Comments 3,633

Re: Sony Increases PS5 Controller Prices in US, Europe, and More


And the crazy thing is it’s still the best deal out of the top 3! Sure Xbox pads are very slightly cheaper, but not by much considering they have no battery, touchpad, motion controls, haptics etc. and the joycons!? Don’t even get me started on those!

Still, I cring when one drops on the floor. Those trigger springs snap so easily. One hard fall and they can go. I’ve already broken one by having it slip off the couch.

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


We already have two PS5s, so this is going to be a hard sell. Especially as very few games will make use of it, if history is anything to go by.

The only thing that would convince me is the fantasy of a “turn this game into VR mode”, using the additional power and the PSVR2 FR. That won’t happen though, obviously.

Re: Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown Review (PS5) - Flawless Driving Stalled by Technical Issues and a Lacking Hong Kong


Sounds like a very frustrating game to play with all the technical issues. And things not saving is the worst possible bug in any game. Live service also means they are focusing on aspects of a game that won’t exist long term, and seasons creates that fear of missing out that, essentially, is just about strong arming you to play the game when you might not have the time or inclination.

All in all that’s a no from me, which is a shame as we really lack this type of driving experience.

Re: Soapbox: Astro's Playroom PS5 Did Live Service and You Didn't Even Notice


I unlocked them 30 minutes before starting Astro Bot as they provided extra bots in the game. I did not participate in the live service element and waited for them to all be available. If they would have been a live service that timed out, I honestly don’t know whether I would have just ignored them entirely or begrudgingly got them due to their being extremely quick.

Re: Astro Bot (PS5) - One of the Greatest PlayStation Platformers of All Time


Got this on preorder and can’t wait. Can’t be 10 without VR though.

Edit: yes, I can confirm now having played it, a platformer without 3D depth is just inferior to VR platformers. Not to mention not having the sense of scale and wraparound play. Just not as accurate, fun, or engrossing.

8/10. Which is the max a pancake platformer can get for me.

Significantly inferior to the wonderous Astro Bot Rescue Mission. At this point I’d just settle for a PSVR2 remaster.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


I think that the mockery and rejection by the “industry at large” was a big factor in its downfall. As was the dev’s wanting to charge up front in a world of childish entitlements. As vocal as I am, and those like me, that we don’t want more of this repetitive sandbox multiplier nonsense, especially as a live service, I can’t look at revenue figures and say Sony are wrong for making games like this. Especially when the gameplay is, apparently, very good. Sure, go back to the less vocal and more traditionally appealing male and female characters, but not much else was wrong.

Re: Test Drive Unlimited Developer Joins Spiders in Strike Against Nacon


I’m confused about the accusation. It seems to be they are getting low pay, but surely they agreed to take the job at a certain salary level. Gender pay gap? We’ll need more details. Often differences in jobs, and even work hours, are ignored to make that headline “accurate”. Lack of information about the future plans of the company - leaks are a thing. Not recognising collective action…what action was that? Are we only getting half the story? High employee turnover. Is this that people are being let go due to projects finishing? Deciding to leave themselves?
No good accusations have been proven, or perhaps even made, from what I read. Surely there is more to it all though.

Re: Concord PS5, PC Sales Estimates Are Somehow Even Worse Than We Thought


It is perfectly rational to question the intelligence of those thinking the model I was arguing against is anything other than complete garbage. I have nothing against fleecing adults who want to waste their money on cosmetic tat (although these games are not really rated as for adults of course), which is why i said I would have preferred this game to have done well to show Sony this is the way ahead. Unfortunately they have been given the opposite, disastrous message.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 544


Going away on holiday this week, so around the pool or beach I’ll be playing “let’s keep trying to learn Japanese to better experience Japanese games and other media content”. Suffice it to say, I will not complete it and may rage quit a few times.

Maybe I’ll get to start Vampire Survivors for an hour before leaving for the airport.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Design Seemingly Leaked


I imagine it’s going the route of the attachable / detachable disc drive.

I guess this likely is the design though, as it’s just too boring to be an invention. It speaks of too much practicality.

I’ve decided that, unless it boosts PSVR2 games greatly (which is doubtful as everything is made for the weak-arse Quest these days), I’ll not be getting it. Looking at the games I play, most wouldn’t benefit from more power, and we already have two PS5s

Re: PS5, PC FPS Concord's Poor Player Numbers Have Predictably Gone Viral


It not really that there are more multiplayer players than single, just that you need to measure differently. Single player game players are not locked into one game. They’ll play numerous unique single player games in the same span a multiplayer person will spend in just one. So you have to add together all the single player game’s sales for that person, within the same period, to get a fair comparison.

Re: New PSVR2 Games Release Dates in 2024


Also, Max Mustard October 3rd, which I’m really looking forward to.

Edit: oh, you were only doing this month. I’ll look at posting the rest that was missed.

What’s weird to me is that there are games Pushsquare actually wrote articles on, like Flatout for example, that aren’t even on here.

Off the top of my head;

Into the Radius
Wrath: Aeon of Ruin
Roboquest VR
Slender the arrival
Chernobyl Again
I am security
Honey Pot
Building Simulator
Snow Scout
Arken Age

Metal Hellslinger VR is October 3rd BTW

Also, the media app RAD TV is releasing September 2nd. No idea of it’s any good or what’s on it, but interesting that Sony aren’t opposed to allowing 3D content in PSVR2 (they just don’t want to pay out to let us run from discs ☹️ )

Re: Sony to Short-Change PS Stars Members with PS Plus Renewals Starting Next Year


Don’t care about the 13 month thing as I just get a £5 voucher as soon as available, but not getting points for subscriptions is a bit of a bad one. Then again, we need to put it in perspective. What is it? £100 a year or thereabouts when bought during the Black Friday sales or something? That’s about 100 points I think (someone correct me if I’m wrong I don’t really pay attention too much). That’s not even enough to get a £5 voucher. So effectively the yearly subscription just went up by a few quid a year 🤷‍♂️ prices go up. At least it’s not Gamepass levels of increase.

Now, if I was really going to complain about something, it would be that I could get no points when I bought the PSVR2 and Portal.