Comments 341

Re: Poll: What Is Your PS5, PS4 Game of the Year 2022?


Ugh the shortlist is not my thing, but here it goes:
1.horizon fw
2. Tales from zero
3. Gt7
4. Tmnt shredders revenge
5. Stray.
I am missing the diofield chronicle wich i enjoy very much.
Will there be a dissappointment top 5 as well? Cause i would like to vote elden ring into the ground.

Re: Soapbox: God of War Ragnarok Is a Real Game of the Year Rival to Elden Ring


Well thats easy isnt it.
Elden ring made sure i will never touch a from software game again.
I am aware that i am in the minority, but the last part of the game is so so bad.
Melania and the last boss fight are so bad designed, it sucked all fun out of the game.
And dont get me started how some builds are just not viable in the end game.
My biggest let down in gaming ever.
(again i know i am in the minority)

Re: Poll: Was Gamescom Opening Night Live 2022 Any Good?


It was poor for me. And thats because the concept is so scattershot.
Very short trailers that most of the time dont actually contain gameplay.
Then an award, more trailers, a car (wtf), more trailers.
They went to fast with stuff that didn't really show anything.
I am not gonna watch next year. Ill read it the day after on sites like this.

Re: Soapbox: I Tried So Hard to Like Elden Ring, But I Just Couldn’t Do It


I played the game. Solid 8/10 the whole way.... But then came the end game.
God i hated the end game.
Melania was so bloody cheap, build that took me through 80% of the game wasnt viable anymore, and the end bosses were annoying as funk.
The final boss with a melle build? Good luck running after him when he decides to run to the other side. And when you got there he would run to the other aide again. Rince repeat.
God i bloody hate the end game.
When i finally platted it trough sheer force of will instead of joy, i was so glad to uninstall it.
I will never play it again.

Re: Soapbox: I Really Miss E3


I kinda miss e3 yes.
But then i kinda miss paper media as well.
There are no surprises anymore.
All gaming news is at my fingertips 24/7.
Oh well maybe i am old.