Comments 757

Re: GTA 6 Publisher Is Anticipating a PS5 Pro


@KaijuKaiser I don’t really know what your comment has to do with mine, but I generally have no issues with game performance when it comes to PC gaming… Elden Ring had performed fine for me since release, and well… Jedi Survivor doesn’t meet my standards on any platform. If anything, even with the worse PC optimization, I can still get a better experience than consoles cause I’m fine with buying expensive hardware.

Re: SEGA Could Join Sony in Raising Its Game Prices to $70


Unless Sega plans to massively upgrade the quality of their games I won't be paying $70. Nothing they release is worth a $70 price tag. Everything they release still looks and plays like a late PS3-Early PS4 Era game.

There are very few games/studios I will buy a $70 game from... Sony's game I will gladly pay $70 for.

Sorry, Nintendo, I don't not care how good ToTK is. Until you release hardware where I can get higher performance than 720P/20FPS. Your games are not worth the $70... I don't see how any games made on the Switch have a budget so great that you need a $70 price tag to recoup cost.

With Microsoft that a tircky one....

Re: Original Crash Bandicoot Voice Actor Brendan O'Brien Has Passed, Aged 60


@KaijuKaiser At least with Microsoft owning the character. There is at least a future. Cause it not like Activision had any real plans for the character. They killed off Vicarious Visions and is slowly moving Toys for Bob over to CoD as a support studio. Microsoft buy out is both Crash; and even maybe Spyro last chance. Since there was talks of bring back Skylander due to the influx of cash, hardware manufacturing and supply chain that Microsoft can provide.

Re: Sorry, But the Drama Over Xbox's Activision Buyout Ain't Over Yet


@XenonKnight I'm a PC gamer, so them making CoD Xbox/Window only doesn't bother me, but I absolutely don't see CoD going Xbox/Windows only. Even if they was able to get everyone on Game Pass. CoD is an esports game, and esports games have to be on as many platforms as possible to stay profitable. The only way I can see CoD going exclusive is if they massive scale down how often CoD releases a new game, and content by moving studios away from the IP. Which is possible since Phil wants to move Toys for Bob from working on CoD to working on other retro games.

Re: Insomniac 'Working Hard' to Make Spider-Man 2 Its Best Game Ever


@Heavy_Artilery style AND substance is subjective. Are they pretty looking games. Yes. But the actual gameplay (the punch and counter, free-flow combat, collectable filled map...etc) of those games has been done to death by this point, and the only thing that make those games worth playing is if you like a good Batman game.

Re: Insomniac 'Working Hard' to Make Spider-Man 2 Its Best Game Ever


@swagbag7 Arkham City was a product of it time. None of the Arkham games really hold up well today cause so many games have come out and have done what they did better.

But the thing is Spider-Man also doesn't bring anything new to the table that hasn't been done in the Arkham games or past Spider-Man games. It just offers it in a more polished package.

If Spider-Man has release at the same time as Arkham City. It would have probably been rated higher.

Re: Xbox Boss Admits Microsoft Can't 'Outconsole' PS5


@theMEGAniggle Meh, about better games. Cause let’s be honest, the big Xbox 360 selling point wasn’t Halo and Gears, it was CoD. When you and your bros got sick of getting Gnashered in gears and got bored of Halo. Most just hop on CoD. So Xbox being a better place to play cod with a mostly solid 60, and first dibs on DLC meant more than better games.

Re: Titanfall Series Director Cooking Up 'Something New' at Respawn


I get everyone wants Titanfall 3, but let the studio create what they want. The studio is clearly very talented. I would prefer for them to create titanfall 3 when they’re ready to make it, not when we’re ready for it to be made. I would love to see what else they can create when the game isn’t related to the titanfall or Star Wars universe.

Re: Prepare Yourself for More Sonic as Frontiers Fuels Software Sales for SEGA


@GADG3Tx87 “ So it makes sense to take games away from other people when a publisher is doing just fine? And for what? Bragging rights?”

I think you miss understanding my point

But No. Not from the sense of taking games away from other people. From the sense if Microsoft was going to purchase another publisher. Sega is only next logical choice. Buying either EA, Square Enix, Take two, or Konami makes no sense. These companies offer nothing useful or have any type of history with Microsoft. It doesn’t matter if their history happened 20 years ago. Sega also cares more about taking Microsoft money considering they was fine turning their back on long term Yakuza PlayStation fans and making the next generation of Like a dragon exclusive to Xbox. Sega also had a large presence on PC with owning studios like Creative Assembly (developers of Halo Wars 2) , Relic, and Amplitude.

Re: Prepare Yourself for More Sonic as Frontiers Fuels Software Sales for SEGA


@GADG3Tx87 lmao. I guess it based on what you consider struggling.

Sega does make sense for the next purchase, not because they’re financially “struggling”, but because they’re the next logical step. I have personally always the consider the Xbox the spiritual successor of Sega consoles. And if you have looked at the share history of each company… it makes sense.

Re: Activision Poised to Pocket a Cool $3 Billion if Xbox Buyout Breaks Down


@Mikey856 I did i ever argue that the consoles wasn't a failing product? My whole thing has been about the Xbox brand, not the Xbox box.

"The amount of work they done to bring the 𝘽𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙙 back from pits of doom during the early Xbox one launch is nothing less than astounding."

"Is Microsoft failing to sell console, yes. Are they failing to consistently deliver AAA games on time, yes. But Xbox 𝘽𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙙 is a far better place than what it was during the late 360 and early Xbox One generation."

"Will they ever reach the height of early Xbox 360, probably not. But Xbox continues to see massive engagement and growth within their 𝘽𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙙 even with the drop in console hardware revenue."

