Comments 4,038

Re: PS Plus Copies of Days Gone Won't Offer Cheap $10 Upgrade to New PS5 Version


I think people get the subscription because they feel they, on average, get to play games a lot more cheaply than if they bought them individually* let’s not lie about that. So it’s no great surprise the value proposition may be different for games given on Plus. I’m not too mad about it, even though I fall in the camp of someone who would pay £10 for it but not full price, so I guess I should be upset, right?

*apart from those unfortunate multiplayer only types who get it for online functionality.

Re: Poll: Did the PSN Outage Ruin Your Gaming Plans Over the Weekend?


Couldn’t play the ps plus games j was playing due to fiddling the game share thing with my wife. Couldn’t play due to licensing. We also couldn’t change the settings as no online. Couldn’t play on each others due to no save transfer without online…could have played some of my few unsold disc games but didn’t want to.

Just didn’t game and started watching The Mentalist 🤷‍♂️ not a huge deal as it very rarely happens and it’s my own fault for trying to get to games for the price of one.

Re: Embattled US Retailer Trolls Customers for Picking Digital During PSN Outage on PS5, PS4


The main benefit of physical to me is that I’m not needlessly throwing away good money on more expensive and untradeable digital games. However, I’m in the U.K, where I can get a vast majority of the value back from CEX. I understand GameStop are a US retailer, and I’ve been told many times that they don’t give good value back. Perhaps if they did adverts like this wouldn’t be needed and people would simply want to buy from them.

Re: Free PS Plus Extension for All Members Affected by PSN Outage


Just say why it went down, whether there were any bad actors, confirm people’s details are secure etc.

I don’t really care about the specific reasons either, but it’s a matter of general respect.

Beyond that though, their communication is generally pitiful. Even when not saying anything brings bad PR, or even just means an opportunity is lost to drum up a excitement.

It’s like they sacked all their coms and PR people to save money.

Re: PSVR2 Misses Out on Civilization 7 VR


Tons of third party games are releasing constantly on PSV2, this writer, and indeed the whole of this site if the “releasing on PSVR2” article is any indication, just don’t pay attention.

It’s most amusing how they have time to report on games not coming to PSVR2, but no time to report on or even list / learn about the games that ARE coming!

Since when were paid for exclusives strange? Hopefully it’s just a timed exclusive and will release eventually.

Re: Free PS Plus Extension for All Members Affected by PSN Outage


The main reason i was inconvenienced is that the wife and I each have a PS5, and have set it so we can play each other’s games. I couldn’t play the PS Plus games I’d been playing nor any I bought myself. I could have just played on the PS5 in the living room, but I wouldn’t have been able to download my saves from the cloud due to the outage. Nor could I change the settings because of the outage.

I guess this is a niche case, and Sony shouldn’t be blamed for my fiddling their system.

5 days? Barely registers as anything to be honest, but not being able to game for a day is hardly horrendous torture anyway.

Re: Poll: Would You Buy a PS5 Mouse Accessory?


Not being a pc player I’ve not gotten used to the whole mouse and kepboard thing. I also don’t like long winded strategy game that require too much of my attention and energy. The last game I really played that required a mouse was honestly Mario Paint on the SNES. Now if a game was made that needed it I wouldn’t be opposed, but it doesn’t exactly appeal either.

Re: Ex-PlayStation Boss Says Sony 'Can't Get Away' with a PS6 That Has No Disc Drive


As long as the optional disc drive is in good supply and doesn’t increase the price of the complete unit beyond what is reasonable for a console, then fine. If Sony uses it to increase profit by adding an extra £100 to the standard console price (which I would consider to be around £600) then that’s pretty anti consumer in my opinion as people with big game collections are kind of forced to get it.

Anyway, way things are going I won’t be getting PS6 at launch, unlike every other PlayStation. Cross gen is just too long now and my back catalogue too large.

Re: 2025 Starts Off Strong with Very High Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Review Scores


They have had an agenda against both games due to their opinions of those in charge. Not saying it’s necessarily worth more than a 3/5, but if you read some of their criticisms, across multiple opinion pieces of the first game, it really is clear they were always going to be on the extreme low side of the spectrum of review scores. But then, that’s Eurogamer for you.

Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 (PS5) - Immersive Knight Sim Makes for a Peerless RPG


I would have considered the first one of the greatest games I’ve played in recent times, were it not for 2 big annoyances. The first being the missable nature of many time sensitive quests (BG3 was ruined for me for the same reason); the other being the inability for the combat system to fairly deal with more than 2 opponents at once (would be perfect in VR though)

Edit: Just thought of a third issue - tying the save system to a drink that gets you drunk, then having a trophy challenge tied to not getting drunk! Infuriating!

If these things are fixed in the sequel then this could well be my favourite RPG outside of the Yakuza series.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 566


Combat is 2d sword/gun/grenade/dodgeroll -quite easy so far; explore a small future Tokyo type world, collect scraps to upgrade kit. There’s a good narrative with interesting characters and quests; a few minigames. It’s pixel art - which I usually hate but this is very attractive.

I’ve only played a few hours so likely more to it, but really enjoying it so far. Given it’s free on Extra i’d definitely give it a go.

Also, no missable trophy challenges and you can come back and complete everything after you’ve finished the main story. Which is all good.

Re: Xbox Boss Wants to Beat PS6 on Hardware Capabilities, Not Necessarily Games


They can’t make a console with any unique features if they are releasing their games on all platforms.

That leaves giving the most flops, which they already have this gen, and nobody cared.

I do somewhat suspect they might try to lean into their cloud infrastructure and try to do what they failed at multiple times, and market the “power of the cloud” as giving them ultra powerful hardware. Again, didn’t work in the past, but what more can they do if they truly want my smart TV to be an Xbox?

It’s ironic that one of Sonys failures is not communicating enough with their fan base, and one of MS’ failures is communicating far too much. It forces PR approved comments that are just laughable.

Re: Fans Are Buying Fewer Boxed Video Games Than Ever in the US


I figure he was talking about PSN. Although MS and Nintendo are the same, pretty much. Quite often there are very old games rolling for £50,60,70, which you can pick up for under a tenner physically (and then sell to get most of that back).

That’s the case in the U.K. anyway, not sure where you are so it could be different I guess.

Re: Fans Are Buying Fewer Boxed Video Games Than Ever in the US


It’s simply that people are willing to pay much more for the convenience of digital. Especially with gaming shops closing down all over the place. It’s a shame as it’ll kill the (second hand) budget market and prices will be able to rise more and more because eventually people will have no other choice but to buy digital.

Re: EA in Hot Water Over Alleged Use of Conflict Imagery in Battlefield Art


The problem is when people pick an arbitrary point in history in order to…serve propaganda purposes. How far do you go back in his case? A few weeks? October 7th? 7th century? Earliest recorded inhabitants of the area? I’m not stating a preference myself, just pointing out that “read a history book”, inevitably involves personal editing and choices when determining which ones describing which period…

Anyone can be a hero or a villain depending on where you decide to begin or end the narrative.

Ironically here, ai driven or stock images rarely receive significant human editing.

Re: Code Violet Takes Aim at Dinosaur Horror in June on PS5


Of all the possible criticisms in that travesty of a trailer, I didn’t see that coming. The faces are a bit uncanny valley I guess, but the character models were the only thing that looked remotely competent (probably because it wasn’t in game engine). What did you find so bad about them that they didn’t allow you to ground yourself in a sci fi game about dinosaurs?