Comments 757

Re: Dying Light Studio Techland Set to Be Acquired by Tencent


@KaijuKaiser Really? Shovel ware? Embracer Group owns some of the best IPs on the market. The fact that you're turning around and calling IP like Metro shovel ware. LMAO

Who cares if they stay 3rd party or not. What Embracer Group is doing is no worse than what Microsoft is doing. All it takes a flip of a switch, and they could go from 3rd party to 1st party. Companies like Google wanted to offer stuff like Stadia as a white-label product which could have easily allowed any companies like Embracer Group a way to launch their own streaming/game subscription service.

Not to mention that owning that many IP and studios gives them too much leverage against platform holders like Sony, who can use them to get a better deal like 90/10 or even full 100% of the profits. Just like ABK was using Cod to get an 80/20 from Sony.

"wait and see when your only option will be GamePass at 20 plus a month to play games"

Who says that EA or Ubisoft couldn't do this?

Re: All of a Sudden, High on Life Is Out Now on PS5, PS4


@Fiendish-Beaver This is why I generally don’t pay attention to professional critics. The issue is that a lot professional reviews are done by people who don’t/didn’t want to review the game in the first place, and was just handed the project by their supervisors.

With High on Life having a humor style and a particularly artistic that lot of people don’t like. That could lead to poor reviews if not reviewed by some who enjoy it. As the actual moment to moment gameplay isn’t all that.

Re: Bungie's PS5 Marathon Reboot Recruits Top Halo Infinite Talent


@Rmg0731 Sony acquiring bungie wasn’t a normal studio purchase. It why Bungie costed Sony 2 billion. Bungie wasn’t signing any deals unless they could stay multiplatform, and forced Sony to pay way more than they’re worth to insure that talent stays on board after the purchase.

It no different to Microsoft’s Minecraft purchase. Zenimax and ABK could easily multi platform if they wanted to, but they don’t and aren’t going to force Microsoft to let them… The shareholders only care about lining their pockets with Microsoft’s cash.

Re: Destruction AllStars Dev Gobbled Up by Tencent Subsidiary


@StrawberryTurtle I’m not talking about Tencent. I’m talking about embracer group who have bought how many publishers now? Along with massive IP like Middle-earth Enterprises.

@Areus And I’m not surprised that they are being crushed under the weight of it. TBH I don’t know where they are getting the capital to buy everything they have… We can at see where Microsoft is getting the money. Windows and those Military contracts bring in a lot of money.

Re: Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Remake Reportedly in Early Development


@Jacko11 Origins, Odyssey or Valhalla are vastly too bloated. Rouge was mix, Unity was broken, no one even mentions Syndicate, AC3 was a mess, AC2 and Bloodline was dope, Revelations was just a good send off. I don't really know where AC1 fit into this. To keep things simple, I'm not counting the mobile, handheld, or 2D games... But was Black Flag is definitely the best if not in the top 3

Re: Layoffs Reported as BioWare Shifts 'Renewed Focus' to Mass Effect, Dragon Age


@Uncharted2007 "Why not use those resources to work on the main projects to get them done quicker"

What do you think they are doing? The renewed focus means that they are focused on getting those other games out quicker. That is why they offload STWOR to a 3rd party company and moving staff over to those games. If they didn't have renewed focus. They would just keep the game in house and have team continue to work on said title. Unfortunately, not all the staff can be move due to the fact you can't have duplicate of some positions and those other team already have those positions filled.

Re: Call of Duty Netted Almost $1 Billion in Revenue for PlayStation in USA Alone


@Bez87 The thing is that CoD probably don't actually make it money from people buying the game. They make their money through skins, battle passes, and stuff. So yes, they could potentially lose out on people buying the game for $70 every year but that doesn't matter if you have more people to sell battle passes to. Plus, Warzone is what matters, not the $70 games.

Re: PS5 Port of Body Horror Scorn Potentially Teased in Series of Cryptic Tweets


@NotSoCryptic Believe it or not, Xbox is probably a better place for niche games like this to market. Xbox isn’t over crowded with multiple games fighting for marketing space. Which allows games to actually stand out cause they’re more likely to grab people’s attention due to the limited amount of games coming to the platform. People was actually listing this as a major reason to pick up a Series X. Lmao.

Microsoft also can’t picky and choosy with games, so they far more likely to fund development and handle marketing vs Sony who would have far better games to pick from.

Re: Xbox Had Embargoed Persona Dev's Metaphor: ReFantazio After All, as Fantasy RPG Is Confirmed for PS5, PS4


@Kevw2006 They may not watch the stream, but they’ll browse through YouTube and see that Xbox dropped trailers, and not PlayStation/Nintendo (they still don’t have trailers dropped on their channels, and the Altus West channel still only mentions Xbox and PC in their release videos)

@UltimateOtaku91 It not about rushing out to buy consoles in 48 hours… These people may never buy the console at all. But it make the Xbox brand look like it gets more “exclusive” games then it does. Which may sway them to buy it in the future. Why do you think PlayStation paid so much money for marketing rights for stuff like Destiny and CoD. It make the game looks exclusive to their platform.

Re: Xbox Had Embargoed Persona Dev's Metaphor: ReFantazio After All, as Fantasy RPG Is Confirmed for PS5, PS4


@UltimateOtaku91 It not a waste of money. There plenty of people that pay so little attention to gaming that 1 trailer can easily sway them into thinking a game is exclusive to a single platform. For these kinds of people, the first few days of a game announcement is very crucial as most of them won’t do any further research until a month before the game comes out.

Re: Rebuilding the City of Baldur's Gate was Larian Studios' Greatest Fear; Now Its Proudest Achievement


@Triumph741 Not many. They released one game on 360 most likely due to the simplicity of porting PC games to the platform. But consoles are clearly an after thought after the PC versions. Hell, they had announced a MacOS version of Baldurs Gate 3 prior to even thinking about a console version. Console versions should have been announced day 1 even if they teased it for next gen only. PC platforms are clearly their priority.

Re: Rebuilding the City of Baldur's Gate was Larian Studios' Greatest Fear; Now Its Proudest Achievement


@Gamerintent55 “ Obsidian's output now seems to be moving away from their staple isometric rpg's which were fantastic and moving to the 1st person efforts mess that Avowed looks”

I don’t know where you’re getting that their staple is isometric rpgs? Literally Obsidian biggest game have been stuff like Fallout new Vegas and Outer Worlds. Avowed is right up their alley

Re: Two Diablo 4 Expansions Are Already in the Works at Blizzard


@TheArt Even tho I’m American since I put $ instead of £… I can still easily tell you that isn’t true as Jedi Survivor was 70, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 was 70… The list goes on. Yes something like Dead island 2 was 60. But most game especially next gen only game are pushing that 70 price tag.

Re: Two Diablo 4 Expansions Are Already in the Works at Blizzard


Losing Rod Fergusson as the studio head for The Coalition was a massive loss for Microsoft. The guy can clearly lead a team/studio.

Anyway, I am absolutely hooked on Diablo 4. None of the past 3 games was able to grab me in such a way that this one has. If It wasn't for the fact that i still have to eat, sleep, and go to work... I would never leave my computer screen.