Re: Activision Poised to Pocket a Cool $3 Billion if Xbox Buyout Breaks Down


@Serialsid @MasterVGuides Maybe it cause I'm not a hard-core consoles gamer (Xbox gamers aren't just console owners. They are PC and Cloud gamers as well), but I'm a PC/Console/Mobile/Cloud gamer. I don't base a company success on how many plastic boxes they sell, or how many AAA games they push out in the year. I base a company success on the growth and engagement of their Brand. Xbox and Playstation aren't just cute little boxes to play games on anymore, so basing their brand success on how they may sell is ignorance. Microsoft financial result show that console sales drop 30%, but overall Xbox gaming revenue only dropped 4%, Xbox content and services revenue was up 3%, and this second strongest Q3 ever for Xbox gaming revenue. This is showing that Xbox is doesn't need console sale to be successful.

There is a reason Sony is pushing PC, Mobile, and leveraging their talent in the films and Tv industries. They want you to always be engaged with Playstation products. If you own the console cool whatever. But if you don't, why not play the games on PC or mobile, or watch movies and TV shows bases off these IPs.

Even if they got their ducks in a row. Xbox consoles sales will still fall to the waist side as over all the Series X|S aren't great consoles in general. The PS5 is a superior console full stop.

Re: Activision Poised to Pocket a Cool $3 Billion if Xbox Buyout Breaks Down


@Mikey856 They are far from the pits. Bring back legendary franchises such as Microsoft flight simulator and Age of Empires, releasing fantastic smaller indie titles like HiFi Rush and Pentiment. Continuing to deliver and update quality Live Service game such as Grounded and Sea of thieves. Offering a decent subscription service, and low cost entry for next gen gaming with Series S consoles. Pushing to forefront with Cloud gaming. Crossbuy/Cross save/Cross progression between PC and Xbox. The availability of their games on Steam. The purchase of Minecraft that has given us the chance to experience the Minecraft universe in other genres of gaming with Dungeons and legends…. Etc. The list goes on.

Is Microsoft failing to sell console, yes. Are they failing to consistently deliver AAA games on time, yes. But Xbox brand is a far better place than what it was during the late 360 and early Xbox One generation. Will they ever reach the height of early Xbox 360, probably not. But Xbox continues to see massive engagement and growth within their brand even with the drop in console hardware revenue.

Re: Activision Poised to Pocket a Cool $3 Billion if Xbox Buyout Breaks Down


@JSnow2 “ Gonna bet we'll see some sweeping changes to their leadership.”

TBH this statement right here is what has scared me about the whole ABK situation. While some will say Phil and his team has been terrible. I would argue they’ve the been the best leadership Xbox has ever had. The amount of work they done to bring the brand back from pits of doom during the early Xbox one launch is nothing less than astounding. Anyone else would have given up and completely moved on. Swapping leadership again mid gen is not going to be a good look, and whoever replaces them probably won’t be great.

Re: Microsoft Goes Scorched Earth Over UK's Activision Buyout Block


@Balosi They already have how many studios working solely on CoD? And it not really about them pull renounces away. TBH Sledgehammer Games should not be working on CoD at all. None of their games have been good. I have no idead why Activation continues to let them spear head projects.

But It more so about them continuing to add further studios to the CoD mines. Activision have Toys for Bob working on Warzone. That warzone effort could be put toward a Crash 5 or new Spyro, and maybe under Microsoft we could have saw that, but now we're stuck with Crash Rumble.

Re: Microsoft Goes Scorched Earth Over UK's Activision Buyout Block


@Kidfried @The_Crow_Chat @Balosi It not even just about Gamepass. A lot of people was hoping that the inflex of studios who specialize in first person shooter would see the Halo franchise removed from 343 studio into more capable hands, or those studios could play a support role cause 343 and Certain Affinity just ain't cutting it.

Potential possible release of WoW and Starcraft on consoles.
There is the aspect of crossbuy for Xbox-PC gamers and hope that Blizzard releases their games on Steam.

There are a lot of IP that Activation is just sitting on that isn't being used because they choose to just pump out CoD. Microsoft could have revived alot of those dead IPs. I guess we can just look forward another 10 years of just CoD. I also give Toys for Bob another year and a half before they are put into the CoD mines.

Re: CMA Expected to Rule in Favour of Microsoft's $69 Billion Acquisition of Activision Blizzard Tomorrow


TBH all of Sony supporters should be happy about this deal. There is no Xbox is going to survive this purchase with all the extra bloat they’re gonna have to take on from any trouble ActivisionBlizzard has caused. Buying companies isn’t just about getting the IP and studio. You’re also taking on their financial struggles and outstanding debt. Netease is in the process of suing blizzard for $44 million. Who do you think has to pay that $44 million after the purchase?

Re: The Order 1886's Dev Ripped Apart by Facebook Owner After Acquisition


@Nepp67 They had an extremely good relationship with Oculus studios that lead to some of best VR games on market being created. Oculus Studios was basically like PlayStation studio quality for VR. It just recently that Zuckerberg decided to go down this path of destroying everything the teams at Oculus and their first party developers has created over his obsession of the metaverse.

Re: Destiny 3 Begins Trending on Twitter As Fans Are Fed Up with Current Game


We really need a soft reboot of the franchise with Destiny 3. I’ve bought, played, and lost every dlc since launch. I have no clue what is going on lore wise. They keep name dropping terrible sounding character name that adds little to nothing to the story… But I keep playing cause a friend is a massive destiny nut and it the only game that makes him happy and helps with his depression. I’m also his only friend who willing to play it.