Comments 341

Re: Horizon Zero Dawn's PS5, PC Remaster Is Very Much the Real Deal


Mmm not a very big investment for Sony money wise... A tv show is coming i move to remaster part 1. It worked for last of us as well.
People on this site seem to forget we are the minority by far.
Also i get really tired with the doom and gloom surrounding every darn thing Sony does. It is so overblown.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


Lot of people saying of sony does just this or that. Give us socom! Give us mag! Killzone! Those games werent sellers. Do you really think we the people here are the target? Ofcourse not. We are the obsessive few, coming to gamesites is NOT the mainstream.
Remember the poll for the streaming device? It was negative as Heck on this site. And it still is a succes.
The problem is not concord. Or Sony. It is the whole industry. Xdefiant is almost dead as well for example. Dont companies realise that people are invested in Fortnite, wow, ff14 et al? You are not gonna pry them away from that with anything. To much time invested already.
Look at helldivers. In the beginning it was fun, something new! And the numbers have dropped like a stone.
I understand why they try, cause big money! But the ship has sailed.

Re: Concord PS5, PC Sales Estimates Are Somehow Even Worse Than We Thought


This game was doa. It never ever got a fair chance.
I was never the target audience for this (jrpg ftw) but even i could see the press leading up to this was abysmal.
I feel for the people who made this. Whatever you may think of this they put their sweat into it. And the game is not a terrible game to play either if the reviews are correct.

Re: Huge Dragon's Dogma 2 PS5 Update Adds Frame Rate Settings, 120FPS Is an Option


In so tired of this. I am currently playing warhammer 40k rogue trader, a game from december 2023, and it is still not optimised. Dont get me wrong, i really enjoy it (more then bg3 actually) but damn it is still not a smooth ride.
Same for this apparently, the game is out for months and now you get an optimisation patch?
Keep it in the oven longer then ffs.
And yes i am to blame as well for buying it at day one and thus accepting the status quo. But i am so tired of this...

Re: Reaction: The Problem with PlayStation Right Now


On a sidenote, i wonder how much of these lay offs are a corona correction.
I have no data to back this theory, but during lockdown loads of games were sold because it was a entertainment source you could play home.
What if developers hired people based on those two years, and now we go back to more 'normal' (hah!) Situations those extra people all laid off.
Whatever the reason, it sucks if you lose your job.

Re: Reaction: The Problem with PlayStation Right Now


I just recently platted evil West and i had a blast. There were problems, Oh there were problems but somehow it looks like sony has forgotten to make games like that. Some people call it AA i guess.
Also, all the subscriptions cant be helping. All i know is subjective, but if i look at myself i just dont buy as much as i used to. And ps premium is a big part of that. The backlog is always full with an subscription.