Comments 449

Re: Review: Nuclear Throne (PS4)


Apparently this is the game I'm getting from indiebox this month, I love roguelikes in general, but the frenzyness of it all doesn't really do it for me.

Re: Yakuza Zero May Not Release in Europe on PS4


The PS4 can have multiple accounts, nothing is stopping you from making an US one and downloading it from the US store. And you can also just import the game in general if it does have a phycsical release.

I don't see the problem.

Re: Star Ocean 5 Delays Its Adventures on PS4, PS3


It's really disappointing, I bought SO3 used, but apparently the game has some weird loading technology which gets all messed up the second either your PS2 or disk has even minor wear & tear, it took between 2-3 minutes to load a single battle, which obviously is rather unusable. It's a shame too cus the game did seem really good. I loved Star Ocean Second Story on the PS1.

Re: Review: Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires (PS Vita)


It's more of a create your own story sort of deal. Basically you pick any given character and you're always tasked in unificating China whether it's as a Lord's underling or a Lord yourself (you can pick at the beginning and if you want there are options to betray your lord etc.), you're doing some not-very deep recource management and at any given time you can invade one of your neighbours or they made invade you at which point the game changes to the classic Warriors style gameplay, the difficulty of the battle depends on how well you and your opponent are doing in the recource side of things.

Every now and then when there is a major event (Like you're promoted to a higher rank or you marry someone), the game may treat you to a cutscene, they're ingame graphic cutscenes in which any given character in partake in, they've given all the characters exclusive lines in the cutscenes, but not matter the actors they will always play out the same.

Re: Review: Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires (PS Vita)


I played the PS3 version and I gotta say I liked 7 Empires a lot more.

They really messed up the 2 player in this one, player 2 is stuck with the default stratagems that come with the any given character which most likely are pretty mediocre.

Also even though I liked that you aren't forced to do every single defensive mission now since the game just let's you fortify your defenses or whatever in the menu, but I feel there should be a much larger penalty if you decide to do it that way, it takes a neglible amount of recources and takes away all the tension you had when you we're being invaded from every side that was present in 7 empires.

Also I don't now if this was a problem with the other versions also, but on the PS3 version there was quite often a problem that the game didn't load enemy mooks fast enough which made overtaking bases take far longer than it should since you didn't have enough enemies to defeat.

8 Empires just was a big cesspool of problems, and seriously do hope they improve on that. And for petes sake please remember that your games have 2 player modes, don't make the 2nd player gimped from the get go.

Re: Feature: 25 Games That Will Make PS4's 2016 Insane


I'm really looking forward to Star Ocean 5, that together with Disgaea 5 we're the main reasons I finally caved and bought a PS4 a month ago. Though the price drop was a factor as well.

Gravity Rush, Nier Automata, Project Setsuna, Tekken 7, Guilty Geard XRD Revelator and Final Fantasy 15 are on my radar as well.

Re: Review: BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Extend (PS4)


The story mode took a massive step back from continuum shift due to there not being a exclusive story for every character. And even what was there was completely ruined by Celica who quicly became one of the most aggravatingly obnoxious video game characters I've ever seen.

The gameplay is the same basic fare has been up until now, which is fine.

Re: Review: Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance (PS4)


I like Disgaea because it's an japanese RPG, and those are what sell systems for me.

PS4 is also getting Star Ocean 5 next year and then there's Final fantasy 15, That chrono trigger lookalike game and Kingdom Hearts 3 in the pipeline as well, not to mention plethora of fighting games, which are other genre I really enjoy. All those together are enough to make the PS4 worth getting in my books.

Re: Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires Is Invading the PS Vita Later This Year


8 Empires was pretty disappointing, at least on the PS3 at times the enemies loaded way too slow, which caused taking over bases take forever and on 2 player mode, player 2 couldn't learn any new stratagems and was stuck with whatever the character had in the beginning.

Those two things really took away a lot of enjoyement from me and is why I consider 7 Empires to be the far better game.