Comments 449

Re: TrackMania: Turbo Open Beta Boosts onto PS4 This Weekend


I just wish this game had a custom music feature of some kind, the default soundtrack in this game is absolutely terrible to the point of making it unplayable for me. And at least the beta version seemed to have a glitch where it would play the music even if you had it turned off from the settings.

Re: Review: Samurai Warriors 4: Empires (PS4)


Another thing I kinda want to know: The game DOES have 2-player offline co-op first of all right? I've heard somewhat mixed messages about this. Then other thing, in DW8E player 2 was massively gimped because he could only the basic stratagems each character had and unlike player 1 couldn't learn more. If you've given 2 player co-op a try, does Player 2 get all the same benefits and features as player 1 in battles?

Re: Review: Samurai Warriors 4: Empires (PS4)


I've got this pre-ordered but my copy hasn't even been sent yet. Kind of annoying.

@ShogunRok Well, here is a question: Do the enemy officers use Musou moves in this one? For whatever reason they didn't in the original SW4 and I felt that made the game way too easy.

Re: Video: Top 4 PlayStation Games - February 2016


I dunno about all this, but I decided to buy Nobunaga's Ambition Sphere of Influence last sunday, and boy was that a great purchase.

That gets my playstation game of March 2016 award, screw the fact that the game was released last year.

Re: Review: Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence (PS4)


Strategy titles, especially ones in large scale like this one, are very hit or miss with me, but thankfully it looks like this will go to the hit gategory. Love the crazy amount of customization and the style this game has, the music is decent as well.

Re: Hooray, Star Ocean 5's English Voices Don't Sound Too Bad


Yah, that kinda worries me too. With spells and super moves being thrown left and right I would except it might get a tad confusing. Not to mention having to manage that many characters' equipment and whatnot might also lead to a bit too much time being spent on the menus.

Oh well, guess we'll see.

Re: Get Your First Look at PS4, PS3 JRPG Star Ocean 5 in English Tomorrow


Agreed Last Hope's dub was truly terrible. I generally like to play with english dubs, but by the time Lymle shows up anyone halfway sane will switch to the japanese VAs. Sadly that didn't improve the characters themselves, aforementioned Lymle still is one of my most hated video game characters of all time and the rest of the cast is pretty terrible as well.

I'm rambling now I realize, I liked parts of Last Hope, particularly the battles and the enviroments but there was a lot of stuff that annoyed me. I hope that SO5 is closer to the quality of the excellent Star Ocean Second Story.

Re: Star Ocean 5 Promises to Be a Silky Smooth 60fps RPG on PS4


Energyyyy.... Arrowww.... SO Second Story was cool like that.

But if you're specifically refering to Last Hope. Ugh, that was one of the very few instances where I was forced to switch to the japanese VAs, it was just that gringeworthy, though sadly that didn't make the characters any more likeable.

Re: PS4 Fans Are So Mad at PlayStation Plus They're Making Parodies


Considering these are supposed to be just bonuses for paying for the online I don't really see what people are complaining about.

I haven't payed for PS+ a single time myself yet because I barely do online and the current subcription model just doesn't work for me. I wish we could have the option to instead pay for game hours. Like for example I could pay 5 bucks and it would give me 10 hours of online game time, and the time would tick only when I actually play online. Something like that would fit me much better.

Re: PS4 Remains the Best Place to Play, Says Sony


Well, for me the 3DS is the best place to game atm (JRPGs galore!), but PS4 still has a plenty of potential, it has some decent releases already, but nothing I would write home about, well except Axiom Verge but that is a multiplat nowadays. The console itself is very solid.

Re: Review: Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth (PS4)


@ultranx I believe I mentioned that I would withhold my full judgment until I beat the game. No need to get angry.

That being said I have beat the game now and my opinion hasn't changed. Some of the endgame bosses were a bit more interesting, but the AI never really improved and it got really frustrating when they started to throw bosses healing moves that heal way more than you can deal damage with an average party in quite a few turns, ending the battle just became a matter of whether or not the AI felt like spamming their healing move.

As a small compliment the story did get better after about halfway point and I did end up quite liking most of the main cast of characters even with the questionable localization quality. But overall I still found it a mediocre JRPG for the reasons I stated on my earlier post. I would give the game something between 5/10 and 6/10.

Re: Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Gets a Load of Free DLC Today


I managed to struggle through it, it got a little better in terms of stuff actually happening after the midway point and it did have some pretty exciting set-pieces for boss battle and whatnot at times, but it was a very mediocre RPG overall.

Loved the Digimon designs though, VenomMyotismon's (derpy) evil eye lasers we're pretty awesome.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 105


Number 3 is awesome too, and a lot more refined compared to BoF2 in terms of gameplay. Both games share amazing soundtracks, stories and characters.

I tried 4, but the game had a weird shift to this arabic style music, which I abolutely hated. And when I don't like the soundtrack in the game, it just ruins the entire experience for me.

I played through BoF1 as well, it was alright. Nothing more, nothing less.

Re: Round Up: Street Fighter V PS4 Reviews Rise Up


Cool I guess, Street fighter just has never appealed to me for some reason. The gameplay just feels exceedingly stiff and slow compared to many other modern fighter and even with the HUGE cast of characters in 4 I had trouble picking any character I actually liked, everyone just seemed to belong either to the "cool" quiet type or super eccentric (to the point of being obnoxious), only few characters being somewhere in between.

I'll just wait for Tekken and the new Guilty Gear instead.

Re: Review: Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth (PS4)


Well.. More so the battles themselves (Though I do wish the battle system in itself was a bit more complex too). The boss battles aren't very interesting at all, they just repeat the same patterns which sometimes don't even make much sense, one of the bosses I recall used: a move to buff itself -> strong attack -> move that puts confusion on one of your peeps.

And the boss just repeated the same pattern over and over again.. even though the effects of the buff hadn't even faded at that point it just recast it. And that is a recurring theme I've noticed with battles in this game. the bosses are just so basic and boring, even older RPGs had some elements of randomness to their moves, I would accept that too, though adapting AI would obviously be the best choice.

Re: Review: Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth (PS4)


That's a pretty generous score. I'm at chapter 7 now and even though it's definetly not bad, it's not that good either.

For a Digimon game there seems to a bit too little focus on the actual critters, the battles are kinda basic and boring (made even more apparent when in between game sessions I played the Bravely Second demo, which had far more to it's battle system). And the translation has been pretty goshdarn terrible.. The e-mail system messages in particular seem to have been translated out of context, which make some of the replies make zero sense.

The game also has messed up many of those dialogue choice options. It's hard to explain, but basically they have the "choose your rensponse" thing pop-up when it's just a regular old line, and it's awkward as ****.

I do enjoy the Digimon raising, the art style is fun and colouful and the music is actually pretty catchy at times.

I'm thinking 6/10, but I'm starting to lean to 5/10, but I will hold my judgement until I'm done with the game.

Re: Review: Atelier Escha & Logy Plus (PS Vita)


I've owned the PS3 version since it was released but still haven't touched it. I wasn't the biggest fan of Atelier Ayesha either.

I wish this company tried making their games bit more RPG like instead of just making then about doing menial tasks. they clearly have the talent to do that as they proved with Mana Khemia, which was an excellent mixture of classic JRPG style with the item crafting stuff they have here.