Comments 3,633

Re: PS5's Commanding Console Position Is Seemingly Insurmountable


In fairness, nobody knew MS would not prioritise its own platform above others (in fact, they still could in theory). History actually indicated the opposite in fact. MS could have destroyed the PlayStation platform by strangling it of much of the largest third party content, they just decided not to. For now anyway.

Re: PS5's Commanding Console Position Is Seemingly Insurmountable


What’s crazy is that this would be even worse for MS if it wasn’t for Sonys stock shortages early on.

As you say, it’s obvious why MS are giving up on the Xbox as exclusive platform for selling its content. With PlayStation consumers having a significant library of games already, people are not just going to walk away from the ecosystem.

What I wish MS would do, rather than the subscription rubbish, is push Nintendo. Release a handheld hybrid instead, with more grunt, and price it as a secondary console. With MS’s collection of publishers they might actually get Ninty to do more than release more copies of its same old franchises.

Re: PS Plus Members Get Hundreds of PS5, PS4 Discounts in New PS Store Sale


Townsman VR and max mustard for me. I’ll also be picking up Bloomtown: A Different Story this month, so will be quite busy considering I’m still playing Cult of the Lamb, Vampire Survivors, Monster Train, FM4, Vacation Simulator, Astro Bot, and Kingdom Come Deliverance… usually only play 2 games at a time max, but there is just too much coming out.

Re: Vince Zampella Defends PS5 Pro Price, Says 'It's Actually Not That Bad'


There are so many…I just…I don’t know where to start with that

“objectively poor value propositions”

No. Not objective at all, especially when we haven’t seen what it can do. The closest you can get is “objectively expensive compared to old consoles, unless adjusted for inflation”.

“ They're a CONSOLE vendor. By definition their obligation is to cater to the masses.”

Which they do with the PS5. This is an enthusiasts upgrade. That’s all. It doesn’t damage relationships.

“ They released the PS5 about 2 years too early in terms of the tech it needed to have to be a genuine generational leap. ”

Ignoring that the time to move to next gen is mainly dictated by chip manufacturers, also that “genuine generational leap” is subjective (for me just the reduction in loading times is a big deal, more than a few more res’s certainly) sure, Sony could have waited 2 years (or 5 or 10) but they would have given MS too big a lead had they done so. Ironically perhaps a case of MS being too much competition lol.

Re: Vince Zampella Defends PS5 Pro Price, Says 'It's Actually Not That Bad'



You say:

“ If they could not build a machine that represents a significant upgrade where the price represents obvious value, they should not have built the console at all. ”

You really are thinking too much into this, and are actually at risk of descending into hyperbole. Also, what does it hurt you if others can afford to get a more powerful system and think it’s good value to them? You are a PC gamer, you should be used to that 🤷‍♂️

I’ll refer you to my first comment:

“ The reason this is £700 is because people will pay it. If they wouldn’t, it would either be marginally cheaper or it just wouldn’t exist.”

Costs have gone up so the price goes up, if Sony didn’t think people would pay the price they wouldn’t make it. It’s not complicated.

They are under no obligation to cater to the masses, they can release a niche device if they want and it causes no harm. The fact top end PC GPUs exist doesn’t mean the lower level market is destroyed, just like releasing this doesn’t mean the base PS5 market will not be catered to. It will still be the biggest market. Let’s just let people enjoy what they want without saying it shouldn’t be made.

Also, the PS5 is not a “terrible console” going purely by capability at release benchmarked against high end PCs, it is actually better than the PS4 at release by quite a significant margin. The problem is the economy has meant people didn’t switch and devs had to maintain support for PS4.

Re: Vince Zampella Defends PS5 Pro Price, Says 'It's Actually Not That Bad'


That’s nowhere near equivalent. I’ve been out of the PC game for a while, but even I can see that. Now, if you were to consider online a “must have” (I don’t) and presume you wouldn’t play many plus games, then added the cost of this up for the lifetime of a console and added this to the console price, then and only then could you say a PC could be equivalent value. If you had the money to spend all at once.
But it’s really a moot argument as PCs and consoles are fundamentally different user cases for most console gamers.

Re: Vince Zampella Defends PS5 Pro Price, Says 'It's Actually Not That Bad'


No, I’m not missing the point. Discretionary income has fallen because costs have increased to make and distribute everything and thus they have to be sold at a higher price. People’s incomes didn’t immediately fall leading to less spare cash, rather prices immediately went up for everything that we buy. You are acting like Sony, MS etc are immune to this. When they have to pay more for materials, more for manufacturing, more for wages, more for shipping, of course they have to increase prices. And if a product becomes too expensive to sell well (we will see with this, but Sony obviously feel it’s worth releasing) then it simply won’t be made and the money that would have been spent on it would be funnelled elsewhere were there would be a bigger return on investment.

This is an enthusiast product that isn’t going to ever be the biggest selling model. They have to price it to make a profit as there are a vanishingly small number of new customers this brings. If this wasn’t available the same customer would almost certainly buy the base model. PlayStation makes money on software.

