Comments 757

Re: Sony Testing PSVR2 Compatibility on PC, Aiming for This Year


@Art_Vandelay Ugh… I really don’t like the idea of streaming. I wonder how that could affect certain games like say VRChat? Which I was really hoping to use this HMD for cause of the eye tracking, and impressive haptics in the controller and headband. As streaming will limit a lot of direct integration and other stuff.

Re: Sony Testing PSVR2 Compatibility on PC, Aiming for This Year


@Art_Vandelay It hard to say. It all based on encoding, data rates, DisplayPort over USB-C... etc. Meta own link $80 link has a bandwidth 5Gbps, but the data rate are cap way lower (max of 500? Unless you unlock it). PSVR2 cable is rated for far higher bandwidth, but I pretty Sony uses DisplayPort over Type C so they don't have compressed data from the PS5. They could probably do the same on PC, or just allow vastly better data rate. Sony's engineers could probably also come up with a better compression than Meta's AADT. But PSVR2 doesn't have an onboard GPU. It can't decode a compressed signal like the Quests, so they would probably have to send an uncompressed signal.

IDK. We could probably just look at footage on PSVR2 running on PC video.

Re: Sony Testing PSVR2 Compatibility on PC, Aiming for This Year


@SgtTruth We’re already had this conversation before, and I’ve already proven from last time that I have vastly more experience with just about ever major VR HMD on market than you can hope to have.. 2 OG Rift, Samsung Odyssey, Quest 3, Index, OG Vive, Bigscreen beyond, and I just purchased a PSVR2 shortly after our last conversation. My comment is not from a statement of biases when my main platform is PCVR with my Quest 3 which is soon to be replaced with a bigscreen beyond, 7 point tracker, and a 4 base station setup.

The fact is no one actually cares about the improvement that Quest 3 brings. The Quest 2 continues to vastly out sell it, and that is using older fresnel lens, has a lower refresh, resolution… etc. The Quest 3 lite will probably also outsell it which is also reported to use older fresnel lens. Like it or not, the vast market does not care about the difference between pancake and fresnel lens

Re: Sony Testing PSVR2 Compatibility on PC, Aiming for This Year


@SgtTruth “ Can’t imagine any savvy PC players opting for PSVR2. Not enough quality exclusives to justify buying a dated design that gives a poorer experience on the mass of PC titles (and missing out on massive Quest hits).”

Plenty of savvy PC gamers are still picking the Index over the Quest 3. Some are even picking the Vive Pro 2 over the Quest 3. The only people who are buying the Quest are people who can’t afford anything else, not because it better.

PSVR2 can be found for cheaper. GameStop has them for $399 ($375 if you’re a pro member) and is from a brand plenty of gamers actually trust.

Re: Sony Testing PSVR2 Compatibility on PC, Aiming for This Year


@Neither_scene A majority of people will never notice the artifacting. I have never noticed the foveated encoding that Steam Link uses, but that bugs a lot of others.

It depends on a lot of things. PSVR2 has a lower resolution. Sony could also use modern technology to lower the compression artifacts. Meta does not keep Quest Link or the PC app updated, nor are they improving it… Since their priority isn’t PCVR.

Re: Sony Testing PSVR2 Compatibility on PC, Aiming for This Year


@Neither_scene “ The quest 3 can also be hardwired, so no artefacting or issues as with psvr2. But less graphically intensive games such as beatsabre can be enjoyed wirelessly and played natively without any artifacting”

This is incorrect. Even when hardwire you still get heavy compression artifacts. Type C does not have enough bandwidth to support the high native resolution of the Quest 3. This is why plenty of PC enthusiasts beg for display port support on the Quest. This is why plenty of people recommend still using wireless virtual desktop cause it supports a vastly high bandwidth and AV1 encoding to minimize the compression artifacting that you get from just hardwire or using Quest Link.

Re: Sony Testing PSVR2 Compatibility on PC, Aiming for This Year


Nice. If Sony get native steamVR support with no 3rd party application required this could help their sales a lot. Sure the Quest 3 may be a better option, but it only a better option if you don’t have a PC… And plenty will easily choose this over having to support Meta.

As for “PCVR games don't support eye-tracking” there are plenty of PC games that support eye tracking, the biggest one being VRChat, which is the only actual PC VR game that moves VR hardware. This will now be the cheapest HMD to have eye tracking, so a lot VRChat players will definitely choose this over the Quest since the Quest 3 being no benefits to VRChat.

