Comments 341

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Tales of Arise?


For me, it's a 5.
God what a slog this game is.
Repetitive enemies, repetitive dialog, almost no levity, it's all serious all the time with a few exceptions.
The combat is seriously dumbed down compared to other tales games and that to becomes repetitive fast.
The graphics are sweet sometimes so I'll give it that.
The story, for me, is boring as hell. During those lengthy cutscenes I could feel my attention drifting, because it all feels so meh.
Biggest letdown in gaming in the last couple of years. (again, for me)
I just platinumed it last night and I am glad it is over.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Returnal?


Gave it an 8.
Its a bit rough, some things are explained poorly but overall I a enjoying myself.
Died at first boss a gazillion times, but then something clicked.
The second boss went down in 'only' 8 tries.
The 3rd in one try somehow and the 4th in two tries.
The more u play the easier it gets imo.

Re: Poll: Did You Get a PS5?


Got one.
Had trouble setting it up.
Didn't get picture on TV.
(Samsung q95t)
After almost smashing my house to pieces I tried one last time. Presto it worked.
(dunno why it worked suddenly)
Played a bit Valhalla.
It was beautiful. But then I had the sinking feeling, yes it is pretty, but it is still an assassins creed. (I know, but I skipped oddesey so I thought this was a bit fresh for me. It wasn't.)
The I played astro. It is great. But the vr version is better. (imo)
So I am still on the fence a bit.
I really don't think it is such a bad thing to not have it day one.
The dualsense is nice I guess but I still have to get used to it. Feels 'off' in my hands for some reason.
All in all it is a nice console but I had better first impressions with the ps3 (motorstorm rocked as a launch title) and the ps4.