Comments 341

Re: Poll: What's Your PS5, PS4 Game of the Year So Far?


Elden ring is the most overrated game I ever played in my life.
Don't get me wrong it is not bad at all, but all the tens and articles gushing over it are not deserved at all.
It is just as repetitive as all open games but somehow nobody mentions that.
The controls are wooden and the camera is often detrimental to your demise.
And two bosses are so badly designed that when I platted elden ring I vowed to never buy a from game ever again. They sucked all the fun out of gaming.
The end game in general is not well done at all.
But I accept that I am a very small minority and hope that everyone who does enjoy it has a blast.

Re: Gran Turismo 7 Fans Fight Controversial Currency Nerfs with PS5, PS4 Farming Exploits


Another dumb internet outrage. And of course this site again on the negative side of things. Typical.
I played all gran turismo games. This isn't any different in its progress than older installments.
Mtx don't intrude in the experience whatsoever but if you want to you can.
They changed some payouts, but by all means focus on the ones they lowered and not on the ones they increased.
The game is very good. If you are on the fence don't listen to the negative press on this site. Buy it, you won't be dissapointed.

Re: Elden Ring Easy Mode Isn't Happening on PS5, PS4


So far I am 24 hours in and defeated the second end boss (she with the moon) and countless mini bosses.
I hear people saying that they derive satisfaction from finally taking down a boss they struggle with.
I just get annoyed really, yes most of the time I die from overreaching, getting the extra damage in.
But a surprisingly large amount of deaths are caused by the clumsy, wooden controls.
I'd rather they fix that than add a difficulty select.

Re: PS Plus Reaches Record Number of Subscribers on PS5, PS4


I like psplus. Subbed almost exclusively for the games.
Yes sometimes it isn't my cup of tea, but mostly I enjoy the offerings.
A game like operation tango would never hity radar but thanks to psplus I found an immensely fun coop game.
And that's just 1 example.
Then we have the psplus discounts for members, the online wich I sometimes use but not much, the cloud save storage. I am content with the way it is now.
But if I have to go by the comments each month, I am probably in the minority?

Re: Reaction: We Need to Talk About Tiny Tina on PS Plus


I really really don't care about this. I have been psplus member since the first hour. (literally). And I remember it was way way worse in the beginning. Psminis? Ugh.
Some months are awesome (last month imo) and some are weaker.
There is some narrative going on that psplus abonnees are entitled... To what exactly?
You still get three games. So one is cheaper than the others who cares. Oh but it was dlc before? Who cares, it has its own Plat, it's a game.
The bitching and moaning going on is so overblown, it's all subjective anyway.

Re: Poll: How Long Should Games Be?


I didn't vote. I miss the option 'I don't care'. Sometimes I like long games sometimes I like short games.
As long as it grabs me. Ass. Creed Valhalla was waaaay to long for example. Took me 120 hours to Plat. And the end was a draaaag.
Judgment on the other hand took 100 hours to Plat and I didn't mind that at all.
And artifex mundi games are my guilty pleasure and they take 5 hours or so.

Re: PS5's New PSVR Headset Officially Named PlayStation VR2, Full Specs Revealed


Day 1.
Vr is the true next gen.
I remember first playing skyrim vr on psvr I just sat there for a while drinking everything in.
I got a feeling I didn't have for a long time, a feeling of wonder over a videogame.
Even how dodgy everything looked the magic was real.
I did had to start slowly though. Got motion sick the first time. But slowly adjusting the fov each time I put it on and starting on 10 min runs and slowly increasing that as well, gave me training to play it, all day long.
God I love vr.

Re: Feature: 15 PS5, PS4 Predictions for 2022


  • a killzone announcement
  • sony launches a single player jrpg. It is OK.
  • Konami announces a suikoden remaster package. I explode.
  • Konami says suikoden remaster package is actually a pachinko machine. I weep.
  • a new turn based yakuza game is announced.
  • demons souls remake will be psplus game round November/december
  • stuff