Comments 757

Re: God of War Art Director Joins Netflix for AAA Project


@NEStalgia The thing is that I would expect Netflix to start small with more indie titles. Developing more unique stuff like Oxenfree since they own the studio. But it seems that they are jumping straight into the deep end... These aren't some small no name developers. They are some big names with some pedigree behind them.

Hopefully Netflix knows what they are doing. Game development isn't cheap, and they aren't exactly in a good financial position. Considering that they like to cancel stuff after one season if it aint an instant hit. The price of development has scared off giants like Google.

Re: Want to Be Immortalised in Diablo 4? Just Hit Level 100 on Hardcore Before Virtually Anyone Else


@Northern_munkey I know it has nothing to do with seasonal ladders… etc. It the fact that people was saying that Blizzard should hold off on the event till season 1 to give everyone fair footing due to the season not beginning till July. So you would have a month to prepare taking away the unfair edge for people who played the beta and preordered the deluxe edition. It’ll also give people time to enjoy the story without rushing through content.

Re: Sony Expects to Sell Over 108 Million PS5 Consoles This Generation


@Texan_Survivor I don’t think it has anything to do with the PS5 being a weaker console. We’re heading into an era where cloud gaming is gonna take up much of the casual space. Only the core gamers are going to still see interest in owning local hardware. Also I don’t see this generation lasting as long as the PS4. I mean we’re already hearing talks of a PS5 Pro.

Re: Want to Be Immortalised in Diablo 4? Just Hit Level 100 on Hardcore Before Virtually Anyone Else


@Northern_munkey I don’t really get this issue that people have… Any one “sweaty” enough to attempt something like this are usually the content creators, the people who pre order the fancy deluxe edition to get it a couple days early, and most likely already played the beta… The people who would want it to wait till the 6th or season 1 are the casual, and they wouldn’t have a chance anyway.

Re: Despite Facing Huge Hurdles, Star Wars' PS5 KOTOR Remake Is Still in Development


@Nem Sony is a smart company, and I am sure they made sure to consider way to get out of this deal if it doesn't suit them. Plus any bad press isn't going to affect Sony. It going to affect Embracer Group as it is still their game, and it their decision making and studios that lead to the poor state of the game that it currently in.

But we'll see in 10 years when this finally releases.

Re: Sony 'Not in Talks' with CD Projekt RED About an Acquisition


@Green-Bandit "release on PC there day one and still release games on PS possibly"

I mean... If Sony bought them. They could still release on PC and on Xbox. Bungie games are still multiplatform as part of the purchase agreement. But let's hope does games make it of oven as the recent news about the spin-off games being reboots, multiple lay off of developers, and talent leaving is not a good sign...

Re: Sony Significantly Scales Back Development of The Last of Us Multiplayer for PS5, Says Report


@NEStalgia "The "best" GaaS games have people compulsively playing it that aren't having fun but feel a need to push continuously at it despite it causing misery, and still pumping money into it."

This is so true especially when you look at the communities especially for Destiny. Do they do nothing but complain but yet they still dump hours into it, buy the skins, battle pass, and every DLC. Evern my close friend is a Destiny addict who has over 2k hrs into the just Steam version alone... Does nothing but complain about how he not having fun but continues to play and spend.

Re: Xbox Wouldn't Shoot Itself in the Foot by Yanking Call of Duty Off PS5, Says EU


@Renegade_master "The number of games that could potentially decline in quality"

ABK only makes like 3 or 4 games (CoD, Overwatch, WoW, and Diablo)... And most of these are already have massively declined in quality. At least under Microsoft, we could have still gotten the PvE for Overwatch. ABK is literally sitting on a bed of used IP especially all those unused Sierra Entertainment cause as soon as one of their studios makes something good... They are killed off to join the CoD and Blizzard mines.

"MS killed their biggest Franchise in Halo and most of the development Studio"

While it suck about what happened to Halo, I do not feel sorry for 343. They are directly to blame for the downfall of Halo and the studio need to have been killed off during the Xbox One generation. But if it have been nothing but good news since they killed of most of the top management.

Re: What the Hell Is Going on with The Last of Us Factions, Naughty Dog's Standalone PS5 Multiplayer Game?


@Oh_fiddlesticks I don’t think it going to show up at SGF either. I wasn’t expecting it at the PlayStation showcase either. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the franchise come June, and both Naughty Dog and Last of Us have out grown PlayStation. They will probably be hosting their own events to mark the 10th anniversary, show off faction, drop information on season 2 of the show, and hopefully announce a PC port of Part 2 🤞

Re: Sony's Bungie Buyout Puts PS5, PS4 Themed Items in the Destiny 2 Store


@Nepp67 I don't think it comes down to the weapon they use... But what aligns best with the culture of the Samurai. Warlock in destiny fit more with the culture of the Samurai than a Titan or Hunter would. It similar to how to Ghost being a Cordyceps from Last of Us make sense due to when Ghost revives their Chosen, they are bonded together from that point forward. A "neural symbiosis" begins between them.