Comments 353

Re: Skyrim Patch Incoming, Fixes Black Screen Bug and Other Tech Issues on PS5, PS4


@Bamila yes I am currently playing them on series x and have had virtually no issues outside of the rain and contrast issue and falling through the map one time in gta 3.

Like I said in one of my replies above flying cars and glitching through objects and even falling through the map were commonplace in the originals. Maybe I'm just immune to what everyone else is seeing, but I honestly have had very little issue with them.

I beat GTA 3 last weekend and have been working my way towards 100% in vice city.

Again my point is not that the games are not worthy of criticism. My point is that if people are going to be critical of one company for perceived laziness and a rushed product then be critical of another company doing the exact same thing.

There is 0 reason for Bethesda to have shipped this version of the game without fixing the bugs. They have had literally a decade to polish this thing and haven't.

And just for those in the back...

I AGREE THAT ROCKSTAR AND GROVE STREET GAMES DESERVE CRITICISM... this is not some fanboy argument saying they don't. All I can speak to is my own personal experience with the games that has not been that bad.

Re: Skyrim Patch Incoming, Fixes Black Screen Bug and Other Tech Issues on PS5, PS4


@Gaia093 in this scenario we are talking g about remasters and rereleases which Fallout 76 is neither of those.

Fallout 76 got rightfully skewered. If RDR2 or GTA5 released in that condition I would expect Rockstar to be skewered just as bad.

In this situation like I said we are talking about 2 games that are at least a decade old and have been released multiple times.

Rockstar got skewered for releasing gta before it was ready. Again rightfully so.

Meanwhile Bethesda releases skyrim for the 400th time and STILL needs to patch it to make it playable and everyone is like "oh thats just skyrim"

Its pure hypocrisy and I would expect nothing less from entitled gamers.

Re: Skyrim Patch Incoming, Fixes Black Screen Bug and Other Tech Issues on PS5, PS4


@IAmGamer2022 that is such a hypocritical argument. "It was in the base game so its fine"

Give me a break.

A lot of the glitches in the gta trilogy were also in the original releases.

Falling through the map was a common thing. Hell there was even a well known glitch that required falling through the map.

Flying cars happened regularly
Glitch through a wall was not uncommon.

The gta trilogy on ps2 while they were fantastic games at the time were not without their share of hiccups.

Saying because it was a glitch in the original skyrim release so its fine, is BS and hypocritical.

People are just butthurt that they got their expectations way too high and expected something on par with GTA 5 AND Rdr2 despite Rockstar literally saying it was a mix of old and new assets.

I'm not saying that the backlash isn't deserved for the lack of polish but let's be real... if you are going to call one dev team out for it, call all of them out for it when it happens.

Bethesda has had 10 years of skyrim releases and STILL can't put out a copy that doesn't have major issues.

Re: Skyrim Patch Incoming, Fixes Black Screen Bug and Other Tech Issues on PS5, PS4


@Bleachedsmiles no I am not complaining. If you look in all of the Rockstar/gta articles this site has had over the past few weeks I have also been critical of them albeit I have enjoyed the re-released and haven't had TOO many issues.

What I am calling out is the hypocrisy on display here.

Rockstar releases a game that has been released before and remastered and got absolutely skewered because of the bugs present.

Bethesda releases skyrim for the 3rd Gen in a row and it has numerous glitches preventing you from even playing the game and the response is "oh thats just skyrim"

If you can't see the hypocrisy then I don't know what to tell you.

Re: Back 4 Blood Is Still Harder Than Intended, Developer Working On It


@Northern_munkey I got stuck in a match last night with people that set off every car alarm, every door alarm, and attacked every snitch. I spent a solid 10 minutes fighting back to back hordes and having to revive the idiots that kept doing it because they couldn't be bothered to stay together and fight...

I love the game but the player community is pretty bad right now.

Re: GTA Trilogy's Rain Is Giving Fans a Headache


@Alpha_Pulse someone had to say it.

The amount of complaining about people buying games and spending their own hard earned money on what they want is ridiculous.

Yes the game has issues. Yes it should be fixed. Do I regret spending my money on it? Nope.

Re: Hands On: Is the GTA Trilogy Really That Bad on PS5, PS4?


I've been playing GTA 3 on the Series X and I haven't noticed any framerate issues, but I typically don't notice until it gets REALLY bad so if it's just 1 or 2 frames it won't stand out.

What kills me though is the darkness at night. I have had to turn my contrast WAY down in the game and even then it can still be difficult. ESPECIALLY if it also starts to rain. Which in GTA 3 it rains A LOT.

Its definitely not as bad as the internet is making it out to be, but it could definitely have used extra time and polish for sure.