Re: Metro Awakening Tells a Series Origin Story on PSVR2, Out This Year


@SgtTruth “when you stream from PC the battery lasts ages as the internal CPU is barely doing anything.”

That is incorrect. As the SoC still has to handle decompression of the wireless stream, handle tracking, and you now have the WiFi running on full blast to handle the wireless stream.

The average battery life of the Quest 3 is sub 2 hours on native games and wireless PC. External batteries is a tricky subject as people has had too many issues with the Quest 3 and battery since Meta decided to gimp the charge rate of the Quest 3. There are plenty of in depth posts about it.

My play sessions generally last longer than 6 hours since I’m running around worlds and chilling with friends in VRChat.

Re: Metro Awakening Tells a Series Origin Story on PSVR2, Out This Year


@SgtTruth I play VR mostly sitting down, so the cable doesn't bother me much. On top of that, you basically need to play the Quest 3 plugged to get any decent play time cause batteries only last for so long... Plus, the Quest 3 is my first wireless VR after owning 5 ( 2 Rifts, Samsung Odessey, Vive, and an Index) about to have a 6th Wired VR HMD. I've only ever really played VR with a cable. lol

While I get the blurry, light-bleeding fresnel mess. I'm not going to act superior and pretend like I haven't already gotten use to that after 7 years going on 8 years. My eyes have no issue adjusting to it.

Re: PS Plus Premium Adds Spider-Man 2 PS5 Trial Next Week


@Deoxyr1bose Some one open to the idea of buying spider man 2, but didn’t enjoy the first one to instantly drop $70 on the second… Some one also interested in the game but doesn’t care to much about super heroes to spend $70 but may be swayed if they had the chance to test out combat. I could think of multiple scenarios.

Re: Call of Duty Boss Takes the Top Job at Blizzard


@Jammsbro When the people who loves videos games get the required education, experience, and networking to get a job in this high of a position. Usually the people who like video games don’t have to personality for these kinda of roles, and would rather stay at the front playing, making them, or talking about them. Not handing the day to day mundane business aspect of it.

Re: Riot Games Is Laying Off 11% of Staff, Some 530 People


@RudeAnimat0r It for the players (myself) who likes the universe, Runeterra, and characters but can't stand the player base and gameplay. With the massive success of stuff like KDA, Arcane... etc. There is now a lot of new fans who have been introduced to franchise in different ways.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 on PS Plus Is Probably Never Going to Happen


@MasterChiefWiggum Have you seen how much Microsoft and Epic are paying these developers to hand their game away? Epic is giving away almost $18 billion worth of free games. They paid Warner Bro $6 million just to give away Batman Arkham. Trust me, developers are benefiting from getting their game on game pass or plus.

This guy is just able to say this cause he works for a private company, so don’t have to hit the same performance targets to please shareholders like a public company.

Re: Minecraft Legends Development Ends Less Than a Year After Launch


@Blaze215 "I guess the triple A industry has conditioned us to always expect an incomplete game at launch which will always need future updates"

It has nothing to do with the game or games being incomplete. Games pricing has gotten ridiculous along with living cost. People are expecting vastly more value per dollar. Your average gamer can't afford to drop $70 on one and done games anymore. When people can only realistically buy 1-2 games a year. You want the games you buy to have update to bring more content and features.

@GamingFan4Lyf I don't know how you didn't realize this was a supposed to a GAAS. Microsoft in general has been pushing GAAS. Dungeon and vanilla minecraft are GAAS. It would be expected that this was also a GAAS.

Re: Pour One Out for Gran Turismo Sport, Now Delisted from PS Store


@PixelDragon “Plenty of games from other publishers have had their servers shut down and games delisted”

Yes. Other publishers shut down games and servers. But my comment was about how quickly servers are taken offline. GT sport only just released in 2017… It taken the crew 1 10+ years finally be taken offline and delisted. You can’t buy FH3, but the servers are still very much online… I mean look at how quick Sony put LB3 out to pasture. The only time games are this quick to shut down servers is if it was flop.

Re: ISPs Seemingly Clamping Down on Downloads of Stolen Marvel's Wolverine Build


@koverby "And I think if you were one of the devs and someone stole your work and gave it to the whole world in an unfinished state…well…you would be a little upset"

I would be upset at the person who did. But I will not fault the people who take advantage of situation and let their curiosity get the better of them.