Re: Vince Zampella Defends PS5 Pro Price, Says 'It's Actually Not That Bad'


Sure, I’m one of them honestly, but this at a lower price is likely just not profitable, and thus not possible. Sony are a business. No point being pissed about that when it’s why these things even exist at all.

This product is for a niche of a niche. Hell, I’m a person who very much enjoys, and feels I get good value out of, my PSVR2 and Portal, and I’m not getting one as I don’t feel the cost is worth it.

Not everything is for us. Things we might have bought before the economy went to crap and our disposable income dropped, like an upgrade to an already current gen console, we won’t anymore. That’s life. My take home pay has dropped by £300 a month just over this year, and everything from my rent to heating and food has risen, I’m feeling it, but costs have similarly gone up for businesses so they have to raise their prices or cancel products (like we’ve seen with many games, which leads to layoffs etc). Even if I’m not getting it I’m happy this exists for those who feel it’s worthwhile for them.

Re: Vince Zampella Defends PS5 Pro Price, Says 'It's Actually Not That Bad'


Why would you compare it to the cost 4 years ago. The cost to make it has obviously risen. A better comparison is surely to the costs now, plus the cost of the objective improvement of the bigger hardrive. If you align with current market prices (series X with 2tb, I don’t think there is such a PS5 model yet) that is $600. This pro is $100 more for the improvements. I think that’s fair, just a bit rich for my blood considering I have a perfectly good PS5 already and the majority of games I like don’t push it at all.

People should stop aligning the price with what they think is fair, and start understanding what is the actual required cost for this thing to even exist for the few people who want it.

Re: Vince Zampella Defends PS5 Pro Price, Says 'It's Actually Not That Bad'


Reading some of the comments. My god!
The cost of labour, shipping, and raw materials has risen alarmingly. Inflation is through the roof in every western economy. That’s why everything has risen in price.

In a world where rents, food, energy, the real essentials in life, have risen alarmingly, I would be embarrassed to complain this much about an enthusiast edition of a luxury gaming device.

I understand that people are disappointed that they are priced out, or they feel the benefits are not aligned with the costs or whatever, I won’t be getting it basically for this reason, but It’s like people have no concept of what’s going on around them and feel entitled for everything to remain the same for them. A little perspective people.

And yes, if the economy doesn’t recover and people’s wages rise, then yes, we will all be feeling it in the wallet when the PS6 releases.

Re: PS5's Astro Bot the USA's Second Best-Selling Game in Its First Week


I wouldn’t even consider spending that on a Pro when it offers no new gameplay experiences, just better res and ray tracing…

To spend half that on PSVR2 however (when on sale) is a no brainer. Completely new gameplay experiences, a full new roster of hundreds of games, it’s just so joyful. Anyone bored of the same old pancakes should definitely try it.Makes a lot more sense than PS5, and then a PC or Xbox.

Re: PS5's Astro Bot the USA's Second Best-Selling Game in Its First Week


Yes, I freely admit I got caught by the hype. Which I never do. But Rescue Mission was the best platformer of all time, I was excited. Even knowing we lost depth (I know this is now essentially for me with platformers), scale, being present with the game all around you…even knowing this I thought it would be great. Instead it is merely very very good. I now know how much better VR is in a like for like comparison and I won’t make the same mistake.

Re: PS5's Astro Bot the USA's Second Best-Selling Game in Its First Week


Elitism? How is it elitism? I just said it’s a second rate version of the old game. Which is objectively correct. The same way my eyesight would be second rate if I gouged an eye out and lost all depth perception. I’m not looking to argue about something so obvious.

I appreciate the game. The devs excuse for not making a better version alongside it is just pitiful though.

Re: C-Smash VRS New Dimension Demo Lets You Sample PSVR2 Hit in Pancake Mode on PS5


Fair, but lots of games I enjoyed in pancake mode in the past I really can’t now due to getting used to being in my games. Astro Bot is a case in point unfortunately, I keep trying to love it, and can see how I would have enjoyed it massively in the past, but there is always a big bit missing. Same with Resident Evil. Same with Gran Turismo. Can only think it will be the same with this.

Re: Lack of Competition from Xbox Partly Why PS5 Pro Is $700, Says Analyst


$700 for a 2tb PS5 Pro!!!? This is the worst value for money console since…erm…since the 2tb Series X at $600 with no upgrades.

Seriously, couldn’t believe that, but the reaction to this is ridiculous. Everything is more expensive to make, thus more expensive to buy. Everything!

I’ll not be getting it that’s for sure, but that’s because few games will make enough use of it before PS6

Re: Did You Know PlayStation Almost Had a Different Name?


To be honest, it always struck me as strange that they marketed this to young adults back in the 90s (trying to move away from a market that was seen as mainly children, who relied on parents for occasional gifts, to grown ups with their own income), yet they called it something associated mainly with children - “play”. It seemed a bit disjointed to me at the time, and I guess this shows that it was.

Of course Powerstation is a stupid and confusing name and we are all glad this didn’t happen.