Re: Star Ocean: The Divine Force Details Environments in New Trailer


Okay I don't know if it's just my eyesight getting worse or if it's just square enix games lately... but... this and most recently Stranger of Paradise... just look, I don't know, fuzzy?

Is it the video format they are choosing or what? I tried the first demo for Stranger of Paradise and needed to turn it off because the wheat field or grass or whatever was just blurry and fuzzy and really unpleasant to look at.

I WANT to give this a shot, I'll always take more Jrpgs but like could they not look like this?

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Deathloop?


I gave it a 9. Great game overall with just a few issues that for me kept it from being a 10.

The fact that I kept playing after beating it to get the platinum trophy speaks volumes for the game in my mind. I don't typically aim to get platinum trophies in games.

Re: Saints Row's Open World Looks Nice and Varied in New Districts Trailer


@Juanalf I'll be one of those 6.5 people right along with you. Saints Row has always been stupid fun.

People can gripe about the characters all they want but it's not like the side characters outside of Shaundi and Gat were anything special... looking at you Kenzie...

In the end as long as the customization is there I'll create the boss I want to create and have a blast playing it.

Re: Bloober Team Dismisses The Medium PS Plus Rumours


@Bleachedsmiles I've played this game through gamepass and while I agree the game is really nothing special, I recognize that there are people out there such as yourself that would benefit from this being on PS+.

The game itself could benefit from exposure and help bloober team with their next game.

Re: PS Plus Version of Greedfall Won't Upgrade to PS5 Version for Free


@Westernwolf4 again you can't compare apples and oranges. No matter how you spin it, this is two separate services.

One can also argue that the ps user gets a better deal because they get to keep the game for as long as they are a member of ps plus, where with gamepass it goes away after a set time. Didn't get to play it while it was on there? Too bad go buy it now.

Either way I am not going to debate this any more its not worth the time it takes.

Re: PS Plus Version of Greedfall Won't Upgrade to PS5 Version for Free


@Westernwolf4 I think you are missing the mark here just a bit, and part of that is on me for talking about the comparisons between ps plus and gamepass.

The only version as far as I have seen that is not getting the free upgrade is the ps plus version. As far as I have seen the ps4 version that people have paid for will be upgraded for free.

This is exactly like the ff7 situation in March. Those that purchased it got the free upgrade. Those that got it via ps plus didn't.

Re: PS Plus Version of Greedfall Won't Upgrade to PS5 Version for Free


@Westernwolf4 I get what you are saying but it's 100% a different service.

Here is how the comparison SHOULD go. Ps now to gamepass. If this game was available on both PSNOW and Gamepass then it is a fair and accurate comparison to make.

However... as was already pointed out, this game was on ps+ like 6 months ago and is currently on gamepass.

It makes absolute sense for them to provide the upgraded version on gamepass as that is the precedent Microsoft has set.

You can't compare apples and oranges.

Re: PS Plus Version of Greedfall Won't Upgrade to PS5 Version for Free


Once again push square is blowing something out of proportion. Ps plus and gamepass are 2 different services. You can't compare them. The closest comparison to ps plus would be games with gold.

Also I'm brand new to the xbox ecosystem but even I can understand that smart delivery is MUCH MUCH different than giving a free pa5 upgrade.

Gamepass is programmed to automatically allow access to the version that is meant for your system. Thats the end of the story.

Re: PlayStation Studios' Creator Page Is Live on Steam, And Teasing More PC Ports


@Areus by that logic multiple people that frequent this site myself included are pc only...

Except that's objectively false. I have been a playstation user since the original. I don't game on PC, The only PC in my household is my work laptop.

I have been saying since the beginning that those that are freaking out over ports of games that are no longer selling like crazy is not a bad thing. Bringing more games to more people is a good thing.

Re: PlayStation Studios' Creator Page Is Live on Steam, And Teasing More PC Ports


@art_of_the_kill 🙄🙄🙄

What a whiny and entitled take on this...

Oh no!! Playstation users don't get anything out of Sony porting 5 year old games to PC!!!

Its not like Sony doesn't get extra money from games that are no longer selling on console and can use said money to bolster its upcoming games.

"But the playstation versions are now inferior" okay so wait 4-5 years and buy them on PC of you are so concerned about having the "best version".

In the end all Sony are doing is porting older games to generate more interest in the exclusives. Anyone with a basic understanding of marketing should be able to understand this.

You open up more people to a franchise by letting more people play it. Once they are in, if they want the sequel they have to buy the ps5 or wait another 4-5 years to get it on PC. This literally takes nothing away from you, yet let's others be exposed to the ecosystem, and bolsters sony's output.