend trilogy.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3's Accidental PS5 Console Exclusivity Truncated as Xbox Backtracks


This should have been the norm from the beginning. The S was never going to be able to achieve true parity with the X and it appears that the S has series issues with split screen, Halo Infinite, Baldur's Gate 3, and Forza all have dropped the feature, with 2 of those games coming from Xbox first party studios. The problem is, now MS appears to have lied when they said the S would have feature parity with the X. This is the right decision to get Baldur's Gate 3 to more gamers, but it's a very bad look for MS.

Re: Sony to Acquire Audio Tech and Headphone Specialist Audeze


@Americansamurai1 Money talks as we saw with the judge in CA who's son works for MS. I'm sure Japanese companies would sell if the offer were high enough. But I hate that we've gotten to the point where this is what we are debating and I fully blame MS for starting this for buying a company solely to keep 1 game away from PS5.

Re: Sony to Acquire Audio Tech and Headphone Specialist Audeze


@4kgk2 Xbox dudes don't buy games period. They've been conditioned to only play games on Game Pass. Remember Rise of the Tomb Raider's infamous exclusivity? The game nearly bombed and only became a success when it launched on PS4, which it should have done originally. And that was before Game Pass.

Re: Sony to Acquire Audio Tech and Headphone Specialist Audeze


@Americansamurai1 Touche. I, honestly, don't want to see any publishers getting acquired. I don't think Sony, MS, or Nintendo should be in that business. But I would support Sony buying them if it would block MS from acquiring them and blocking the games from Playstation. We've seen that MS is completely of the mind that they will pettily buy up publishers just to keep one game off of Playstation. Could you imagine a scenario where Final Fantasy is exclusive to Xbox? The series would die off immediately.

Re: UK Sales Charts: PS5 Slingshots GTA 5 to Number Two


@bighal Are you just trolling right now? Uncharted hasn't had a new release since 2017. GoW Ragnarok was in the top 10 until this most recent report. GT7 is a year and half old, Spider-Man has sold over 33 million copies (across 2 games) in 5 years. FFXVI is a more niche title that has still sold very well. Just wait until Baldur's Gate 3 comes out on PS5 and Spider-Man 2 releases.