But like Vegra37 said, I'm not saying the hack was right or that those effected shouldn't be pissed. Just don't surprised when humans do something.

"Heck, I won’t even let people read over my shoulder as I draft a simple email. C’mon now…"

That really just sounds like a you problem and sounds like some sort of insecurity.

@Mince I mean... You're welcome look at my take however you want. People are opened to their own opinions. That what make us human.

People wouldn't be impatience if they weren't curious tho.

Don't know what donner meat is...

Re: Dev Behind PSVR2's Firewall Ultra Blames the Lack of Virtual Reality Support for Closure


@MrZurkonKeelYou “If it was great or even passable, companies like BOBOVR and Kiwi Design wouldn’t exist”

They would still very much exist. Their job is to provide a more premium option over the stock, not just to improve the wearability of the HMD.

“Unless you’re only going thru and playing it until the battery is dead after 95 minutes then maybe you can live with the stock strap.”

I mean… Your average person is only playing VR for like 1-2hrs anyway. No body is really spending 7-8 in VR unless you’re a streamer or one of those VRChat FBT weirdos who sleeps in VR. Granted, I do spend 8hrs in VR on VRChat genuinely.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Targeting September 2024, Will Have Proprietary Upscaling Tech


@thefourfoldroot1 That will only really happen when PSVR2 and PCVR HMD move more units. It ridiculous that the index is still $1000, and can still only be bought through steam which means the HMD can't be purchased worldwide... And the PSVR2 is barely selling.

Meta has pure dominance over the VR market, and that grasp has only tightened with the massive holiday sales of the Quest 2 this season... You're looking at another million sold of a headset that already sold 20 million plus.

Re: Naughty Dog Has 'More Than One' Ambitious PS5 Single Player Game on the Way


@Nem While there are multiplayer games releasing by the dozen. They’re all half baked f2p or early access game created by small indie studios. A naughty dog multiplayer game would have definitely been something to look forward to. A multiplayer game created by a high credited AAA studios, that employs some of the industry finest talent. All they had to do was release something with that naughty dog polish to it.

Re: Kratos Voice Actor Underfire for Roasting New Call of Duty Campaign


While we’re all like “Hahah… it a joke”. He should have kept it professional on stage. His actions last year already had a negative effect on this year show.

On a public stage at a public event. You shouldn’t be making jokes especially as a PoC. And while he may never work for Activision. People like to company hop, and have friends in high level positions at other companies. That 5 second joke just closed so many doors for him.

Re: Lead Bungie Staff Fear 'Total Sony Takeover' After Layoffs, Delays


@Porco Partnering with Sony isn’t just about financial assistance. Bungie has goals beyond games. Bungie’s plans was to continue to broadening its properties to movies, television, and other media. Areas where Sony have experiencing and studio/staff already willing to help. It would have been a nightmare for Bungie to work with movies and television studios to achieve what they wanted…

I mean look at Microsoft effort at getting movie and shows made of their IP. We’ve been wanting a massive budget halo movie/show since Bungie worked on the franchise… and the best we’ve gotten was the Halo tv show 🤮

Re: Lead Bungie Staff Fear 'Total Sony Takeover' After Layoffs, Delays


@Fiendish-Beaver Somewhat. It depends on the size of the company and the industry. The Tech industry especially when talking about FAANG has some crazy incentives. This is why I feel the rising cost of games isn't just the game budget increasing. But the massive cost of employee benefits and incentives. Who going to pay for the fancy offices and lobster dinner every 4th Tuesday out of the month. These incentives are how these companies are able to trick college graduates into working for them... But it also why the finding entry level job are so hard. You don't just want any college graduate. You want the best of the best.

One company I'm trying to apply to has a sabbatical. Every five years you are eligible for four weeks of paid time off. If you choose to spend your sabbatical in a country you've never been to before, the company will help fund the trip for you and a guest.

Re: Lead Bungie Staff Fear 'Total Sony Takeover' After Layoffs, Delays


@UltimateOtaku91 Them being valued at 7.7 billion mean nothing. They can ask for vastly more... Do you think Bungie and Minecraft was valued at 3-4 billion.

There is legal way around the whole store front thing. Microsoft has enough smart lawyers. But they definitely aren't massive PC storefront. They probably count for like 4-10% of the PC storefront market... TBH... Both would probably drop their store if they own steam.

But you also have companies like Embracer group, Tencent, Take-Two who would be willing to outbid Sony for Valve.